Klapper, Robert, Dr. rer. nat.
Study coordinator for the BSc and MSc programs
University Münster
Faculty of Biology
Schlossplatz 4, Room 210
48149 Münster
Tel: + 49 251 83-24638
E-Mail: bioscie@uni-muenster.de
Consultation hours: Wednesday 8-10 a.m. or by appointment.
Changes in consultation hours or cancellation of consultation hours will be announced here.
- Classifications and recognitions (BSc and MSc programs)
- Counseling for students (planning and changing studies, stays abroad, etc.)
- Advice for prospective students
- Information events (internal & external)
- Online module handbook and module choices
- Study program planning & development
- Audit regulations, implementation of new requirements
- (Re-)Accreditation
- First Year Module in Natural Sciences (Two-Subject Bachelor): Internship "Introduction to Scientific Work
- First Year Module Biology: Practical Course "Laboratory Biology", Part: Crossing Genetics