AR Felipe Espinoza Garrido
Englisches Seminar
Universität Münster
Johannisstr. 12-20
D-48143 Münster
Phone: +49-(0)251-83-24650
E-mail: espinoza.garrido@uni-muenster.de
Room: 309
Student hours during term break:
Thursday, 6 February, 9-10 am
Thursday, 13 February, 9-10 am
Tuesday, 18 February, 9-10 am
Please click here to sign up for my student hours via LearnWeb.
[Note: I will be on research leave from February until June. At this point, I cannot accept further requests to supervise B.A. or M.A. theses.]
Felipe Espinoza Garrido is Senior Lecturer for English, Postcolonial and Media Studies at the University of Münster, where he received a PhD in literary and film studies. He holds an M.A. in political science, and has previously taught media and cultural studies at the University of Dortmund. Specializing in popular culture and postcolonial studies, he publishes on Black British writing and museum culture, Afrofuturism, Victorian and neo-Victorian literatures, as well as transnational film and television. Felipe is currently working on a monograph on post-Thatcherism in British cinema, and one on empire imaginations in popular Victorian women’s writing.