The Archaeological Museum owns one of the largest model collections of ancient monuments, sites and sanctuaries. This impressively illustrates the reconstructed state of buildings, squares and "statue forests". Here, the foundation of the Korfsmeyer Collection is particularly noteworthy, as it is, as it were, a cultural monument itself. In addition, the unusual scale of 1:100 increases the vividness. In particular, the models of the great sanctuaries of Olympia and Delphi or the Athenian Agora as the "cradle of democracy" translate the ancient travelogues in combination with excavation results and enable a holistic approach to Greek and Roman cultural history.
The majority of the architectural models are currently housed in the rooms of the Museum am Nienkamp, precisely where the plaster casts are located. A desirable future perspective for this department of the museum is the possibility of public accessibility. Because of its proximity to the Academy of Fine Arts and the University of Applied Sciences for Architecture, the Leonardo Campus would be a suitable new home, as this collection could also be used by students from other disciplines.