Aldous Huxley Society

The international Aldous Huxley Society (AHS), founded in Münster on 25 June 1998, has two chief purposes: to promote the academic study of the works of Aldous Huxley, in particular critical editions, commentaries and interpretations, and to make a wider public acquainted with the thought and writings of the author. Furthermore, the Society supports the Centre for Aldous Huxley Studies (CAHS) at the Department of English at the University of Münster, and undertakes to organize academic meetings, further academic work of its members within the scope of its authority and possibility, cooperate with other societies devoted to the academic study of the works of Aldous Huxley and send delegates to international conferences.
According to its constitution, which is available on request and on this site, the organs of the Society are the Executive Committee, the Board of Curators and the Members' Meeting.
Members of the Executive Committee:
Dr. Piero Ferrucci, Florence, Honorary President, acting as a consultant member
Prof. Dr. Bernfried Nugel, University of Münster, Chairman
Prof. Dr. Hermann J. Real, University of Münster, Vice-Chairman
Prof. Dr. Claudia Olk, Free University, Berlin, Treasurer
Board of Curators:
The Dean of the Faculty of Philology (Fachbereich 09)
Prof David Dunaway, University of New Mexico
Prof Sanford Marovitz, Kent State University, Ohio
Prof Jerome Meckier, University of Kentucky
Prof Guin Nance, Auburn University at Montgomery, Alabama
Prof Joan Wines, California Lutheran University
Prof James Sexton, Camosun College, Victoria, B.C.
United Kingdom:
Prof David Bradshaw (†), Oxford University
Prof Pierre Vitoux (†), Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier
Prof Jean-Louis Cupers, Facultés Universitaires, Saint-Louis, Bruxelles
Robin Hull, Zürich
Prof Kulwant Gill, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
Prof Kirpal Singh, Singapore Management University
Prof Lothar Fietz (†), University of Tübingen
Prof Gerd Rohmann, University of Kassel
Annual membership fees:
- Regular members (with the right to vote): € 40.00 (minimum amount)
- Students as regular members: € 25.00 (minimum amount)
Regular members will receive each year a free copy of a new publication on Aldous Huxley or of Aldous Huxley Annual (AHA). A registration form is available here.
The Aldous Huxley Society is a non-profit organization registered at the Amtsgericht Münster and entitled to issue donation receipts.
c/o Prof. Dr. Bernfried Nugel, Englisches Seminar, University of Münster,
Johannisstr. 12-20, D-48143 Münster, Germany
Tel: +49-251-83-24828 or -25619
Fax: +49-251-83-24827
E-mail: Prof. Dr. Bernfried Nugel