- PhD student, Islamic Studies, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
- Master’s program, Islamic and Arabic Studies (M.A.), Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster & Universiteit Leiden
- Bachelor’s program, Twofold degree in History and Arabic-Islamic Culture (B.A.), Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
- Research Associate, Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster • Team member in the Project: (B2-3) At the intersection of discourses. Ibn Nubāta al- Miṣrī (1287-1366) and the culture of ambiguity funded by the Religion and Politics Cluster of Excellence of the WWU Münster • Lecturer for undergraduate courses in Arabic and Islamic Studies • Affiliated member of the ALEA-Project
- Graduate Assistant, Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster • Team member in the Project: (B2-3) At the intersection of discourses. Ibn Nubāta al- Miṣrī (1287-1366) and the culture of ambiguity funded by the Religion and Politics Cluster of Excellence of the WWU Münster • Affiliated member of the ALEA-Project
- Graduate Assistant, Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster • Tutor for Classical and Modern Arabic
- Student Assistant, Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster • Tutor for Classical and Modern Arabic
- ALEA – Arabische Literatur und Rhetorik der späteren Jahrhunderte (11.-18. Jhd.) ( – )
Individual Granted Project: DFG - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Programme | Project Number: BA 1153/11-1 - EXC 212 B2-3 - At the Intersection of Discourses. Ibn Nubata al-Misri (1286-1366) and the Culture of Ambiguity ( – )
Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted at the University of Münster: DFG - Cluster of Excellence
- ALEA – Arabische Literatur und Rhetorik der späteren Jahrhunderte (11.-18. Jhd.) ( – )
Scientific Talks
- Tölke, Stephan (): ‘Plagued by the Plague and Not Much Time? Read this Quick Guide! Ibn Abī Ḥaǧalah’s aṭ-Ṭibb al-masnūn fī dafʿ aṭ-ṭāʿūn’. Fourth Conference of the School of Mamluk Studies (School of Mamluk Studies), American University of Beirut, .
- Stephan Tölke (): ‘Jihad Concepts between Religion and Realpolitik. Classical Advice Literature and the “Islamic State”’. Internationaler DAVO-Kongress (Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vorderer Orient für gegenwartsbezogene Forschung und Dokumentation e.V.), Tübingen University, .
- Stephan Tölke (): ‘Ibn Nubāta's Sulūk duwal al-mulūk. A Secular Approach towards Politics in the Mamlūk Period?’ 28th Congress of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants. Re-defining a Space of Encounter. Islam & Mediterranean. Identity, Alterity and Interactions. (Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants), Palermo University, .
- Stephan Tölke (): ‘Prudence and Justice – Key Factors for Long Lasting Rule in the Islamic Fürstenspiegel Genre’. Fellows' Seminar Annemarie Schimmel Kolleg (Annemarie Schimmel Kolleg), Bonn University, .
- Stephan Tölke (): ‘The Universal Logics of Politics. Conceptualizing Effective Rule in the Mamlūk period.’ Caliphs, Sultans, Presidents: Rulers between Religion and Realpolitik throughout Islamic History (Exzellenzcluster Religion und Politik), WWU Münster, .
- Stephan Tölke (): ‘Ibn Nubāta’s Anthological Composition of Prose and Poetry in his Fürstenspiegel Sulūk duwal al-mulūk’. Third Conference of the School of Mamlūk Studies (School of Mamlūk Studies), Chicago University, .
- Stephan Tölke (): ‘Ibn Nubāta's Fürstenspiegel Sulūk duwal al-mulūk: How secular could political thought be in the Mamluk period?’ Crossing the Borders. Interdisciplinary Research in Arabic and Islamic Studies International Graduate Student Conference (The Chair of Arabic Studies at Yerevan State University in cooperation with Middle Orient project), Yerevan State University, .
- Stephan Tölke (): ‘How secular could political thought be in the Mamluk period and what can we learn from it for the present?’ Islam and Peaceful Relations Conference (Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations, Coventry University), Coventry University, .
- Stephan Tölke (): „Säkulare, weltliche oder pragmatische Herrschaftserfassung im mamlukenzeitlichen Politikdiskurs? Der Herrscherratgeber des Ibn Nubāta“. Tag der Graduiertenschule (Graduiertenschule des Exzellenzclusters Religion und Politik), WWU Münster, .
- Stephan Tölke (): „Mim-mā yadfaʿ aṭ-ṭāʿūn min ǧihat aṭ-ṭibb - Der Stellenwert der professionellen Medizin in Ibn Abī Ḥaǧalas Dafʿ an-niqma“. The Sultan's Anthologist - Ibn Abī Ḥaǧala and his Work (Leibnizpreis-Forschungsstelle: Arabische Literatur und Rhetorik Elfhundert bis Achtzehnhundert (ALEA)), WWU Münster, .