

(Anglophone and German) book industry associations and reading agencies

(Anglophone) book history societies and centers

Libraries and archives (selection)

Museums (selection)

Glosseries and other resources


 (Anglophone and German) book industry associations and reading agencies

American Booksellers' Association
Book Industry Study Group
Booksellers' Association (GB)
Börsenverein des deutschen Buchhandels [de]
Publishers' Association (GB)
Reading Agency (GB)
Stiftung Lesen [de]

(Anglophone) book history societies and centers

American Printing History Association
Bibliographical Society (GB)
Bibliographical Society of America
Bibliographical Society of Canada
Centre of the Book in the Library of Congress
Deutsches Bucharchiv München [de]
Grolier Club
Institute d'Histoire du Livre
Oxford Bibliographical Society
Printing Historical Society
Rare Book School School (USA)
Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing (SHARP)
Society for Textual Scholarship

Libraries and archives (selection)

Bodleian Library Oxford
British Library
Cambridge University Library
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek [de]
Edinburgh University Library
Fachinformationsdienst Buch-, Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft (FDI BBI) 
Harry Ransom Center
Harvard University Library
Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel [de]
Huntington Library
John Ryland's Library (University of Manchester Library)
Library of Congress (USA)
National Library of Canada
National Library of Scotland
Publishers Weekly Digital Archive
Yale University Library

Museums (selection)

Gutenberg Museum Mainz [de]
Druckgrafisches Museum Weimar [de]
Museum für Druckkunst Leipzig
Museum Plantin Moretus (Antwerp)
St Bride Foundation (London)
The Type Archive (London)
World Map of Printing Museums (by AEPM)

Glossaries and other resources

Glossary of book history terms (Folger Library)

Glossary of book terms (AbeBooks)

Glossary of Early Modern Popular Print Genres

The Language of Bindings Thesaurus (LoB)

Penguin Random House Publishing Jargon Buster