Database: CAHS Holdings


Our litw3 database comprises all CAHS holdings of books and of Huxley writings published as parts of books and periodicals as well as xerox copies of such writings.

Where applicable, the particular entries list a table of contents, a classification of the pertinent work according to genre, and comments on special features.

As litw3 does not support the use of italics, book titles are rendered in roman type except in those cases in which a book title is identical with the title of a writing published as part of a book. In such a case the book title is placed between asterisks, e.g. *The Burning Wheel* vs. "The Burning Wheel."

The standard search can be used for the categories 'author' or 'title' separately; the category 'full text' covers all search options.

N. B. To work with litw3, cookies must be allowed on your browser.

CAHS holdings: litw3