Ibn Nubātah’s Poetry

To this day, Ibn Nubātah is known primarily as a poet. For the original Arabic titles, please switch to the Arabic version of the page.


  • The Dīwān of Ibn Nubātah (Dīwān Ibn Nubātah)
  • Shortly after 719: “The Choice Gift: Select Praise Poems on al-Muʾayyad” (Muntaḫab al-hadiyyah min al-madāʾiḥ al-Muʾayyadiyyah), selection of his praise poems addressed to the ruler of Hama, Abū l-Fidāʾ al-Malik al-Muʾayyad (1273 - 1331)
  • Around 725: “Sugarcane Syrup/[Ibn] Nubātah’s Dropping Rain” (al-Qaṭr an-Nubātī), collection of epigrams
  • Around 728: “The Strung Gemstone Beads: On Royal Hunting Expeditions” (Farāʾid al-Sulūk fī Masāʾid al-Mulūk), long hunting poem in raǧaz couplets
  • Before 732: “The Selection for al-Manṣūr” (al-Muntaḫab al-Manṣūrī), selection of his praise poems addressed to al-Manṣūr al-Afḍal (d. 1341), the son and successor of al-Malik al-Muʾayyad
  • Around 750: “The Slave Market/The Market of Elegance” (Sūq ar-Raqīq), select love poems
  • Around 760: “The Seven Planets/The Seven Widely-Circulating [Verses]” (as-Sabʿah al-Sayyārah), collection of seven-line long poems
  • “Lush Pasturage/The Latest Additions” (Ṭarāʾif az-Ziyādah), additions to the Dīwān
  • “Syrup Dregs” (Ǧulāsat al-Qaṭr), selected epigrams
  • "Ascendant of the Year" (Ṭāliʿ as-Sanah)