Maria Giangkitseri
© Maria Giangkitseri

Dr. Maria Giangkitseri

Research associate

Fields of work and interests

  • Byzantine music
  • Women's chant
  • Gregorian chant
  • Musical paleography
  • Vita

    Maria Giangkitseri studied instrumental and vocal pedagogy (piano class) at the Hochschule für Musik in Detmold. After that followed a master's degree in musicology and a doctorate at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen.

    She was awarded the prize of the German Academic Exchange Service for her master's thesis on music and life in contemporary northern Greek women's monasteries.

    The topic of her dissertation was concepts and practices of musical education using the example of monophonic liturgical music of the Eastern and Western Church from the Middle Ages to the 21st century.

    She is a member of the study group for paleography of Byzantine music at the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki.

    Maria Giangkitseri has been working as a research assistant on the Corpus Musicae Ottomanicae project since June 2024.

  • Publikationen/Publications/Yayınlar


    • 08. 2022 Monasticism across borders. 21st Quinquennial Congress of the International Musicological Society: Music across Borders, Athens, Greece
    • 11.2021 Musik und Mönchtum in Griechenland im 21. Jahrhundert - Ergebnisse einer Feldforschung. Online Ringvorlesung Musik und Religion im 21. Jahrhundert Folkwang Universität der Künste
    • 07.2020 St John Koukouzeles’ papadic chants. Mathemata in honor of the Thessalonian Saint Demetrios the Myroblite. Präsentation zusammen mit der Study Group for Paleography of Byzantine Music “Chrysorrhemon”, 13th Masterclass of Byzantine Chant, Iași
    • 06.2020 Cheironomy as a modern pedagogical tool in the teaching of monophonic church music. An example from the Gregorian chant First International Musicological e-Symposium: MELISMATIC CHANT REPERTORIES, Thessaloniki
    • 09. 2019 Elements of physiology of voice and vocal technique in Byzantine medical and theological writings titled “De Opificio Hominis”, Ιnternational Musicological Conference IMS, Bucharest
    • 02.2018 Pedagogical views and approaches of medieval church music. International PhD Musicological Conference of Thessaloniki
    • 11.2018 La tradizione della musica bizantina nelle icone della Pala d’Oro de San Marco, Präsentation Byzantinischer Gesänge im Rahmen der Konferenze Bessarione e la musica, zusammen mit der Gruppe für Byzantinische Paläographie der Aristoteles Universität von Thessaloniki, Venedig


    • Konzepte und Praxen der musikalischen Ausbildung am Beispiel der einstimmigen liturgischen Musik der Ost- und Westkirche vom Mittelalter bis zum 21. Jahrhundert. Dissertation veröffentlicht im griechischen Nationalarchiv für Dissertationen,, (28.07.2022)
    • Elements of physiology of voice and vocal technique in Byzantine medical and theological writings titled “De Opificio Hominis” E-journal, IMS-RASMB, Series Musicologica Balcanica 3, 2022, e-ISSN: 2654-248X, (
    • Cheironomy as a modern pedagogical tool in the teaching of monophonic church music. An example from the Gregorian Chant (Kongressakten in Vorbereitung)