Photo of Zeynep Helvacı

Zeynep Helvacı

Research assistant and assistant of Prof. Jäger

Fields of interest

  • Music archaeology
  • Music anthropology
  • Ethnomusicology


    • Vita

      Born in 1979 in Ankara, studied sociology at Ankara University (2001), received her master’s degree in social-cultural anthropology at Hacettepe University (2005) with a thesis on „The role of music in the reconstruction of cultural history“. She completed another master’s degree in musicology at Başkent University with a thesis on the history of lyres in Ancient Greece and Near East (2007). She carries out her PhD under the supervision of Prof. Ralf Martin Jäger since 2008 on the subject of ancient musical instruments of Asia Minor.

      She worked as an assistant at the Conservatory of Başkent University (2004-2007) and as a research and teaching assistant at the Chair of Ethnomusicology at Institute for Music Research of Würzburg University (2010-2012), where she also had teaching assignments from 2014 to 2016. Since 2012, she is a research and teaching assistant at the Institute for Musicology of Münster University.

      She works for the CMO project since October 2015, where she is responsible for the technical implementation of the edition in co-ordination with Istanbul and Bonn, and assists Prof. Dr. Jäger in project administration.

    • Publikationen/Publications/Yayınlar


      • Rhythmic Cycles and Structures in the Art Music of the Middle East (=Istanbuler Texte und Studien, hrsg. vom Orient-Institut Istanbul), hrsg. von Ralf Martin Jäger in Zusammenarbeit mit Zeynep Helvacı und Jacob Olley, Würzburg 2016.
      •  „Antike Musikinstrumente Kleinasiens“, in: Die Tonkunst, Heft IV/2015, Weimar: Die Tonkunst e.V., 2015, 430-33.
      • “At the Crossroads of Many Disciplines: A Discussion on the Theory and Methodology of the History of Music”, in: Musical Perceptions - Past and Present. Studien zur Musikarchäologie VII (= Orient-Archäologie 25, hrsg. vom DAI-Orient Abteilung), Ricardo Eichmann, Ellen Hickmann und Lars-Christian Koch (Hg.), Rahden/Westf.: Verlag Marie Leidorf, 2010, 89-92.
      • “Hitit Müzik Kültüründe Lirler”, in: VII. Uluslararası Hititoloji Kongresi Bildirileri. Çorum 25-31 Ağustos 2008 / Acts of the VIIth International Congress of Hittitology. Çorum, August 25-31, 2008. 2 Bände, Aygül Süel (Hg.), Ankara: T.C. Çorum Valiliği, 2010, Band I, 389-98.
      • (in Zusammenerbeit mit Dr. Lütfü Erol): „Kültürel Kimlikte Doğu-Batı İkileminin Çözülmesinde Müziğin Rolü”, in: Uluslararası Asya ve Kuzey Afrika  Çalışmaları Kongresi. 38. ICANAS, Dilek, Z. (Hg.) Ankara: Atatürk Kültür, Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu Yay., 2008.
      • "Müzik ve Arkeoloji Üzerine", in: Müzik Dosyası, Ankara: SCA Yay., März 2007.
      • “Kültürel  Kimlik  Bağlamında  Müzik  Kültürümüz  ve  AB  Süreci”, in: Müzik Sanatımız ve AB Süreci. Sampozyum: 17-18 Mart 2006, Arzu Cengiz (Hg.),  Ankara: Sevda-Cenap And Müzik Vakfı, 2006, 199-204."‘Türkiye’de Müzik Alanının Bugünkü Durumu ve Geleceği’: Bir panelin ardından…", in: Müzik Dosyası, Ankara: SCA Yay., November 2005.
      • "Müzik Sosyolojisinin Doğuşu“, in: Müzik Dosyası, Ankara: SCA Yay., Juli 2004.