There is various evidence of the use of the designation "Max-Friedrichs-Akademie zu Münster". [read more] [de]
The Royal Academy receives a state portrait of Kaiser Wilhelm II to decorate its assembly hall. [read more]
Wilhelm II permits the erection of a monument to his grandfather in Münster, which became the focus of numerous university events in the following decades. [read more] [de]
The German Kaisertum as the goal of history? Fritz Roeber's "Allegory of History and Philology" is hung in the auditorium. [read more] [de]
Richard Lehmann, former rector of the Academy, negotiates in Berlin about the full professors and the name of the university. [read more] [de]
The annual autumn manoeuvre in 1907 takes Wilhelm II to Münster. The university receives its new name, but an imperial visit to the university does not take place. [read more] [de]
In 1908, women are allowed to study at Prussian universities and the first women also enrol at the WWU. [read more] [de]
Under the heading "Colonial Studies", interdisciplinary courses are offered in the University of Münster's course catalogue.. [read more] [de]
The repeatedly expressed request for the award of a medal of Wilhelm II for the Rector's Chain is finally rejected in 1910. [read more [de]]
During the November riots at the end of World War I, the university stands loyal to the monarchy. [read more] [de]
The university celebrates the 150th anniversary of the founding of the university by Fürstenberg without paying tribute to Wilhelm II as its namesake. [read more] [de]
Georg Schreiber proposes the renaming of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society. It continues to exist under the name Max Planck Society. [read more} [de]
Louis Ferdinand Prinz von Preussen becomes head of the House of Hohenzollern. [read more] [de]
The 1997 Senate Commission is also dealing with the question whether the University of Münster is actually named after Wilhelm II. [read more] [de]