
The M.Sc. in Business Chemistry combines business and natural science modules. The programme starts in the winter semester with an introductory course to help students make the transition from the laboratory to business. The first two semesters focus on the fundamentals of business, while in the third semester students specialise in chemistry. The master's thesis is written in the fourth semester.

  • Duration: Four semesters, starting in the winter semester
  • Credit points: 120 LP
  • Structure:
    • Optional introductory course at the beginning of October
    • Semester 1 & 2: Business specialisation of 60 LP
    • Semester 3: Chemistry specialisation of 30 LP
    • Semester 4: Master's thesis of 30 CP
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Modules Semester 1+2 ( Business Administration and Economics)

In the 1st and 2nd semesters, we teach you essential management skills in modules that are taught by the Business Chemistry team and colleagues from the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.

  • Strategic management in research-intensive industries

    • ECTS: 9
    • Examination type: Written exam
    • Description: The module focuses on strategic orientation and decision-making in research-intensive companies. It deals with theories and practical approaches of strategic management, innovation management and technology assessment in order to provide students with the ability to analyse complex strategic challenges and develop solutions.
  • Economy and law

    • ECTS: 8
    • Exam type: Written exam
    • Description: The course provides a comprehensive understanding of economic theories, market mechanisms and legal framework conditions relevant to the chemical industry. The focus is on the application of economic principles and the analysis of legal aspects such as patent law and private law.
  • Operations Management

    • ECTS: 5
    • Examination type: Written exam
    • Description: Students learn methods for optimising production processes and increasing efficiency in production. The focus is on topics such as quality management, process optimisation and supply chain management.
  • Marketing

    • ECTS: 5
    • Examination type: Written exam
    • Description: Introduction to the fundamentals and specific challenges of marketing in research-intensive markets. The module covers topics such as market analysis, product development, brand management and communication strategies.
  • Electrochemical energy storage: production, sustainability and availability

    • ECTS: 5
    • Examination type: Project work
    • Description: The focus is on the technological, economic and ecological aspects of electrochemical energy storage systems, in particular lithium-ion batteries, including the challenges and opportunities of their production and utilisation.
  • Accounting

    • ECTS: 5
    • Examination type: Written exam
    • Description: Teaching knowledge of internal and external accounting, including balancing, cost calculation and analysing financial reports.
  • Theories of innovation and technology management

    • ECTS: 6
    • Examination type: Seminar paper and presentation
    • Description: Development of the theoretical foundations of the management of innovations and technologies, with a special focus on the implementation of innovation strategies in companies.
  • Applied statistics

    •  ECTS: 5
    • Examination type: Written exam
    • Description: The module focuses on statistical methods and their application in economic-chemical research and practice. Topics such as data analysis, statistical hypothesis testing and modelling are covered. Analyses are carried out using the open source programming language R.
  • Digitalisation in innovation management

    • ECTS: 5
    • Examination type: Project work
    • Description: Students acquire basic knowledge in the application of the programming language Python and analyse freely accessible information sources such as publication and patent databases in order to answer questions of modern strategic management and innovation management.
  • Start-up-Management

    • ECTS: 7
    • Examination type: Business plan and presentation
    • Description: Preparation for the foundation and management of start-ups, particularly in the chemical industry. Topics include business model development, financing and market entry strategies.

Modules Semester 3 (Chemistry specialisation)

In the 3rd semester, you will specialise according to your interests and professional goals by choosing two chemistry modules (15 ECTS credits each). You will complete these modules in the Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy.

  • Modern organic molecular chemistry

    • Description: In-depth insights into organic chemistry, focus on the synthesis and analysis of modern organic molecules and their areas of application.
  • Applied analytical chemistry

    • Description: Application and consolidation of analytical methods and techniques to solve complex chemical problems, including modern instrumental analysis. The practical project is carried out in groups as part of a problem-orientated teaching and learning approach.
  • Modern aspects of analytical chemistry

    • Description: Exploration of the latest advances and methods in analytical chemistry, with a focus on their application in current research areas. The research internship is carried out individually and under the direct supervision of an assistant.
  • Biochemistry/biophysical chemistry

    • Description: In-depth knowledge of biochemistry, especially RNA biochemistry, and biophysical chemistry in order to prepare students for practical application in laboratory work as well as for the conception and realisation of scientific projects.
  • Medical chemistry

    • Description: Study of the design and development processes of drugs in the pharmaceutical industry, including research into their mechanisms of action and therapeutic applications. Students will also acquire the skills to qualitatively and quantitatively analyse selected medicinal substances from substance mixtures and finished medicinal products.
  • Electrochemical energy storage and conversion

    • Description: Detailed consideration of the fundamentals and applications of electrochemical processes for energy storage and conversion. Students will be able to understand the functional principles of modern electrochemical storage and energy conversion processes, which are also relevant in industrial applications, and apply them to selected systems.
  • Theoretical chemistry

    • Description: Introduction to the concepts and methods of theoretical chemistry, with a focus on computer-aided modelling and simulation of chemical systems.
  • Industrial Chemistry

    • Description: Overview of industrial chemical production, including process technology, plant operation and environmental aspects.
  • Methods of spectroscopy

    • Description: In-depth study of spectroscopic methods for investigating the structure and dynamics of matter.