"Human Potentialities"


"Human Potentialities"
edited by Lothar Fietz (†) and Bernfried Nugel (Münster: LIT, 1998ff.)

The series "Human Potentialities": Studien zu Aldous Huxley und zeitgenössischer Kultur / Studies in Aldous Huxley and Contemporary Culture includes monographs on the modern writer and thinker Aldous Huxley and his cultural environment. Throughout his oeuvre Huxley has raised the question of man's possibilities of development. Especially in his later works he used the term "human potentialities" to signifiy man's capability of utilizing his own potential in a more satisfactory way and of employing it culturally as an individual and a social being. In this respect, Huxley, as a matter of principle, took into consideration avenues of thought from a wide range of different fields such as natural science and religion, economy and philosophy, art, politics, psychology, ecology, history, sociology, mysticism, critique of utopian thought. Consequently, the series is not confined to monographs on Aldous Huxley and his literary context but also functions as an interdisciplinary forum for such studies as seek to initiate a dialogue between literary scholarship and other disciplines. The term "contemporary culture" refers to Huxley's own position as well as to that of the present-day reader.

Dissertations, Habilitationsschriften and other monographs in German or English are welcome. As to their layout, they should follow the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. A special style sheet is available on request.

Please send all inquiries to: Prof. Dr. Bernfried Nugel, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Englisches Seminar, Johannisstr. 12-20, D-48143 Münster; phone 0251/83-24828; fax 0251/24827, or e-mail <nugel@uni-muenster.de>.

"Human Potentialities" at LIT-Verlag

Vol. 1: Ulrike Kretschmer, Der Mensch – Affe oder gottähnliches Wesen? Philosophisch-anthropologische Vorstellungen im Werk Aldous Huxleys (Münster: LIT, 1998).

Vol. 2: Sabine Menninghaus, Vorstellungen künstlerischer Transformation: Naturwissenschaftliche Analogien bei James Joyce, Aldous Huxley und Virginia Woolf (Münster: LIT, 2000).

Vol. 3: Gerhard Wagner, The "Beauty-Truths" of Literature: Elemente einer Dichtungstheorie in Aldous Huxleys Essayistik (Münster: LIT, 2001).

Vol. 4: Peter Edgerly Firchow, Reluctant Modernists: Aldous Huxley and Some Contemporaries, ed. Evelyn S. Firchow and Bernfried Nugel, with an introduction by Jerome Meckier and a memoir by Janice Rossen (Münster et al.: LIT, 2002).

Vol. 5: James Hull, Aldous Huxley, Representative Man, ed. Gerhard Wagner (Münster: LIT, 2004).

Vol. 6: Lothar Fietz, Aldous Huxley – Prätexte und Kontexte (Münster: LIT, 2005).

Vol. 7: Hermann J. Real, Peter E. Firchow (eds.), The Perennial Satirist: Essays in Honour of Bernfried Nugel (Münster: LIT, 2005).

Vol. 8: Jerome Meckier, Aldous Huxley: Modern Satirical Novelist of Ideas: A Collection of Essays, ed. Peter E. Firchow and Bernfried Nugel (Berlin: LIT, 2006).

Vol. 9: Bernfried Nugel, Uwe Rasch, Gerhard Wagner (eds.), Aldous Huxley, Man of Letters: Thinker, Critic and Artist – Proceedings of the Third International Aldous Huxley Symposium Riga 2004 (Berlin: LIT, 2007).

Vol. 10: Katja Reinecke, Die Verarbeitung der Soziologie Vilfredo Paretos im Werk Aldous Huxleys (Berlin: LIT, 2010).

Vol. 11: Jerome Meckier, Aldous Huxley, from Poet to Mystic (Berlin: LIT, 2011).

Vol. 12: Dana Sawyer, Julian Piras, Uwe Rasch (eds.), Aldous Huxley and Self-Realization. His Concept of Human Potentialities, His Techniques for Actualizing Them, and His Views of Their Social Consequences (Zürich: LIT, 2019)