© Uni Münster

Campus advertising

Would you like to publicise your university group or event? The University Marketing team of the Communication and Public Relations department offers you the free use of various internal and external advertising channels.

Who can use the advertising channels?

  • facilities which belong to the University of Münster in an organisational and legal context (faculties, institutes, administration etc.)
  • entities affiliated with the University of Münster such as the AStA or the departmental student bodies
  • university and cultural groups recognised by the University of Münster

How should the media be designed?

  • Please note the technical data (file format, pixels, resolution, colour values). For more details, see the respective advertising channels below.
  • The sender or organiser and the affiliation to the university must be recognisable on the media.
  • Media from university institutions/affiliates must correspond to our corporate design standards.
  • Partially incorporated entities may use the University logo, but do not have to. The use of the logo requires prior approval from University Marketing – so please contact us. The University’s corporate design guidelines need not be taken into account.
  • Recognised university or cultural groups/associations/projects may not use the University logo for legal reasons. When designing your media, you are independent of the university's corporate design. You only have to include the following sentence in your media: “xy is an officially recognised university group of the University of Münster”.

What should I consider in terms of content/organisation?

  • Contact us at least three weeks before the date of your event - preferably earlier, as we need 1-2 days to check and publish your media. After that, your advertisment should be visible for at least three weeks in order to be noticed. Unfortunately, we cannot consider requests at too short notice.
  • Please send us your media for review and approval before production/publication. If you have any questions about the design, we will be happy to advise you.
  • We only publish University-related information – e.g. a University group seeking new members or announcing a concert, an institute advertising a lecture series, IT announcing new services. This does not include "party announcements", nor does it include election or political party advertising. We also do not advertise (cooperation) events with/by external parties/companies if the company and its interests are in the foreground (e.g. self-promotion, recruiting).
  • Information stalls and/or flyer campaigns are possible at selected locations. Please send your request to zentrale.raumvergabe@uni-muenster.de. As a design template for flyers you may use the cover pages, for example (see CD templates).
  • Poster distribution

    You can display your posters (max. size DIN A3) within the university. The former “bulletin boards”/cork pin boards are now usually magnetic boards behind glass. The distribution list comprises 23 boards (no less, please). Enclosed is a list of the central locations:

    Poster locations

    Please send us the poster for inspection and approval before printing. After approval is granted, please make an appointment with our office for stamping ("poster approved"). Then hand in your posters for distribution at the mailroom (open until 3pm) at the Schloss.

    If you would like to design a poster, you can find various University templates here under the “Posters” tab.

  • Digital pillars

    Digital pillars have been installed at several locations around campus (e.g. Schloss foyer, Pharma Campus foyer, Psychology dept. foyer, Seminar building foyer at Orléans-Ring, Sociology dept. foyer /Aula am Aasee). These are used for displaying posters, films or slideshows. We also automatically display your poster on the two digital pillars at Münster Information downtown if the information is intended for the general public.

    • If you would like to use the columns, please send us your file in jpg format // 1,080 x 1,920 pixels // RGB colour mode // 72 dpi and let us know how long you would like your advertisement displayed (start and end). Please read the PDF data sheet for further details.
    • You can use the PowerPoint template below to design your poster.
    • To turn your PPT slide into a jpg, click on "Save as" in PowerPoint, select the target folder on your server and click on ".jpg" as the file type.
    • When designing your digital poster, please make sure not to include too much text. The poster alternates with others in a recurring loop and only remains on screen for about 15 seconds.
    • You can also have videos displayed (without sound). We accept MOV, MP4, MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 / H.264 formats with a maximum of 6,500 kbit/s.
    • On weekdays the digital pillars run from 8am to 8pm, at weekends only on request.

    Digital pillar template Calibri (de, en)

  • Social Media

    If you would like to use Instagram, Facebook, X, LinkedIn or YouTube, please contact us by email at socialmedia@uni-muenster.de.

  • iDisplays

    We are happy to publish your announcements on the University Marketing’s central information displays. Where they are located, you can find on the CIT website https://www.uni-muenster.de/IT/en/services/kommunikation/idisplays/index.html. Editors can contact the CIT for support and in the event of technical faults.

    • If you would like to use the iDisplays, please send us your slide in jpg format // 1280 x 720 pixels (ratio 16:9) // RGB colour mode // 72 dpi and let us know the desired duration of the display (start and end).
    • You can use the PowerPoint template below to design your slide. The format is customised for iDisplays; therefore, please do not make any changes to the defaults.
    • To turn a PPT slide into a jpg, click on "Save as" in PowerPoint, select the target folder on your server and click on ".jpg" as the file type.
    • The University logo and claim do not have to be integrated into the design of your slide. They are an integral part of the screen layout (together with the time, bus timetable, weather etc.).
    • When designing your digital poster, please make sure not to include too much text. The poster alternates with others in a recurring loop and only remains on screen for about 15 seconds.
    • You can also have videos displayed (without sound). We accept wmv, avi, mpg, mpeg, webm and mp4 formats and files no larger than 512 MB.
    • The screens run from 9am to 7pm (Monday til Friday), at weekends only on request.

    iDisplays template Calibri (de, en)

  • Münster Information

    Münster Information in the city centre occasionally advertises academic- and science-related events which are targeted at the general public. The advertising locations include, for example, municipal libraries and adult education centres. You can deliver up to 30 posters and 400 flyers directly to Münster Information. We will automatically display your poster on the two digital pillars at Münster Information if the information is intended for the general public.

    Münster Information