We now prove convergence of the iterative method for linear equations
where are linear bounded operators. To avoid purely technical difficulties we assume F and
to be of finite dimension. The iteration reads
We note in passing that for dim this is just the Kaczmarz method.
Proof: For this is just Theorem 3.9 of [3]. Our proof is a slight extension of this result.
To begin with we write in the form
with certain vectors . Inserting this into the recursion (4.2) yields
We apply . After obvious manipulations we obtain
Now let A be the operator and R the map
, i.e.
. Let
where D is the (block) diagonal and L the (block) lower left part of A. Let the vectors u, g consist of the components
, resp. and let
be the (block) diagonal
. Then (4.5) reads
Using (4.4) with j = p we see that
Now assume that range
. Then,
for all iterates, and (4.6)-(4.7) yield
We show that all the eigenvalues of are either 1 or less than 1 in absolute value if
. Let
be such an eigenvalue and u the corresponding eigenvector, i.e.
Using yields
Now let (u,Du) = 1 and ,
real. (4.9) immediately yields
Since we have
, and since
we have
. For
we have
. For
we have
provided that
. Thus
Returning to (4.8) we see that the sequence converges except in the eigenspace of
for the eigenvalue 1. But this eigenspace is identical to the null space of
. This does not prevent the
from converging.