Summer Term 2021
Here are the classes taught by staff members of the Chair of English, Postcolonial and Media Studies during the summer semester 2021.
Prof. Dr. Mark U Stein
AOR Dr. Silke Stroh
Felipe Espinoza Garrido
Deborah Nyangulu
Julian Wacker
Prof. Dr. Mark U Stein
Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies II
094968 , 094972 | Lecture
This course will be taught online via live Zoom sessions.
Participants need to have attended Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies I.
Porous Textualities: Writing Across Borders
094979 | Lecture | Mon. 10-12
Postgraduate Class (Literary Studies)
095098 | Colloquium | Tue. 08.30-10
Kolloquium "Postcolonial, Transnational and Transcultural Studies"
095071| Oberseminar | t.b.a.
Date and room for this seminar will be discussed and settled at a later point in time.
AOR Dr. Silke Stroh
Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies II
094969 , 094971 | Lecture
This course will be taught online via live Zoom sessions.
Participants need to have attended Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies I.
Literature from Zimbabwe and the Zimbabwean Diaspora
095062 | Seminar | Thu. 10-12
This seminar will provide an introduction to anglophone literature from Zimbabwe and the Zimbabwean diaspora. This entails an introduction to relevant general historical, social, cultural and literary frameworks, followed by specific case studies of selected literary texts from a range of genres. We will also relate our close readings to postcolonial theory and other theoretical frameworks, both regional and international.
Details on the main primary texts will be announced as soon as possible. Further, shorter set texts will be selected in consultation between teacher and students as the semester unfolds.
This course will be taught online via live Zoom sessions.
Sprache-Literatur-Kultur: Offene Veranstaltungen für Fachmasterstudierende des FB 09:LE 1, LE 3, LV 4, Ke 1, KE 3, KV 1
Anmeldung für diese Studierendengruppe bitte direkt bei der Dozentin
Reading Class: Gruppe II, 4. Sem. (Literature & Culture)
094987 | Übung | Wed. 10-12
ALL students interested in the Reading Class should also consult the general information on the Readings Module which has been posted in our LSF course catalogue (directly under the heading ”Modul 9: Readings in Language, Literature and Culture (nur BA HRSGe, BK & 2-fach)".
Much of the course will be administered via a Learnweb folder shared by all students who have chosen the Literary and Cultural Studies option for this module in this semester (whether with or without Reading Class). Registration for the Learnweb folder is now open! The folder is called ”Readings S4 LitCult-2021_1”; you can sign up without a password. Please do so as soon as possible. You should use the first week of term to read the guidelines in the folder and start getting organised; our first meeting takes place in the 2nd week of term (21 April) via Zoom (link also in the Learnweb folder).
Felipe Espinoza Garrido
Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies II
094973 | Lecture
Participants need to have attended Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies I.
Transnational Gothic since the 18th Century
095063 | Seminar | Thu. 14-16
Sprache-Literatur-Kultur: Offene Veranstaltungen für Fachmasterstudierende des FB 09:LE 1, LE 2, LE 3, LE 4, LV 2, LV 4
Vorkenntnisse: sehr gute Englischkenntnisse
Anmeldung für diese Studierendengruppe bitte direkt beim Dozenten
Deborah Nyangulu
Postgraduate Class (Literary Studies)
095095 | Colloquium | Tue. 10-12
This postgraduate colloquium is the second part of Research Module I and is open to MA NTS students interested in pursuing projects related to literary and cultural studies. Students taking this part of research module I will build on knowledge, experience and skills gained in semester 1. Students will further develop specialised research interests, pursuing independent studies on one or several topics of their choice which may/will lead to (and later complement) their Master theses. The colloquium is specifically designed as a space for presenting ideas on individual MA thesis projects with peers and the course instructor providing feedback. Students also receive guidance on how to plan for and write their MA theses in a timely manner. Information on academic writing, research methodologies and theoretical frameworks, including career advice will also be provided depending on students' needs. If you are enrolled in this course, please email me any (preliminary) ideas on your MA thesis topic at least a week before the first day of class. Make a self-needs assessment and also include in your email research skills that you already possess & research skills which you think you lack. First session will be on Tuesday April 20. In this second part of Research Module I, you will also be expected to complete and hand in your research portfolio which you started working on in semester 1. Research portfolios are due August 31, 2021. More course information will be circulated via email a few days before our first session.
Namwali Serpell’s The Old Drift: Übung Theory and Literature (Gruppe IV)
094992 | Übung | Tue. 12-14
For this practical course we will read and use Namwali Serpell’s The Old Drift (2019) as our primary text with the aim of achieving the following:
- To help you develop your skills in literary analysis, which include close reading, talking and writing about literature.
- Reading texts together with co-texts and in their historical contexts. In the case of The Old Drift, these co-texts and contexts will draw on material from Serpell’s own oeuvre, secondary sources on The Old Drift, Zambian literature and history, African literature, global anglophone literature, geopolitics, and world history.
- To help you become more versed in theory and theoretical discourse in the analysis of literary texts.
Please acquire the novel. More course information is available on the course Learnweb's folder.
Julian Wacker
Undergraduate Research Class II (Literary Studies)
095027 | Seminar | Mon. 14-16
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Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies II
094974 | Lecture
Participants need to have attended Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies I.