Tracheenröhre eines Fruchtfliegenembryos (Drosophila). Die Zellmembranen wurden mit der „brainbow“-Technik mit verschiedenen fluoreszierenden Proteinen markiert. Bei einigen der Zellen (links) wurde die Oberfläche mit Hilfe einer Software segmentiert und dargestellt.
© Dominique Förster, Stefan Luschnig

Internationales CiM-Symposium 2017

Cells in Motion: Pattern formation in space and time
Münster, 4.–6. September 2017

Veranstaltungsort: Hörsaal GEO1, Heisenbergstraße 2


Neue Einblicke erhalten, sich untereinander austauschen über Forschung diskutieren: Der Montagabend des CiM-Symposiums.
Neue Einblicke erhalten, sich untereinander austauschen über Forschung diskutieren: Der Montagabend des CiM-Symposiums.
© CiM - Roberto Schirdewahn
  • Gute Laune im Hörsaal: Das Publikum hörte vielfältige Vorträge der internationalen Referenten.
    © CiM - Roberto Schirdewahn
  • Über die gesamten drei Veranstaltungstage lockte das Symposium viele interessierte Zuhörer an.
    © CiM - Roberto Schirdewahn
  • Dass das ganze Leben ein Bauplan ist, zeigte im Abendprogramm Benny Shilo vom Weizmann Institute of Science.
    © CiM - Roberto Schirdewahn
  • Auch die Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und Nachwuchswissenschaftler des Exzellenzclusters erhielten eine Bühne, ...
    © CiM - Roberto Schirdewahn
  • …um ihre Forschung dem Publikum vorzustellen.
    © CiM - Roberto Schirdewahn
  • Vom Hörsaal an die Poster: Abends in entspannter Atmosphäre kamen die Forscherinnen und Forscher miteinander ins Gespräch…
    © CiM - Roberto Schirdewahn
  • …und präsentierten viele interessante Forschungsbeispiele aus CiM-Arbeitsgruppen.
    © CiM - Roberto Schirdewahn

Wenn sich ein Organismus entwickelt, ordnen sich Zellen zu dreidimensionalen Strukturen zusammen und bilden Muster. Auch innerhalb einer Zelle erzeugen die einzelnen Zellbausteine Muster, die dann zu bestimmten Funktionen führen. Doch welche Prozesse stecken dahinter? Dieser Frage gingen im September 2017 internationale Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler an der WWU nach. Beim Symposium des Exzellenzclusters „Cells in Motion“ (CiM) präsentierten die Referenten aus Chemie, Mathematik, Physik, Biologie und Medizin ihre aktuellen Forschungsergebnisse.

Die Themen der Experten reichten von der molekularen Selbstorganisation und der Membranorganisation über die Interaktionen von Zellen miteinander sowie der Interaktionen von Zellen und ihrer Umgebung. Ein weiterer Themenschwerpunkt des Symposiums waren verschiedene Bildgebungstechnologien, mit denen die Forscher die Muster und untersuchten Prozesse sichtbar machen können. Neben den eingeladenen Referenten aus aller Welt und den CiM-Gruppenleitern erhielten auch die Nachwuchswissenschaftler des Exzellenzclusters eine Bühne, um ihre Forschung vorzustellen.

  • Conference Report

    International CiM Symposium | Cells in Motion: Pattern formation in space and time | Münster, 4–6 September 2017

    In a true testament to interdisciplinary research, the 2017 International CiM Symposium was recently held at the WWU Münster and brought together experts from the fields of biomedicine, biology, chemistry, biophysics, mathematics and computer science. The organising committee (T. Betz, R. Gilmour, G. Lenz, S. Luschnig, A. Rentmeister, S. Schulze-Merker, R. Wedlich-Söldner, B. Wirth - all WWU Münster) decided on the alluring conference theme “Patterns in space and time” and left the interpretation entirely up to a veritable who’s who of leading experts. The challenge for each speaker was to effectively convey sophisticated, cutting edge science to a mixed audience of clinicians and natural scientists. The end result was a 3-day tour-de-force in manipulating, studying and understanding cell behaviour.

    Following a general introduction to the Cluster of Excellence “Cells in Motion” by Lydia Sorokin (WWU Münster), the opening session (Chair: Volker Gerker, WWU Münster) on membrane organisation began with a thoughtful discussion of membrane-localised interactions and transport diffusion processes in cells by Mathias Röger (TU Dortmund). From mathematics, the programme then switched to biophysics and a lecture by Milos Galic (WWU Münster) on nanoscale membrane deformations and their effects on lamellipodia re-initiation, cell shape and migration pattern. The session concluded with a lecture from Patricia Bassereau (Institut Cuire, Paris) on I-BAR proteins and Ezrin in the context of curved membranes.

    Session two entitled “Visualising cells and manipulating processes in living cells” (Chair: Andrea Rentmeister, WWU Münster) focussed on the important role of chemistry. The importance of bio-orthogonal reactions in visualising drug metabolism and embryogenesis was emphasised by Nathan Leudtke (University of Zürich). In a switch to glycochemistry, Benjamin Schumann from Stanford University spoke about glycosyltransferase bump-hole engineering to dissect mucin-type O-glycosylation in living cells. The session was rounded off by Markus Affolter (University of Basel) who delivered a lecture entitled “Angiogenesis live: new insights and new tools”.

    Session three, chaired by Milos Galic and Sebastian Rumpf, provided a platform for young investigators funded through the CiM Cluster to share their latest results.  Speakers included Johannes Fels, Robert Meissner, Maniraij Bhagawati, Kathleen Hübner and Sargon Yigit (all WWU Münster).

    The evening lecture, chaired by Erez Raz (WWU Münster), was delivered by Benny Shilo from the Weizmann Institute of Science. Entitled “Life’s Blueprint”, this talk was a beautiful balance between scientific complexity and everyday occurrences. Peppered with photographs and images from Shilo’s own collection, the lecture was both accessible and expressive. The first day of the meeting concluded with a reception and poster presentations.

    The first session on Tuesday 5th September (Session 4. Chair: Ryan Gilmour, WWU Münster) kicked off with Arndt Siekmann’s (WWU Münster) lecture entitled “Endothelial notch signalling limits angiogenesis via controlled artery formation”. This was followed by a change in pace to mathematics and a presentation on modelling biological transport mechanisms by Peter Markowich from the University of Cambridge. The session concluded with the sole industrial speaker, Nick Meanwell (Bristol-Myers Squibb) who gave an account of BMS’s development of modulators of hepatitis C virus NS5A.

    Session 5 focussed on the theme of mechanobiology (Chair: Timo Betz, WWU Münster), beginning with the subject of tissue viscoplasticity in a lecture by Michel Labouesse (Institut de Biologie Paris-Seine). Maja Matis (WWU Münster) addressed the control of tissue mechanics, before handing the floor to Matthieu Piel (Institut Curie, Paris) for lecture intriguingly entitled “Squeezing the nucleus”.

    Central to the CiM initiative is cellular communication, the subject of session 6 chaired by Stefan Lusching. Commencing with a lecture by Stefan Sigrist (FU Berlin) on pre-post-synaptic communication patterns, the session then moved to chemical ecology and explored cellular communications in a two-kingdom symbiosis (Jon Clardy, Harvard University). Regeneration was the subject of the next lecture by Kerstin Bartscherer (MPI for Molecular Biomedicine), specifically understanding the mechanism of this process in flatworms. The final talk of this session moved to mathematics, and was given by Jan-Frederik Pietschmann (WWU Münster) on the development of a phase separation model with non-local interactions.

    Following a short break, the second day concluded with session 6 entitled “Frontiers in imaging” chaired by Michael Schäfers (WWU Münster). David O’Hagan (St Andrews) demonstrated how an enzyme can be harnessed to form 18F-C bonds for application in positron emission tomography. Wolfram Pernice (WWU Münster) shared his lab’s latest results in the field of photonic nanostructures for imaging, and the session concluded with a lecture from Erik Sahai (The Francis Crick Institute, London) on cancer cell invasion in complex environments. The programme concluded with a Speakers Dinner held in the Picasso Museum, Münster (Restaurant La Californie) and a convivial evening was had by all.

    The final day (Session 8, Chair: Roland Wedlich-Söldner, WWU Münster) was opened by Zena Werb from the University of California, San Francisco who discussed cancer progression and the importance of intravital imaging in revealing cell-matrix interactions. Peter Seeberger (MPI Potsdam) then discussed the importance of chemical glycobiology as a platform for vaccine development, and demonstrated how automated glycan assembly can facilitate this process. The penultimate lecture of the session was delivered by Britta Trappmann from the bioactive materials lab at the MPI in Münster entitled “Regulation of cell fate by extracellular matrix stiffness”. The finale to session 8 was provided by Martin Schwartz (Yale Cardiovascular Research Group) who lectured on the response of cells to forces applied through integrins.

    Session 9 was devoted to tissue morphogenesis and chaired by Stefan Schulte-Merker (WWU Münster). The temporal basis of angiogenesis was addressed by Katie Bentley (Uppsala University) before a switch in themes to spatiotemporal control of dendrite pruning in Drosophila by Sebastian Rumpf (WWU Münster).

    The 2017 International CiM Symposium was a huge success thanks to the 31 national and international speakers who were so very generous in sharing both their time and expertise. On behalf of the organising committee, we would like to express our deepest gratitude. Of course, a meeting of this complexity would not have been possible without the   organisational support of our very dedicated CiM Office team, and in particular Ann-Christin Dietrich and Christel Marx

    The symposium was an excellent way to celebrate the Cluster’s success in Münster, but perhaps more importantly it provided inspiration and motivation for the future. We look forward to welcoming you to the next meeting in 2019!

    Christiane Natsch and Ryan Gilmour

  • Organisatoren

    • Prof. Timo Betz, Institut für Zellbiologie
    • Prof. Ryan Gilmour, Organisch-chemisches Institut
    • Prof. Georg Lenz, Medizinische Klinik A – Hämatologie und Onkologie
    • Prof. Stefan Luschnig, Institut für Neuro- und Verhaltensbiologie
    • Prof. Andrea Rentmeister, Institut für Biochemie
    • Prof. Stefan Schulte-Merker, Institut für kardiovaskuläre Organogenese und Regeneration
    • Prof. Roland Wedlich-Söldner, Institut für Zelldynamik und Bildgebung
    • Prof. Benedikt Wirth, Institut für Numerische und Angewandte Mathematik