• Teaching

    Courses of the Inclusive Education Research group

    The contents of the courses offered by the Inclusive Education Research Group concern basic scientific theories, concepts and empirical findings of inclusive education studies; they also deal with  didactic and teaching methods as well as with potential- oriented diagnostic and support in teaching-learning situations.

    In particular, the courses are bound up with educational science modules in teaching education (bachelor- and master degrees). We also accompany the students during the practical phases of their studies. Furthermore, we offer seminars in educational studies without the teaching-focus.

    You may acquire further information about the specific range of courses offered in the previous and current semesters on the individual websites of our team.


    How to register for our courses

    Register for our courses using the official registration procedure of HIS-LSF.

    If you want to participate in the lectures “Inclusive education in schools and classes” (SOP-module) and “Theories, concepts and empirical findings of inclusive education in schools and classes” (ULI-module) independently of your curricula, e.g., in the last semester of your bachelor, you will receive further information in the first lecture session. Please avoid sending private requests via e-mail. You may find all relevant guidelines for participating in the modules in educational studies here.

    Find further information on the registration process for our courses here.

    General references to required activities will be provided in the first sessions of the lectures.

  • Exams (graded)

    Term Papers

    In our seminars you will receive material (guidelines) and checklists with detailed information on how to write an academic term paper.

    If you have questions on topics or other individual concerns please contact us via e-mail. Relevant formal criteria for taking your examinations are listed in the specific examination guidelines of your degree programme and on the website of the examination office.

    For further information on how to work, write and research scientifically, go to the university library’s website (LOTSE - Homepage) or arrange for an individual consultation (Schreibberatung).


    Oral exams

    Subject to the examination guidelines of your study programme you can take an oral exam in our courses. For all relevant information on the registration process click on the following link.

    Specifics on the procedure of oral exams will be communicated in the first session of the lectures.

    For topic-related questions please contact us via e-mail. 

  • Bachelor- and master thesis

    If it is at all possible for us, we can offer to supervise your bachelor or master thesis. In order to find a supervisor suitable for your topic ideas, we suggest that you look into the thematic focuses of our team on our websites. Please contact us via e-mail to discuss your ideas; subsequently we will make an appointment during office hours to plan your thesis. If nothing stands in the way of the topic’s approval, you will then write a short exposé (topic, title suggestion, introduction to the topic, specific research question, methodological approach and initial table of contents). You may find further information on guidelines for your thesis here.

    Master theses can also be written within different research projects of our group, namely:

    ESPEN – Emotional, social and psychological development of primary school students
    (Contact: Prof. Dr. Karolina Urton, Gesa Klemp)

    FairGrades – diversity sensitive assessment and fair grading
    (Contact: Prof. Dr. Karolina Urton, Alina Sophie Peters, Tabea Meierjohann)

    Have a first look at these projects in the research section.


    Information on writing a bachelor- or master thesis in the project

    In our seminars we provide you with material and checklists on how to write an academic thesis.

    Also, you are welcome to participate in a “research group inclusive education”, in which you learn to plan and write your thesis (and present your ideas and workflows to other students). Please register via e-mail to Prof. Dr. Karolina Urton.

    For further information on how to work, write and research scientifically, go to the university library’s website (LOTSE - Homepage) or arrange for an individual consultation (Schreibberatung).