Have you ever considered studying in Brazil for one or two semesters?
There are many reasons to study abroad in Brazil. At our numerous partner universities, the level of the courses is mostly comparable to that at the University of Münster. However, English-language courses are unfortunately not yet the norm. Therefore, if possible, you should take preparatory Portuguese courses at UM and in Brazil - and take the opportunity to learn another foreign language! The cultural richness, the characteristic hospitality of the Brazilians as well as the highly diverse and impressive nature will certainly make a study period there a very special experience!
The student exchange via the central university agreements of the UM is organised by the International Office, whereas the responsibility for student exchange within the framework of the departmental agreements lies with the respective departments. For general information about a semester abroad in Brazil, please contact the central International Student Advisory Service or Ms. Carina Koch, whose contact details you find under this link.
In addition, the Brazil Centre can provide you with further information on our partner universities and on studying and living in Brazil in general. Please also have a look at the testimonials, which will be available soon on this website.