© Sperlinger

Ellen Barth

Englisches Seminar / Book Studies
ES 121, Johannisstr. 12-20, 48143 Münster
Telephone: (0)251-83-24883

Email: e_bart10@uni-muenster.de

Office Hours

Summer Term 2024

Wednesdays 12:30-1:30pm
Sign up on Learnweb or by email.


  • Research Interests

    • women’s book history and feminist bibliography

    • amateur and non-traditional publishing

    • community cookbooks

    • feminist print culture

    • American book history

    • the book in transnational contexts

  • Teaching

    BA courses:

                Theory and Literature - Understanding Material Culture

    Women's Liberation in America: Consciousness Raising in Print

    Second Wave Feminist Print Culture (University of Augsburg, teaching assignment)

    MA/MEd courses:

                Activist Cookbooks

    Boundaries of the Book: Forms, Materials, Contexts

    Second-Wave Feminist Print Culture in the US and UK: Books as Action 

    Publishing Online Fanfiction: Practices, Problems, and Possibilities

    Community Cookbooks in the American Melting Pot

    Books with Bite: Over 200 Years of American Cookbooks

    Print Culture and Second-Wave Feminism Across Anglophone Cultures

    What Makes a Book a Book?: Forms, Materials, Contexts

    Women in Print Culture: 1960s to 1990

  • Doctoral Thesis

    Ellen Barth's defended doctoral dissertation examines self-published American community cookbooks to consider women's participation in alternative and amateur book production in the second half of the twentieth century. This research has been supported in part by a 2019 Michigan State University Libraries Special Collections Visiting Fellowship and the 2021 BSA-Pine Tree Foundation Fellowship in Culinary Bibliography.

  • CV

    Ellen Barth is a research and teaching associate in Book Studies. Originally from the United States, Ellen holds a bachelor’s degree in Asian Languages and Literatures from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. In 2018, she completed the M.A. National and Transnational Studies program at the University of Münster. Since 2023 Ellen has been recording secretary for the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing (SHARP).

  • Publications

    Book Chapters

    “Online Learning, Library Access and Bookcase Insecurity: A German Case Study”, co-authored with Chandni Ananth, Laura Ntoumanis and Natalia Tolstopyat. Bookshelves in the Age of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Eds. Corinna Norrick-Rühl and Shafquat Towheed. Cham: Palgrave, 2022, pp 237-257.

    “Indignization through Illustration in the Shimbun Shôsetsu of Meiji Japan.” Journale Lesen / Reading Journals: Lektüreabbruch – Anschlusslektüren / Coherence and Interruption. Eds. Volker Mergenthaler, Nora Ramtke, and Monika Schmitz-Emans. Hannover: Wehrhahn Verlag, 2022, pp. 273–286.

    Peer-reviewed Articles

     “No Taxation for Menstruation: The Book’s Role in Menstrual Activism.” Mémoires du livre / Studies in Book Culture, “Exploring Transnational Dimensions of Activism in Contemporary Book Culture,” 13, no. 2 (2022), pp. 1–30. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7202/1100560ar

    Student and Online Publications

    “Resistance Print Shop Sandwiches.” The Historical Cooking Project, May 2, 2024. http://www.historicalcookingproject.com/2024/05/guest-post-resistance-print-sandwiches.html

    “‘Her Work Shouts Out!’: Feminist Embroidered Texts in the Era of Social Media.” TXT (2023), pp. 35–44. https://txtmagazine.pubpub.org/pub/barth-embroidered-texts.

    “Minding the Gap: Online Quaranzine Distribution and/as Pandemic Participation.” TXT, 8 (2021), pp. 13–18.

    “Reading the Changes: Variance and Digital Tools.” Satura, 2 (2020), pp. 22–31. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17879/satura-2019-3064.

    “Update Soon!: How Readers Shape Online Fanfiction.” TXT (2019), pp. 119–129.

    “A Brief History of Book Studies in Münster.” Satura, 1 (2018), pp. 85–90. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17879/satura-2018-3141

    “Bookswapper.de and the Easily Shared Paper Book.” TXT (2018), pp. 153–158. https://hdl.handle.net/1887/123158

    Book Reviews

    “Kennan Ferguson. ‘Cookbook Politics’.” Amerikastudien/American Studies, 67. 3 (2022), pp. 379–381. https://doi.org/10.33675/AMST/2022/3/1

    “Tessa Jordan. Feminist Acts: Branching Out Magazine and the Making of Canadian Feminism.” SHARP News, 21 June 2022. https://www.sharpweb.org/sharpnews/2022/06/21/tessa-jordan-feminist-acts-branching-out-magazine-and-the-making-of-canadian-feminism/

    “A Poetics of Editing, by Susan L. Greenberg.” SHARP News, 25 February 2021. https://www.sharpweb.org/sharpnews/2021/02/25/susan-l-greenberg-a-poetics-of-editing/


  • Current Projects

    "Cookbooks in/as American Culture: Identity, Community, Action": special issue of "American Studies. A Quarterly / Amerikastudien" (co-edited with Corinna Norrick-Rühl, see CfP here)