Further advice services

Advice services tailored to the needs of individual students are essential for achieving academic success under equitable conditions. In addition to the extensive services provided by the Student Advice and Counselling Centre (ZSB) [de], the University of Münster offers a wide range of info materials and support services to students with disabilities.

Degree course advice

Your degree course advisor is the first person to contact if you have questions concerning your course of study. Degree course advisors provide support and advice on matters related to the specific structure of degree programmes, thematic focuses, curricular development and course selection. For a list of all degree course advisors and their respective contact details, visit: www.uni-muenster.de/ZSB/faber [de].

Autonomous Office for Disabled and Chronically Ill Students

The Autonomous Office for Disabled and Chronically Ill Students is a section of AStA (General Students' Committee) dedicated to serving the interests of students with disabilities or chronic illnesses at the University of Münster. The office is responsible for providing advice to disabled students and representing them and their interests to the University.
Autonomous Office for Disabled and Chronically Ill Students
Schlossplatz 1, 48149 Münster
Tel: +49 251 83-22282
Fax: +49 251 83-519289
www.asta.ms/autonome-referate/referat-fuer-behinderte-und-chronisch-kranke-studierende [de]

Contact office for disabled students of medicine

Students with disabilities who study medicine can obtain support and advice from the "Contact office for disabled students of medicine" located at the Institute for Medical Education and Student Affairs (IfAS). The staff provides peer counselling, information and support services to help disabled students meet the challenges of medical programmes.
You can reach the student staff at the contact office at: medicampus.uni-muenster.de/3384.html [de].

External advice services

In addition to the contact partners at the University of Münster, there are a number of external counselling services which provide information and advice on studying with a disability.

Social Counselling Office - Studierendenwerk Münster

The Social Counselling Office of the Studierendenwerk Münster helps students with disabilities manage the tasks and responsibilities of academic life. For more information and contact details, visit: www.stw-muenster.de/en/social-counseling/beratung/studierende-mit-behinderung/.

Studying with Disabilities - Information and Advice Centre (IBS)

The Studying with Disabilities - Information and Advice Centre (IBS) sees itself as a national competence centre committed to making fully inclusive universities a reality. It provides a broad range of information, links and downloads on numerous topics, e.g. choosing degree programmes, financing one's studies, legal regulations and transitioning to professional life. IBS also offers courses and continuing education events for students with disabilities. For more information and contact details, visit: www.studentenwerke.de/en/content/studying-disabilities.

NRW kombabb Competence Centre

The NRW kombabb Competence Centre is an independent information and counselling centre which provides assistance to students with visible and non-visible forms of disability and/or chronic illness. In addition to personal consultation and information events, kombabb also operates a website containing a broad range of information, downloads and services. Visit kombabb online at: www.kombabb.de/ [de].