Ibn Nubātah’s Prose

Not only his poetry, but also Ibn Nubātah's artistic prose had a great impact in the period after him. This includes correspondence with other writers, official letters (ar. inšāʾ), and other works in rhymed prose (saǧʿ), such as his literary dispute between the pen and the sword. The prose works are usually interspersed with short poems.

  •     725 at the latest: The Examination of the Scribes (Imtiḥān al-kuttāb?), letter to aš-Šihāb Maḥmūd (1246-1325)
  •     729: The Dispute between the Sword and the Pen (al-Mufāḫarah bayna as-sayf wa-l-qalam)
  •     around 729: Collection of letters
  •     730: The Gillyflower’s Blossoms/The Blossoms of Prose (Zahr al-Manthūr)
  •     730: Teaching Permit (Iǧāzah) for aṣ-Ṣafadī
  •     730: Commendation (Taqrīz) for Badr ad-Dīn Ibn Ḥabīb
  •     before 730: Annunciation of the News (Ibrāz al-Akhbār)
  •     735: The Fold of Amicability: [Journey] to the City of Jerusalem (Ḥaẓīrat al-Uns ilā Ḥaḍrat al-Quds), travel report
  •     after 735: The Human Bee: On the Journey to Jerusalem (an-Naḥlah al-Insiyyah fī al-Riḥlah al-Qudsīyah)
  •     743: Appendix to the Dīwān/Draperies of the Chancery from 743 (Taʿlīq ad-Dīwān 743)
  •     744: Appendix to the Dīwān / Draperies of the Chancery from 744 (Taʿlīq ad-Dīwān 744)
  •     Letters contained in the Ṣubḥ al-aʿšā by al-Qalqašandī