Results of the joint call for proposals SPRINT FAPESP-Uni Münster

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The projects selected by the joint call for proposals with FAPESP (Sao Paulo Research Foundation), the Brazilian state agency with the most resources available for promoting research, were announced. Four mobility projects between researchers from the University of Münster and the state of São Paulo were selected to receive seed funding. These initiatives should serve to prepare joint research projects through mutual scientific meetings and visits. The projects are carried out under the FAPESP-SPRINT (São Paulo Research in International Collaboration) funding program.

FAPESP made available up to 10,000 euros per project. The University of Münster also contributes up to 10,000 euros per project, with 50% of these funds provided by the Brazil Centre and 50% co-financed by researchers with other funds (institute, department, third-party funds, etc.).

The selected projects are:

Effects of different experimental titanium alloys on proliferation and osteogenic potential of humane osteoblast in vitro 

Principal investigators:

Prof. Dr. med. dent. Johannes Kleinheinz (Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Münster)
Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Galo (Faculty of Dentistry, Universität von São Paulo)

The effect of filter lifespan in continuous renal replacement therapy on the rate of new infections in critically ill patients: a prospective multicenter observational trial

Principal investigators:

Prof. Alexander Zarbock (Clinic for Anaesthesiology, Surgical Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Therapy, University of Münster)
Prof. Dr. Lucia da Conceição Andrade (School of Medicine, University of São Paulo)

Geometry in Münster and São Paulo

Principal investigators:

Prof. Dr. Linus Kramer (Mathematics Institute, University of Münster)
Prof. Dr. Claudio Gorodski (Mathematics and Statistics Institute, University of São Paulo)


New diagnostic options for enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC)

Principal investigators:

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Dobrindt (Institute for Hygiene, University of Münster)
Prof. Dr. Waldir Pereira Elias Junior (Bacteriology Lab, Butantan Institute)

The results of the call SPRINT 2/2022 are also availabe on FAPESP’s website.

FAPESP and the University of Münster maintain a cooperation agreement since 2014. So far, three projects have already been funded in previous SPRINT calls: two in the area of information systems and mathematics or physics and one in the area of geoinformatics, with partners from the University of São Paulo (USP) and the National Institute for Space Research (INPE). You can read more about FAPESP and its relevance to the funding landscape in Brazil here.