FAQ: Term papers and Presentations

Term Papers

When planning your research paper (i.e. term papers and final theses), please hand in a proposal comprising the following four parts: an abstract of one to two pages containing the working title of your paper, an outline and the corresponding bibliography. (1) The abstract defines the aim(s) of your paper, it explains methodological aspects and explains the significance of the chosen topic. (2) The working title specifies the subject area and the focus of your paper, and the form you have chosen. (3) The outline describes the structure of your paper. Make sure to indicate a word-count for chapters and sections of your paper. (4) The bibliography lists primary and secondary sources, including texts you have already read and those you still need to read. Further information on how to write a paper can be found here
Your proposal also contains: your name, email, date, seminar title or type of exam.

In-class presentations

For a guideline please download the following document:

Presentation guidelines