- BC MERTIS: Cruise Phase Teil 2 - Teilvorhaben Labormessung und Missionsunterstützung ( – )
participations in other joint project: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz | Förderkennzeichen: 50QW2201A - BC MERTIS: Systemtests, Start, Inbetriebnahme, Cruise-Phase Teil 1 ( – )
participations in other joint project: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz | Förderkennzeichen: 50QW1701 - MERTIS – Mercury Radiometer & Thermal Infrared Spectrometer, Phase E/F1 ( – )
participations in bmbf-joint project: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung | Förderkennzeichen: 50QW1302 - MERTIS – Mercury Radiometer & Thermal Infrared Spectrometer, Phase D/C2 ( – )
participations in bmbf-joint project: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung | Förderkennzeichen: 50QW0901
- BC MERTIS: Cruise Phase Teil 2 - Teilvorhaben Labormessung und Missionsunterstützung ( – )
Forschungsartikel (Zeitschriften)
- Morlok, Andreas, Sehlke, Alexander, Stojic, Aleksandra N., Whittington, Alan, Weber, Iris, Reitze, Maximilian P., Hiesinger, Harald, und Helbert, Joern. . „Synthetic analogs for lava flows on the surface of Mercury: A mid-infrared study.“ Icarus, Nr. 415 116078. doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2024.116078.
- Reitze, MP, Renggli, C, Morlok, A, Weber, I, Rodehorst, U, Berndt, J, Klemme, S, und Hiesinger, H. . „Crystallographic and Mid-Infrared Spectroscopic Properties of the CaS-MgS Solid Solution.“ Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, Nr. 129 (8): e2024JE0–e2024JE008483. doi: 10.1029/2024JE008483.
- Stojic, A.N., Weber, I., Morlok, A., Pavlov, S.G., Hiesinger, H., Reitze, M.P., Maturilli, A., Schmedemann, N., Bauch, K.E., Pasckert, J.H., und Helbert, J. . „Simulation of surface regolith gardening and impact associated melt layer production under ns-pulsed laser ablation.“ Icarus, Nr. 391 doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2022.115344.
- Morlok, A, Renggli, C, Charlier, B, Namur, O, Klemme, S, Reitze, MP, Weber, IStojic AN, und Bauch KE, Hiesinger H Helbert J. . „A mid-infrared study of synthetic glass and crystal mixtures analog to the geochemical terranes on mercury.“ Icarus, Nr. 396: 115498. doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2023.115498.
- Reitze, MP, Weber, I, Morlok, A, Hiesinger, H, Pasckert, JH, Schmedemann, N, Bauch, KE, Stojic, AN, und Helbert, J. . „Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy of Feldspars From the Bühl Basalt (Northern Hesse, Germany) Formed Under Reducing Conditions as Terrestrial Analogue of Mercury for MERTIS.“ Earth and Space Science, Nr. 10 (6): e2023EA002903. doi: 10.1029/2023EA002903.
- Weber, I, Reitze, MP, Morlok, A, Stojic, AN, Hiesinger, H, Schmedemann, N, Bauch, KE, Pasckert, JH, und Helbert, J. . „Mid-IR spectral properties of different surfaces of silicate mixtures before and after excimer laser irradiation.“ Icarus, Nr. 404: 115683–115683. doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2023.115683.
- Renggli, CJ, Stojic, AN, Morlok, A, Berndt, J, Weber, I, Klemme, S, und Hiesinger, H. . „Mid-infrared spectroscopy of sulfidation reaction products and implications for sulfur on Mercury.“ Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, Nr. 128 (12): e2023JE0. doi: 10.1029/2023JE007895.
- Renggli, CJ, Klemme, S, Morlok, A, Berndt, J, Weber, I, Hiesinger, H, und King, PL. . „Sulfides and hollows formed on Mercury’s surface by reactions with reducing S-rich gases.“ Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Nr. 593: 117647. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2022.117647.
- Morlok, A, Renggli, C, Charlier, B, Reitze, MP, Klemme, S, Namur, O, Sohn, M, Martin, D, Weber, I, Stojic, AN, Hiesinger, H, Joy, KH, Wogelius, R, Tollan, P, Carli, C, Bauch, KE, und Helbert, J. . „Mid-infrared reflectance spectroscopy of synthetic glass analogs for mercury surface studies.“ Icarus, Nr. 361: 114363. doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2021.114363.
- Stojic, AN, Morlok, A, Tollan, P, Kohout, T, Hermann, J, Weber, I, Moreau, J, Hiesinger, H, Sohn, M, Bauch, KE, Reitze, MP, und Helbert, J. . „A shock recovery experiment and its implications for Mercury's surface: The effect of high pressure on porous olivine powder as a regolith analog.“ ıcarus, Nr. 357: 114162. doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2020.114162.
- Weber, I, Reitze, MP, Heeger, M, Adolphs, T, Morlok, A, Stojic, AN, Hiesinger, H, Arlinghaus, HF, und Helbert, J. . „The effect of excimer laser irradiation on mid-IR spectra of mineral mixtures for remote sensing.“ Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Nr. 569: 117072. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117072.
- Reitze, MP, Weber, I, Morlok, A, Hiesinger, H, Bauch, KE, Stojic, AN, und Helbert, J. . „Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy of Anorthosite Samples From Near Manicouagan Crater, Canada, as Analogue for Remote Sensing of Mercury and Other Terrestrial Solar System Objects.“ Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), Nr. 126 (8): e06832. doi: 10.1029/2021JE006832.
- Reitze, MP, Weber, I, Kroll, H, Morlok, A, Hiesinger, H, und Helbert, J. . „Mid-infrared spectroscopy of alkali feldspar samples for space application.“ Mineralogy and Petrology, Nr. 114: 453–463. doi: 10.1007/s00710-020-00709-9.
- Hiesinger, H, Helbert, J, Alemanno, G, Bauch, K, D'Amore, M, Maturilli, A, Morlok, A, Reitze, M, Stangarone, C, Stojic, A, Varatharajan, I, Weber, I, und and, the M ERT IS-Co-I Team. . „Studying the Composition and Mineralogy of the Hermean Surface with the Mercury Radiometer and Thermal Infrared Spectrometer (MERTIS) for the BepiColombo Mission: An Update.“ Space Science Reviews, Nr. 216 (6): 110. doi: 10.1007/s11214-020-00732-4.
- Morlok, M., Weber, I., Stojic, A.N., Sohn, M., Bischoff, A., Martin, D., Hiesinger, H., und and, Helbert J. . „Mid-infrerad reflectance spectroscopy of aubrite components.“ Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Nr. 55: 2080–2096. doi: 10.1111/maps.13568.
- Weber, I, Stojic, A, Morlok, A, Reitze, M, Markus, K, Hiesinger, H, Pavlov, S, Wirth, R, Schreiber, A, Sohn, M, Hübers, H, und Helbert, J. . „Space weathering by simulated micrometeorite bombardment on natural olivine and pyroxene: A coordinated IR and TEM study.“ Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Nr. 530 doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2019.115884.
- Morlok, A, Klemme, S, Weber, I, Stojic, A, Sohn, M, Hiesinger, H, und Helbert, J. . „Mid-infrared spectroscopy of planetary analogs: A database for planetary remote sensing.“ Icarus, Nr. 324: 86–103. doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2019.02.010.
- Bartoschewitz, R., Appel, P., Barrat, J., Bischoff, A., Caffee, M., Franchi, I., Gabelica, Z., Greenwood, R., Harir, M., Harries, D., Hochleitner, R., Hopp, J., Laubenstein, M., Mader, B., Marques, R., Morlok, A., Nolze, G., Prudêncio, M., Rochette, P., Ruf, A., Schmitt-Kopplin, P., Seemann, E., Szurgot, M., Tagle, R., Wach, R., Welten, K., Weyrauch, M., und Wimmer, K. . „The Braunschweig meteorite - a recent L6 chondrite fall in Germany.“ Chemie der Erde / Geochemistry, Nr. 77 (null): 207–224. doi: 10.1016/j.chemer.2016.10.004.
- Morlok, A., Bischoff, A., Patzek, M., Sohn, M., und Hiesinger, H. . „Chelyabinsk – a rock with many different (stony) faces: An infrared study.“ Icarus, Nr. 284 (null): 431–442. doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2016.11.030.
- Bischoff, A., Barrat, J., Bauer, K., Burkhardt, C., Busemann, H., Ebert, S., Gonsior, M., Hakenmüller, J., Haloda, J., Harries, D., Heinlein, D., Hiesinger, H., Hochleitner, R., Hoffmann, V., Kaliwoda, M., Laubenstein, M., Maden, C., Meier, M., Morlok, A., Pack, A., Ruf, A., Schmitt-Kopplin, P., Schönbächler, M., Steele, R., Spurný, P., und Wimmer, K. . „The Stubenberg meteorite—An LL6 chondrite fragmental breccia recovered soon after precise prediction of the strewn field.“ Meteoritics and Planetary Science, Nr. 52 (8): 1683–1703. doi: 10.1111/maps.12883.
- Morlok, A., Stojic, A., Weber, I., Hiesinger, H., Zanetti, M., und Helbert, J. . „Mid-infrared bi-directional reflectance spectroscopy of impact melt glasses and tektites.“ Icarus, Nr. 278: 162–179. doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2016.06.013.
- Morlok, A., Stojic, A., Dittmar, I., Hiesinger, H., Tiedeken, M., Sohn, M., Weber, I., und Helbert, H. . „Mid-infrared spectroscopy of impactites from the Nördlinger Ries impact crater.“ Icarus, Nr. 264: 352–368. doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2015.10.003.
- Weber, I., Morlok, A., Bischoff, A., Hiesinger, H., Ward, D., Joy, K., Crowther, S., Jastrzebski, N., Gilmour, J., Clay, P., Wogelius, R., Greenwood, R., Franchi, I., und Münker, C. . „Cosmochemical and spectroscopic properties of Northwest Africa 7325-A consortium study.“ Meteoritics and Planetary Science, Nr. 51 (1): 3–30. doi: 10.1111/maps.12586.
- Morlok, Andreas, Mason, Andrew B, Anand, Mahesh, Lisse, Carey M, Bullock, Emma S, und Grady, Monica M. . „Dust from collisions: A way to probe the composition of exo-planets?“ Icarus, Nr. 239: 1–14.
- Morlok, A, Lisse, CM, Mason, AB, Bullock, ES, und Grady, MM. . „Mid-infrared spectroscopy of components in chondrites: Search for processed materials in young Solar Systems and comets.“ Icarus, Nr. 2014 (231): 338–355. doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2013.12.018.
- Morlok, A, und Libourel, G. . „Aqueous alteration in CR chondrites: Meteorite parent body processes as analogue for long-term corrosion processes relevant for nuclear waste disposal.“ Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Nr. 103: 76–103. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2012.10.030.
- Lisse, CM, Wyatt, MC, Chen, CH, Morlok, A, Watson, DM, Manoj, P, Sheehan, P, Currie, TM, Thebault, P, und Sitko, ML. . „Spitzer evidence for a late-heavy bombardment and the formation of ureilites in η corvi at 1 Gyr.“ Astrophysical Journal, Nr. 747 (2) doi: 10.1088/0004-637X/747/2/93.
- Johnson, BC, Lisse, CM, Chen, CH, Melosh, HJ, Wyatt, MC, Thebault, P, Henning, WG, Gaidos, E, Elkins-Tanton, LT, Bridges, JC, und Morlok, A. . „A self-consistent model of the circumstellar debris created by a giant hypervelocity impact in the HD 172555 system.“ Astrophysical Journal, Nr. 761 (1) doi: 10.1088/0004-637X/761/1/45.
- Morlok, A, Koike, C, Tomeoka, K, Mason, A, Lisse, C, Anand, M, und Grady, M. . „Mid-infrared spectra of differentiated meteorites (achondrites): Comparison with astronomical observations of dust in protoplanetary and debris disks.“ Icarus, Nr. 219 (1): 48–56. doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2012.02.018.
- Morlok, A, Sutton, YC, Braithwaite, NSJ, und Grady, MM. . „Chondrules born in plasma? Simulation of gas-grain interaction using plasma arcs with applications to chondrule and cosmic spherule formation.“ Meteoritics and Planetary Science, Nr. 2012 doi: 10.1111/maps.12043.
- Tomioka, N, Morlok, A, Koike, C, Kohler, M, und Grady, M. . „Laihunite in planetary materials: An FTIR and TEM study of oxidized synthetic and meteoritic Fe-rich olivine.“ Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, Nr. 107 (4): 157–166. doi: 10.2465/jmps.120409.
- Libourel, G, Verney-Carron, A, Morlok, A, Gin, S, Sterpenich, J, Michelin, A, Neff, D, und Dillmann, P. . „The use of natural and archeological analogues for understanding the long-term behavior of nuclear glasses | L'utilisation des analogues naturels et archéologiques pour la compréhension de l'évolution à long terme des verres nucléaires.“ Comptes Rendus Géoscience, Nr. 343 (2-3): 237–245. doi: 10.1016/j.crte.2010.12.004.
- Morlok, A, Koike, C, Tomioka, N, Mann, I, und Tomeoka, K. . „Mid-infrared spectra of the shocked Murchison CM chondrite: Comparison with astronomical observations of dust in debris disks.“ Icarus, Nr. 207 (1): 45–53. doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2009.11.018.
- Lisse, CM, Chen, CH, Wyatt, MC, Morlok, A, Song, I, Bryden, G, und Sheehan, P. . „Abundant circumstellar silica dust and sio gas created by a giant hypervelocity collision in the 12 myr hd172555 system.“ Astrophysical Journal Letters, Nr. 701 (2): 2019–2032. doi: 10.1088/0004-637X/701/2/2019.
- Lisse, CM, Chen, CH, Wyatt, MC, und Morlok, A. . „Circumstellar dust created by terrestrial planet formation in HD 113766.“ Astrophysical Journal Letters, Nr. 673 (2): 1106–1122. doi: 10.1086/523626.
- Morlok, A, Köhler, M, und Grady, MM. . „Mid-infrared spectroscopy of refractory inclusions (CAIs) in CV and CO chondrites.“ Meteoritics and Planetary Science, Nr. 43 (7): 1147–1160. doi: 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2008.tb01119.x.
- Bowey, JE, Morlok, A, Köhler, M, und Grady, M. . „2-16 μm spectroscopy of micron-sized enstatite (Mg,Fe) 2Si 2O 6 silicates from primitive chondritic meteorites.“ Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Nr. 376 (3): 1367–1374. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2007.11548.x.
- Morlok, A, Bischoff, A, Stephan, T, Floss, C, Zinner, E, und Jessberger, EK. . „Brecciation and chemical heterogeneities of CI chondrites.“ Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Nr. 70 (21): 5371–5394. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2006.08.007.
- Morlok, A, Köhler, M, Bowey, JE, und Grady, MM. . „FT-IR microspectroscopy of extraterrestrial dust grains: Comparison of measurement techniques.“ Planetary and Space Science, Nr. 54 (6): 599–611. doi: 10.1016/j.pss.2006.02.002.
- Morlok, A, Bowey, J, Köhler, M, und Grady, MM. . „FTIR 2-16 micron spectroscopy of micron-sized olivines from primitive meteorites.“ Meteoritics and Planetary Science, Nr. 41 (5): 773–784. doi: 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2006.tb00991.x.
- Vennemann, TW, Morlok, A, Von Engelhardt, W, und Kyser, K. . „Stable isotope composition of impact glasses from the Nördlinger ries impact crater Germany.“ Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Nr. 65 (8): 1325–1336. doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(00)00600-1.