El Shrinko for Everyone! – 2022 Winter

“Our amusing sketch show will make you laugh! You know you need it. You’ll learn how to pick up women, learn French, and that your private parts are too big; you’ll see attorneys without kidneys and get to know about stuffed parrots and bees and vocal fry, which dentists to avoid and what in God’s name Blaarfengar means and that you shouldn’t mispronounce words or kill all the poor. And that you must use El Shrinko of course!”

Cast and Crew: 

  • Actors: Mário Clara, Rintu Daniel, Henrik Hegenberg, Jenny Jürgens, Lisanne Kempf, Angela Kronlage, Richard Pollex, Konrad Stuhrmann, Christoph Unger
  • Director: Richard Pollex
  • Lights: Julia Schweifel
  • Sounds: Henrik Hegenberg


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