Brazilian and German Researchers and Students meet at IPBP to fight Infectious Diseases
Brazilian and German Researchers and Students meet at IPBP to fight Infectious Diseases Already for the 4th time, a Scientific Workshop along with a Winter School of the Strategic Partnership Program between the University of Münster and the University of São Paulo, Brazil, (WWU.USP ), topical focus „Neglected Diseases“ was organized and held at IPBP from Feb 01 – Feb 08, 2020.
In this event, group leaders of WWU’s faculties of chemistry and pharmacy as well as medicine met their Brazilian counterparts in order to strengthen their network of scientific cooperations, combined under the title „Cells under Fire – Multimodal Approaches to fight Intracellular Human Pathogens“.
This network, comprising 24 research groups (12 from each, WWU and USP), exists since 2016 and many successful bi- and multilateral cooperations between WWU and USP scientists have been established.
As a strong aspect ensuring the sustainability of this network, young scientists (master and doctoral students as well as younger post docs from both Universities) have participated and actively contributed to the event in the form of a Winter School.
Here, as in the three meetings before (Münster, 2016, Ribeirão Preto, 2017, São Paulo, 2018), the principal investigators gave lectures on their various fields of expertise and the young researchers presented their ongoing research related to a multitude of relevant aspects in the fight against infectious diseases in a series of excellent lectures and posters (The program with lecture abstracts and list of participants of the event is found here).
As the organizer of this event and speaker of the German part of this network, my most cordial thanks go to all those who actively contributed to the organization and the program of this truly interdisciplinary event!
Support by the Brazil Center as well as the International Office of WWU is most gratefully acknowledged.