Welcome TO THE SP BioSciences!
We are looking forward to getting to know you as an active member of the SP BioSciences and to involving you - from the very beginning and beyond your doctorate!
The members of the open-topic SP BioSciences offer many opportunities for networking, exchange and cooperation. This is what makes science interesting: In the SP BioSciences you can get to know other doctoral candidates, new perspectives arise in conversation and discussion, in the workshops and in the joint events. The SP BioSciences - More than just a PHD!
Warm Welcome to Helena Boldt!

We are very pleased to welcome Mrs Helena Boldt as a new colleague in the team of coordinators of the SP BioSciences.
She starts today at the University of Münster and can be found at Schlossplatz 4, third floor, room 313.
Hello Helena, nice to have you here!
3rd SP BioSciences Symposium: Sustainability for Science - Science for Sustainability!
Read the report here.