Announcing: Said the Spider to the Spy

Announcing: El Shrinko for Everyone!
New Webpage!
Once more, the websites for the EDG have moved! Or rather, they are moving! We are still in the process of migrating all the old content. If you encounter any problems or find any mistakes, contact us by mail at edg-muenster@gmx.de.
Shakespeare Workshop
As our next production may be Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure, we enjoyed doing a Shakespeare workshop today with British actor Julius D’Silva. In two workshop sessions the theatre and movie actor (Royal Shakespeare Company, Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, The Crown) gave us an impressive encounter with the work and language of Wiliam Shakespeare. For further Information on Julius D’Silva and his workshops, see https://www.english-workshops.de.
You can read an account of this shakespeare workshop .

Announcing: Habeas Corpus

Announcing: A Dirty F∗∗k on the Table
Announcing: A Little Light Entertainment
EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! As part of the programme of the festival week of the reopening of the Studiobühne am Domplatz, we present A Little Light Entertainment – Weird and Wonderful Sketches. We’ll perform on …
- 2018 April 4th – at 20:00;

Announcing: Pomona

Announcing: Twelfth Night, or What You Will
Live Ticket Sale for The Wonderful World of Dissocia
For our upcoming show, The Wonderful World of Dissocia, there’ll be a Live Ticket Sales at Englisches Seminar (Johannisstr. 12–20 / Münster) on Wednesday 8th of April 2015, 10:00–12:00 as well as 13:30–16:00.
The production ist supported by Flohmarkthalle Münster.

Announcing: The Wonderful World of Dissocia

Announcing: Popcorn
Cancellation of The Edie Guano Show Performances
Due to unforseen circumstances, we have to cancel the performances on January 16th and 19th. There will be an additional performance on January 31st.

Announcing: The Edie Guano Show

Announcing: Earthquakes in London

Announcing: Compleat Female Stage Beauty
Announcing: Captain Kirk’s Last Farewell to the Final Frontier – Redux
We are going to repeat last year’s sketch show with some interesting variations. Captain Kirks Last Farewell to the Final Frontier - Redux is opening on the 24th of June.
Performance dates are on …
- 2011 June 24th / 25th / 26th / 30th – at 20:00 each;

Announcing: Love and Money
New Webpage!
The EDG webpage is ready to move to a new home and will present itself in a new design.