Curriculum vitae


  • Habilitation, venia legendi for Psychology (postdoctoral thesis to qualify as a professor);  Habilitation thesis "Mastering epistemic dependence - The roles of trust in science and scientists and intellectual humility"
  • Doctoral thesis in Psychology (Dr. phil.): "Whom to blame - the source of information or myself? – Personal epistemology and personal ability in dealing with medical information on the Internet" (available from Logos Verlag Berlin)
  • Degree in Psychology, University of Münster (Diplom/Dipl.-Psych.)

Career path

  • since May 2023: senior lecturer (Akademische Oberrätin, civil servant)
  • since October 2019:  lecturer (Akademische Rätin, civil servant)
  • since November 2017: head of operative management at the Centre for Teaching in Higher Education (ZHL)
  • research associate at the Centre for Teaching in Higher Education (ZHL) at the University of Münster (work group headed by Prof Dr Regina Jucks)
  • coordination of the Priority Programme 1409 "Science and the General Public: Understanding Fragile and Conflictual Scientific Evidence" (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), postdoc position)
  • research associate in the work group headed by Prof Dr Rainer Bromme


  • scholarship holder in the Virtual Research Training Group (VGK) "Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge Exchange with New Media", Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
  • funding recipient in the mentoring programme "Erstklassig" (First Class), University of Muenster
  • funding recipient in the programme "Frauen Managen Hochschule" (Women Manage University), University of Muenster


Research focuses and priorities

  • public understanding of science, esp. science’s and scientists’ role in society

  • epistemic trust

  • intellectual humility

  • science communication

  • epistemic cognition



  • Fabriz, S., Stehle, S., Kienhues, D., Glathe, A., Guse, S. & Weiß, S. (2024). Bewertungen und Effekte hochschuldidaktischer Zertifikatsprogramme - Ergebnisse einer standortübergreifenden Absolvent*innenbefragung (Evaluations and effects of instructional development programs in higher education - results of a survey study with graduates across institutions). Zeitschrift für empirische Hochschulforschung.2-2023, S. 169-190.
  • Vaupotič, N., Kienhues, D., & Jucks, R. (2024). Complexity appreciated: How the communication of complexity impacts topic-specific intellectual humility and epistemic trustworthiness. Public Understanding of Science, 0(0).


  • Guse, S., Kienhues, D., & Jucks, R. (2023). Half a mathematician? How preservice teachers are connected to their studied discipline. Journal of Curriculum Studies.

    Guse, S., Kienhues, D., & Jucks, R. (2023). Math is cool – For school? Insights into preservice teachers’ views on the mathematics discipline between an academic and a job-related focus. Teaching and Teacher Education. 132.


  • Vaupotič*, N., Kienhues*, D., & Jucks, R. (2022) (*=shared first authorship). Taking a stance on the role of nuclear energy to combat the climate crisis: How communication task and expert’s personal stance impact individuals’ intellectual humility and strategies for dealing with a complex topic. Educational and Developmental Psychologist.


  • Vaupotič, N., Kienhues, D., & Jucks, R. (2021). Gaining insight through explaining? How generating explanations affects individuals' perceptions of their own and experts' knowledge. International Journal of Science Education, Part B. DOI:10.1080/21548455.2021.2018627
  • Vaupotič, N., Kienhues, D., & Jucks, R. (2021). Trust in Science and Scientists: Implications for (Higher) Education. In B. Blöbaum (Ed.), Trust and Communication: Findings and Implications of Trust Research (pp. 207–220). Springer International Publishing.


  • Hendriks, F., Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2020). Replication crisis = trust crisis? The effect of successful vs failed replications on laypeople’s trust in researchers and research. Public Understanding of Science, 29(3), 270–288. DOI: 10.1177/0963662520902383
  • Kienhues, D., Jucks, R. & Bromme, R. (2020) Sealing the gateways for post-truthism: Reestablishing the epistemic authority of science, Educational Psychologist, 55(3), 144-154, DOI: 10.1080/00461520.2020.1784012
  • Tkotz, J.*, Kienhues, D.*, Jucks, R. & Bromme, R. (2020) (*=shared first authorship). Keep calm in heated debates. How people perceive different styles of discourse in a scientific debate. Frontiers in Education. DOI: 10.3389/feduc.2020572503


  • Hendriks, F., & Kienhues, D. (2019). Science understanding between scientific literacy and trust: Contributions of psychological and educational research. In Leßmöllmann, A., Dascal, M., Gloning, T. (Ed.): Handbooks of Communication Science, Vol. 17: Science Communication. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter


  • Kienhues, D., Thomm, E. & Bromme, R. (2018). Specificity reloaded: How multiple layers of specificity influence reasoning in science argument evaluation. In: F. Fischer, C. A. Chinn, K. Engelmann & J. Osborne (Eds.). Scientific Reasoning and Argumentation: The Roles of Domain-Specific and Domain-General Knowledge. London: Taylor & Francis.


  • Bromme, R. & Kienhues, D. (Hrsg.) (2017). Gewissheit und Skepsis: Wissenschaftskommunikation als Forschungsthema der Psychologie (Themenheft). Psychologische Rundschau, 68(3).
  • Bromme, R. & Kienhues, D. (2017). Gewissheit und Skepsis: Wissenschaftskommunikation als Forschungsthema der Psychologie (Editorial). Psychologische Rundschau, 68(3). 167-171. doi: 10.1026/0033-3042/a000359
  • Weinstock, M., Kienhues, D., Feucht, F.C., & Ryan, M. (2017). Informed reflexivity: Enacting epistemic virtue. Educational Psychologist, 52(4). 284-298. doi: 10.1080/00461520.2017.1349662


  • Bromme, R., Kienhues, D., & Stadtler, M. (2016). Die kognitive Arbeitsteilung als Herausforderung der Forschung zu epistemischen Überzeugungen. In A.-K. Mayer & T. Rosman (Hrsg.), Denken über Wissen und Wissenschaft. Epistemologische Überzeugungen als Gegenstand psychologischer Forschung (S. 25-38). Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers. Send a copy for my personal use
  • Hendriks, F., Kienhues, D., Bromme, R. (2016). Disclose your flaws! Admission positively affects the perceived trustworthiness of an expert science blogger. Studies in Communication Sciences, 16(2), 124-131. doi:10.1016/j.scoms.2016.10.003
  • Hendriks, F., Kienhues, D., Bromme, R. (2016). Evoking vigilance: Would you (dis)trust a scientist who discusses ethical implications of research in a science blog?. Public Understanding of Science. doi: 10.1177/0963662516646048 Send a copy for my personal use
  • Hendriks, F., Kienhues, D. & Bromme, R. (2016). Trust in Science and the Science of Trust. In B. Blöbaum (Ed.). Trust and Communication in a Digitalized World. Models and Concepts of Trust Research (pp. 143-159). Berlin: Springer. Send a copy for my personal use Link to publikation
  • Kienhues, D. (2016). Heute hier, morgen dort: Die kurzfristige Beinflussbarkeit epistemischer Kognition. In A.-K. Mayer & T. Rosman (Hrsg.), (2016). Denken über Wissen und Wissenschaft. Epistemologische Überzeugungen als Gegenstand psychologischer Forschung (S. 157-172). Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
  • Kienhues, D., Ferguson, L. E. & Stahl, E. (2016). Diverging information and epistemic change. In J. Greene, W. Sandoval, & I. Braten (eds.). Handbook of Epistemic Cognition (pp. 318-330). New York: Routledge.


  • Hendriks, F., Kienhues, D. & Bromme, R. (2015). Measuring Laypeople's Trust in Experts in a Digital Age: The Muenster Epistemic Trustworthiness Inventory (METI). PLoS ONE 10(10): e0139309. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0139309 Link to the open access publication
  • Kienhues, D. & Bromme, R. (2015). Science and the Public: Das Verständnis fragiler und konfligierender Evidenz. Projekte, Forschungsthemen und Ergebnisse aus dem DFG Schwerpunktprogramm 1409 (2009-2015). Münster: Universität Münster. Download verfügbar unter


  • Bromme, R. & Kienhues, D. (2014). Wissenschaftsverständnis und Wissenschaftskommunikation. In T. Seidel & A. Krapp (Hrsg.). Pädagogische Psychologie (6. Auflage) (S. 55-81). Weinheim: Beltz.
  • Sinatra, G. M., Kienhues, D., & Hofer, B. K. (2014). Addressing challenges to public understanding of science: Epistemic Cognition, Motivated Reasoning, and Conceptual Change. Educational Psychologist, 49(2), 123-138. doi: 10.1080/00461520.2014.916216. This article was the journal's most-read article in 2014 and is therefore featured in the collection "Class of 2015" and has been granted free access here.


  • Bromme, R. & Kienhues, D. (2013). Allgemeinbildung. In M. A. Wirtz (Hrsg.). Dorsch – Lexikon der Psychologie (16. Aufl., S. 124). Bern: Verlag Hans Huber.
  • Bromme, R. & Kienhues, D. (2013). Wissenschaftskommunikation. In M. A. Wirtz (Hrsg.). Dorsch – Lexikon der Psychologie (16. Aufl., S. 1674). Bern: Verlag Hans Huber.
  • Kienhues, D. (2013). Epistemic Beliefs. Oxford Bibliographies (Education section). Ed. L.H. Meyer. New York: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/obo/9780199756810-0084 [link for further information]


  • Bromme, R., & Kienhues, D. (2012). Rezeption von Wissenschaft - mit besonderem Fokus auf Bio- und Gentechnologie und konfligierende Evidenz. In M.-D. Weitze, A. Pühler, W. M. Heckl, B. Müller-Röber, O. Renn, P. Weingart & G. Wess (Hrsg.), Biotechnologie-Kommunikation. Kontroversen, Analysen, Aktivitäten (acatech DISKUSSION). Heidelberg: Springer. Send a copy for my personal use
  • Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2012). General literacy in a digital world. In Norbert M. Seel (Ed.). Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning (Vol. 3, pp. 1346-1349). New York: Springer. [link for further information on the encyclopedia]
  • Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2012). Exploring laypeople's epistemic beliefs about medicine - a factor-analytic survey study. BMC Public Health, 12, 759. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-12-759 Send a copy for my personal use


  • Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2011). Beliefs about abilities and epistemic beliefs - Aspects of cognitive flexibility in information rich environments. In J. Elen, E. Stahl, R. Bromme, & G. Clarebout (Eds.), Links between beliefs and cognitive flexibility: lessons learned (pp. 105-124). New York: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-1793-0_6 Send a copy for my personal use
  • Kienhues, D., Stadtler, M., & Bromme, R. (2011). Dealing with conflicting or consistent medical information on the Web: When expert information breeds laypersons’ doubts about experts. Learning and Instruction, 21, 193-204. doi:10.1016/j.learninstruc.2010.02.004 Send a copy for my personal use


  • Bromme, R., Kienhues, D., & Porsch, T. (2010). Who knows what and who can we believe? Epistemological beliefs are beliefs about knowledge (mostly) attained from others. in L. D. Bendixen, & F. C. Feucht (eds.), Personal Epistemology in the Classroom: Theory, Research, and Implications for Practice (pp. 163-193). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511691904.006 Send a copy for my personal use
  • Kienhues, D. (2010). Whom to blame - the source of information or myself? Personal epistemology and personal ability in dealing with medical information on the Internet. Berlin: Logos.


  • Bromme, R., & Kienhues, D. (2008). Allgemeinbildung. In W. Schneider & M. Hasselhorn (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Pädagogischen Psychologie (S. 619-628). Göttingen: Hogrefe. Send a copy for my personal use
  • Kienhues, D., Bromme, R., & Stahl, E. (2008). Changing epistemological beliefs: The unexpected impact of a short-term intervention. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 78, 545-565. doi: 10.1348/000709907X268589 Send a copy for my personal use
  • Bromme, R., Kienhues, D., & Stahl, E. (2008). Knowledge and epistemological beliefs: An intimate but complicate relationship. In M. S. Khine (ed.), Knowing, Knowledge, and Beliefs: Epistemological Studies Across Diverse Cultures (p. 423 - 444). New York: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-6596-5_20 Send a copy for my personal use


  • Bromme, R., & Kienhues, D. (2007). Epistemologische Überzeugungen: Was wir von (natur-) wissenschaftlichem Wissen erwarten können. In J. Zumbach, & H. Mandl (Hrsg.), Pädagogische Psychologie in Theorie und Praxis. Ein fallbasiertes Lehrbuch (S.193-203). Göttingen: Hogrefe. Send a copy for my personal use


Conference papers and presentations


  • Kienhues, D., Taddicken, M., Winter, S., & Bol, N. (accepted). Science-related public discourse on social media: The role of topic and sociodemographics. Paper to be presented at the EARLI SIG 20 & SIG26 Conference, Berlin, Germany.
  • Kienhues, D., Winter, S., Taddicken, M., & Bol, N. (akzeptiert). Topic-specificity in perceiving and engaging with socio-scientific topics – a representative study. Angenommener Vortrag beim 53. Kongress der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Wien, Österreich.
  • Taddicken, M., Kienhues, D., Winter, S., & Bol, N. (accepted). Analyzing public perceptions and online engagement with different science topics. Paper to be presented  at the 10th conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association, Ljubliana, Slovenia.


  • Guse, S., Kienhues, D. & Jucks, R. (2023, September). Mathematik »nur« auf Lehramt studieren? Wertüberzeugungen und Zugehörigkeitsempfinden zur Mathematik bei Lehramtsstudierenden im Vergleich mit Hauptfachstudierenden. Paper presented at the dgps-Fachgruppentagung Pädagogische Psychologie (PAEPS), Kiel.
  • Guse, S., Kienhues, D. & Jucks, R. (2023, March). Zwischen Wissenschaft und Berufsbezug? Eine Untersuchung zu Sichtweisen von Lehramtsstudierenden auf die Fachwissenschaft Mathematik. Paper presented at the meeting of the Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), Essen.
  • Kienhues, D. (2023, September). Preserving the epistemic authority of science – but in a humble way. Invited keynote at the Summer School "Approaches to Research on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education" (HoBid 2023), Paderborn, Germany.
  • Kienhues, D., & Jucks, R. (2023, April). Teaching to enhance students' scientific attitude: Insights from a higher education course. Paper presented at the 17th International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference (PCST 2023), Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Kienhues, D., Vaupotič, N., & Jucks, R. (2023, April). Complex but manageable: Effects of communicating tentativeness and concrete actions in the context of the future energy strategy on individuals' dealing with this socio-scientific issue. Paper presented at the 17th International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference (PCST 2023), Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Kienhues, D., Vaupotič, N., & Jucks, R. (2023, August). Communicating scientific complexity encourages intellectual humility and epistemic trust. Paper presented at the 20th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Thessaloniki, Greece.


  • Guse, S., Kienhues, D. & Jucks, R. (2022, June). Connecting to science by fostering preservice teachers’ views on academic study content. Paper presented at the EARLI SIG 1 & 4 Joint Conference, Cádiz, Spain.
  • Glathe, A., Kienhues, D., Mayweg-Paus, E., Mörth, M., Paridon, H. & Ulrich, I., (2022, September). Die Relevanz psychologischer Erkenntnisse in der postpandemischen Hochschuldidaktik. Diskurswerkstatt bei der Fachtagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik, dghd 2022, Paderborn.
  • Kienhues, D. (2022, Oktober). Die Epistemische Autorität von Wissenschaft als Teil des Wissenschaftsverständnisses der Öffentlichkeit(en). Vortrag auf Einladung der Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen (digital).
  • Kienhues. D. (2022, September). Diskussion des Symposiums "Trust in and within Science" beim 52. Kongress der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Hildesheim.

  • Kienhues, D. (2022, July). A proper understanding of the epistemic authority of science – a keystone of informed citizenry and politics. Contribution in the session: "Why won't policy makers listen to the scientists?", organized by Valérie Pattyn and Johan Christensen, 10th EuroScience Open Forum, Leiden, the Netherlands.

  • Kienhues, D. (2022, April). Komplexitäten der Generierung und Anwendung wissenschaftlichen Wissens als Teil des Wissenschaftsverständnisses der Öffentlichkeit. Vortrag auf Einladung der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (digital).

  • Kienhues, D. (2022, Februar). Das Wissenschaftverständnis der Öffentlichkeit(en): Faktoren und Möglichkeiten der Förderung. Eingeladener Vortrag beim 3. Informationskompetenztag Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz (digital).

  • Kienhues, D., Jucks, R. & Bromme, R. (2022, September). Postfaktische Diskurse als Herausforderung für die (Hochschul-)Bildung: Wie ist eine kritische Vermittlung der Epistemischen Autorität von Wissenschaft möglich? Positionspapier beim 52. Kongress der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Hildesheim.

  • Kienhues, D. & Malyschkin, L. (2022, September). Misconduct in science: its influence on students' trust in scientists and academic Integrity. Paper presented at the SECAT conference, Aarhus, Denmark (digital).

  • Kienhues, D., Marek, M., den Ouden, H., Schotemeier, S. & Jucks, R. (2022, September). Hochschullehre setzt Impulse: Wissenschaftsverständnis, Forschendes Lernen und Digitalität als Leitprinzipien der Hochschullehre. Beitrag präsentiert auf der Fachtagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik, dghd 2022, Paderborn.
  • Stehle, S., Fabriz, S., Glathe, A., Guse, S., Kienhues, D., Vöing, N., Weiß, S. (2022, September). Wie wirksam sind hochschuldidaktische Zertifikatsprogramme? - Ergebnisse einer standortübergreifenden Absolvent*innenbefragung in drei Bundesländern. Beitrag präsentiert auf der Fachtagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik, dghd 2022, Paderborn.
  • Stehle, S., Fabriz, S., Glathe, A., Guse, S., Kienhues, D., Vöing, N., Weiß, S. (2022, June). Academic Development in hindsight – a survey with graduates in Germany. Paper presented at the EARLI SIG 1 & 4 Joint Conference, Cádiz, Spain.
  • Vaupotič, N., Kienhues, D. & Jucks, R. (2022, August). Enhancing adults’ intellectual humility and understanding of a socio-scientific issue in the context of science communication. Invited talk at the JURE symposium of the 12th International Conference on Conceptual Change, Zwolle, Netherlands


  • Kienhues, D. (2021, Februar). Wissenschaft ist eine Meinung? Gefährdungen und Stärkungen der Epistemischen Autorität von Wissenschaft. Eingeladener Vortrag der Nachwuchskollegs Bildungsqualität und CEREB, Universität Erfurt.
  • Guse, S., Kienhues, D. & Jucks, R. (2021, September). Maths matters: Sichtweisen von Lehramtsstudierenden auf Mathematik experimentell untersucht. Vortrag auf der Tagung der Fachgruppe Pädagogische Psychologie (PAEPSY), online.

  • Guse, S., Kienhues, D. & Jucks, R. (2021, August). Teach what you have been preached? Influencing preservice teachers’ views on mathematical content. Poster presented at the 19th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), online.

  • Vaupotič, N., Kienhues, D., Jucks, R. (2021, May). Knowing what you don’t know: Does explaining a science article affect Individuals’ assessment of their own and scientists’ knowledge?. Paper presented at the 16th International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference (PCST 2020+1).
  • Vaupotič, N., Hendriks, F., Gierth, L., & Kienhues, D. (2021, May). Grab a drink and talk science: How scientists adapt their talks for an informal science communication event. Paper presented at the 16th International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference (PCST 2020+1).


  • Kienhues, D. & Mayweg-Paus, E. (2020, März). Reflexion fachspezifischer Lehrgepflogenheiten und individuell erlebter fachlicher Enkulturation als Teil der Weiterbildung von Hochschullehrenden. Beitrag präsentiert auf der (digitalen) Fachtagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik, dghd 2020, Berlin.


  • Kienhues, D. (2019, September). Diskussion des Symposiums "Zur Wahl, Nutzung und Rolle (nicht-) wissenschaftlicher Informationsquellen zu Bildungsthemen durch Lehramtsstudierende“ auf der gemeinsamen Tagung der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (PAEPSY), Leipzig.
  • Kienhues, D. (2019, Mai). Kommunikation von und über Wissenschaft. Eingeladener Vortrag bei der Veranstaltung „Wissenschaftskommunikation in DFG-geförderten Projekten“ , Geschäftsstelle der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn.
  • Kienhues, D. & Hendriks, F. (2019, August). Identifying literacies protective against misinformation and science skepticism. Symposium organized at the 18th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Aachen, Germany.
  • Kienhues, D., Hendriks, F., Jucks, R., & Bromme, R. (2019, August). Identifying strategies in dealing with science-based information. Paper to be presented at the 18th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Aachen, Germany.
  • Kienhues, D., & Sandoval, W., (2019, April). The role of education in a time of misinformation: Providing foundations for open and tolerant societies. Round table organized for  the International Session organized by ice (International Cooperation in Education, DIPF) at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Toronto, Canada.
  • Kienhues, D., & Vaupotič, N. (2019, June). Successful online information behavior?! A conglomerate of skills, knowledge, attitudes, existing literacies,.... Talk at the EARLI SIG 20 & 26 sponsored workshop "What is Successful Online Information Behavior?" at Einstein Center Digital Future, Berlin, Germany.
  • Sandoval, W. & Kienhues, D. (2019, April). Science under pressure: How can education contribute to an open-minded and informed citizenry? Invited Breakfast Talk during the International Session organized by ice (International Cooperation in Education, DIPF) at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Toronto, Canada.
  • Vaupotič, N., Kienhues, D., & Jucks, R. (2019, August). Mind the knowledge gap: explanation as a reflection mechanism about own knowledge, scientist's knowledge and trust in science. Poster to be presented at the 18th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Aachen, Germany.



  • Bromme, R., Kienhues, D., Lindholm, M., Schäfer, M., Weißkopf, M., & Ziegler, R. (in alphabetical order) (2018, July). Trusting science: Public attitudes in Germany, Sweden, and Switzerland. Session at the 8th Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF). Toulouse, France.
  • Bromme, R. & Kienhues, D. (2018, September). Trust in science: A vulnerable source for rationality in modern societies. Invited Symposium beim 51. Kongress der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Frankfurt am Main.
  • Hendriks, F. & Kienhues. D. (2018, September). Epistemic trust: a cornerstone in reasoning and deciding about complex science issues. Vortrag  gehalten beim 51. Kongress der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Frankfurt am Main.
  • Hendriks, F., Niederhoff, D., Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2018, April). Scientists' views on their engagement in science communication and outreach activities. Paper presented at the 15th Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST) Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand.
  • Kienhues, D. & Bromme, R. (2018, April). We were promised jetpacks, but still: Science as an epistemic authority in our modern world. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New York City, USA.
  • Kienhues, D. & Hendriks, F. (2018; September). Die Fake-News Problematik und ihre Konsequenzen für die Psychologie. Podiumdiskussion beim 51. Kongress der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Frankfurt am Main.
  • Kienhues, D., Bromme, R., Gollwitzer, M., Rothmund, T., Maier, M., Bromme, L., & Bender, J. (2018, September). Who has a consistent stance toward science? Interndiviual and intercontextual differences in the public's engagment with science. Vortrag  gehalten beim 51. Kongress der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Frankfurt am Main.
  • Vaupotič, N. Kienhues, D., Jucks, R. (2018, August). Developing understanding of scientific knowledge for an efficient engagement with science. 2nd PhD Summer School on Conceptual Change, Klagenfurt, Austria.


  • Bender, J., Maier, M., Rothmund, T., Nauroth, P., Gollwitzer, M., Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2017, May). Identifying subtypes of science-related attitudes: A latent class analysis approach. Paper presented at the 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), San Diego, USA.
  • Hendriks, F., Kienhues, D. Bromme, R. (2017, May). Können Replikationen die Glaubwürdigkeit von Forschungsergebnissen und die Vertrauenswürdigkeit von Forschern beeinflussen? Beitrag auf der 1. Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe "Wissenschaftskommunikation" der DGPuK, Landau, Deutschland.
  • Hendriks, F., Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2017, June). Knowledge of and about science benefits people’s shallow evidence evaluation. Poster presented at the research workshop of the Israel Science Foundation "Public Engagement with Science Online". Technion, Haifa, Israel.
  • Hendriks, F., Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2017, August). How scientific literacy benefits laypeople's persuasiveness judgments about scientific evidence. Paper presented at the 17th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Tampere, Finland.
  • Hendriks, F., Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2017, September). Der Einfluss des Wissenschaftsverständnisses auf die Bewertung unterschiedlicher Qualitäten der Evidenz von wissenschaftlichen Aussagen. Beitrag präsentiert auf der Fachtagung für Entwicklungs- und Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Münster, Deutschland.
  • Kienhues, D. (2017, September). Diskussion des Symposiums: "Epistemic Change: Die Förderung von differenzierten wissenschaftsbezogenen Überzeugungen von Studierenden bei der gemeinsamen Tagung der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (PAEPSY), Münster.
  • Ryan, M., Bromme, R., Feucht, F., Kienhues, D., Weinstock, M. (2017, August). Informed reflexivity: Enacting epistemic virtue. Paper presented at the 17th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Tampere, Finland.


  • Hendriks, F., Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2016, September). Replications matter! The effect of replications on laypersons' trust in researchers and in their research. Paper to be presented at the 50. Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Leipzig, Germany.
  • Hendriks, F., Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2016, July). The effect of ethical concerns on source evaluation and argumentation about a socio-scientific issue. Invited paper to be presented the 5th Biennial Meeting of the EARLI Special Interest Group 13 Moral & Democratic Education, Salzburg, Austria.
  • Hendriks, F., Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2016, May). Laypeople's inferences about a science blogger's trustworthiness: Two experimental studies. Paper presented at the 14th Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST) Conference. Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Kienhues, D., Tichelbäcker, L. & Bromme, R. (2016, March). Widersprüchliche Wissenschaft?! Der Einfluss von zwei Darstellungsfaktoren auf den Umgang von Schülern mit wissenschaftlichen Konflikten. Vortrag präsentiert bei der vierten Tagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), Berlin.


  • Hendriks, F. & Kienhues, D. (2015, September). How Web 2.0 influences public understanding of science: Laypeople’s ways of dealing with, deciding on and engaging in science issues in digital media. Symposium organized at the 9th Conference of the Media Psychology Division (German Psychological Society, DGPs), Tübingen, Germany.
  • Hendriks, F., Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2015, September). Differences in students’ trustworthiness assessments of a science blogger depending on the source of a disclosure of ethical concerns. Paper presented at the 9th Conference of the Media Psychology Division (German Psychological Society, DGPs), Tübingen, Germany.
  • Hendriks, F., Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2015, August). Deciding what might be true: Reasoning about the content or about the source of an argument. Paper presented at the 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Limassol, Cyprus.
  • Hendriks, F., Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2015, August). The effect of ethical concerns on source evaluation and argumentation about a socio-scientific issue. Paper presented at the 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Limassol, Cyprus.
  • Hendriks, F., Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2015, June). Non-mediated science communication: Science blogs and their impact on trust in scientists. Contribution to the international workshop "Innovations and Advances in Survey-Based Research on Public Attitudes towards Science" at Castle Rauischholzhausen, Germany.
  • Hendriks, F., Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2015, January). Ethical Arguments in science blogging: their effects on perceived expert trustworthiness and decisions about a socio-scientific issue. Contributed to the Workshop "Motivated Science Reception" of the DFG Priority Program “Science and the General Public”, Annweiler, Deutschland.
  • Kienhues, D. (2015, June). Epistemic cognition and its role for understanding challenges to public understanding of science. Contribution to the international workshop “Innovations and Advances in Survey-Based Research on Public Attitudes towards Science” at Castle Rauischholzhausen, Germany.
  • Kienhues, D. & Barzilai, S (2015, August). Epistemic practices of dealing with conflicting information: extending current theories. Symposium organized at the 16th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Limassol, Cyprus.
  • Kienhues, D., Tichelbäcker, L., & Bromme, R. (2015, August). How people deal with conflicts in science: The role of subject area and personalization of science. Paper presented at the 16th Biennal Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Limassol, Cyprus.
  • Kienhues, D., Tichelbäcker, L. & Bromme, R. (2015, January). Tears as a chemical or a psychological topic for science communication: The impact of knowledge domain and personalization on the public understanding of science conflicts. Paper presented at the Workshop "Motivated Science Reception" of the DFG Priority Program “Science and the General Public”, Annweiler, Germany.
  • Tichelbäcker, L., Kienhues, D. & Bromme, R. (2015, September). Wie Schüler mit Konflikten in der Wissenschaft umgehen: Die Rolle der Wissenschaftsdisziplin und personalisierten Darstellung der Wissenschaft. Vortrag auf der 15. Fachgruppentagung Pädagogische Psychologie (PAEPS).


  • Hendriks, F. & Kienhues, D. (2014, September). Vertrauensurteile in der Wissenschaftsrezeption: Die Messung von Vertrauen in Experten im Online-Kontext. Vortrag präsentiert bei dem 49. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Bochum.
  • Hendriks, F. & Kienhues, D. (2014, March). Dimensionen von Vertrauen in wissenschaftliche Autoren und ihre Implikationen für weitere Informationssuche. Poster präsentiert bei der Tagung der Gesellschaft für empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), Frankfurt.
  • Hendriks, F., Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2014, August). Who has said it and why? Laypersons' reasoning about experts' arguments in science blogs. Paper presented at the workshop “Arguing about scientific information” of the DFG Priority Program “Science and the General Public”, Münster, Germany.
  • Hendriks, F., Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2014, June). Ethical Arguments in science blogging: their effects on expert trustworthiness and ability to make decisions about the topic. Paper presented at the 4th Biennial Meeting of the EARLI Special Interest Group 13 Moral & Democratic Education, Verona, Italy.
  • Kienhues, D. (2014, December). Streit in der Wissenschaft? (Forschungsprogramm und) Studien zum Umgang von Laien mit wissenschaftlichen Kontroversen. Vortrag gehalten beim 7. Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation in Potsdam.
  • Kienhues, D. & Bromme, R. (2014, September). Wissenschaftsrezeption und die Kommunikation konfligierender Evidenz. Arbeitsgruppe auf dem 49. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Bochum.
  • Kienhues, D. & Bromme, R. (2014, June). How induced motivational orientations impact dealing with conflicting scientific information. Poster presented at the International Conference on Motivation. Helsinki, Finland.


  • Barzilai, S. & Kienhues, D. (2013, August). Dealing with (socio-)scientific controversies: epistemic, motivational, and cognitive dimensions. Symposium organized at the 15th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Munich, Germany.
  • Hendriks, F., Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2013, September). Der Einfluss von Selbstlimitationen auf das Vertrauen in die Autoren wissenschaftlicher Informationen: eine Untersuchung am Beispiel von Wissenschaftsblogs. Vortrag auf der 14. Fachtagung Sozialpsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Hagen, Deutschland.
  • Hendriks, F., Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2013, September). Die Glaubwürdigkeit wissenschaftlicher Autoren Online: Wie wirkt selbstoffenbarte Fragilität der Ergebnisse gegenüber extern geäußerter Kritik? Vortrag auf der 14. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Hildesheim, Deutschland.
  • Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2013, August). How induced motivational states impact dealing with conflicting scientific information. Paper presented at the 15th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Munich, Germany.


  • Bromme, R. & Kienhues, D. (2012, April). Understanding the preliminary nature of scientific evidence: Rationale of the research program. Paper presented at the 12th International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference (PCST), Florence, Italy.
  • Kienhues, D. (2012, April). Understanding the public understanding of science: A German research program. Session organized for the 12th International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference (PCST), Florence, Italy.
  • Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2012, November). Inducing different motivational states for dealing with conflicting information: its impact on emotional appraisal and information seeking. Paper presented at the workshop "The Internet as a Source of Science Information – Modeling Processes of Information Selection, Comprehension and Persuasion", Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, Germany.
  • Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2012, September). Beeinflussen Informationen über Emotionen von Wissenschaftlern, die in eine wissenschaftliche Kontoverse involviert sind, das Laienverständnis solcher Kontroversen? – Drei Studien im Kurzüberblick. Vortrag auf dem 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Bielefeld.
  • Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2012, September). The impact of differently affect-laden scientific discourse on recipients’ epistemic assumptions and trustworthiness evaluations. Paper presented at the 5th Biennial Meeting of the EARLI Special Interest Group 16 Metacognition, Milan, Italy.
  • Kienhues, D. & Bromme, R. (2012, April). Some like it hot: How emotions tinge laypeople's understanding of scientific controversies. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Vancouver, Canada.
  • Kienhues, D. & Bromme, R. (2012, April). Communicating uncertainty in scientific information: The impact of affect-laden discourse. Paper presented at the 12th International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference (PCST), Florence, Italy.


  • Kienhues, D. & Bromme, R. (2011, September). Die Wahrheit wird im Streit geboren? Die Wirkung unterschiedlicher Darstellungen einer wissenschaftlichen Kontroverse auf epistemische Überzeugungen und Vertrauen in Experten. Vortrag auf der 13. Fachgruppentagung Pädagogische Psychologie der DGPs, Erfurt.
  • Kienhues, D. & Bromme, R. (2011, August). Readers' ability attributions in dealing with scientific Internet information. Paper presented at the 14th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Exeter, United Kingdom.
  • Kienhues, D. & Bromme, R. (2011, August). Better thin harmony than thick dispute? On different ways to communicate scientific controversies. Paper presented at the 14th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Exeter, United Kingdom.
  • Kienhues, D. & Bromme, R. (2011, July). Some like it hot? On the role of affect in communicating and elaborating scientific controversies. Paper presented at the DFG and NSF funded conference "Public Understanding and Public Engagement with Science", New York City, USA.


  • Bromme, R. & Kienhues, D. (2010, September). "Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit: Das Verständnis fragiler und konfligierender Evidenz - Teil 1". Arbeitsgruppe organisiert für den 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Bremen, Deutschland.
  • Bromme, R. & Kienhues, D. (2010, July). Science and the General Public: Understanding Fragile and Conflicting Scientific Evidence – A Research Program funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG). 5th Annual Science and the Public Conference, London, United Kingdom.
  • Kienhues, D. & Bromme, R. (2010, Dezember). "Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit"- Vorstellung eines interdisziplinären Forschungsprogramms. Vortrag gehalten beim 3. Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation, Mannheim.
  • Kienhues, D. & Bromme, R. (2010, September). Wie Experten-Information die Zweifel von Laien an Experten schüren kann: Der Einfluss konsistenter und konfligierender Internet-Information auf epistemische Überzeugungen. Vortrag gehalten auf der 74. Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Empirische Pädagogische Forschung (AEPF), Jena.
  • Kienhues, D. & Bromme, R. (2010, July). Laypeople's epistemic beliefs about medical information: Why they count and how they can be assessed. Paper presented at the 5th Annual Science and the Public Conference, London, United Kingdom.
  • Kienhues, D. & Bromme, R. (2010, May). How people deal with conflicting information on the Internet: an analysis focusing on (meta-)cognition, personal epistemology, and personal ability. Paper presented at the 4th Biennial Meeting of the EARLI Special Interest Group 16 Metacognition, Münster, Germany.


  • Bendixen, L., Schraw, G., Olafson, L., Kienhues, D., & Feucht, F. (2009, November). Informed citizenship and the role of personal epistemology: A working session. Breakout session organized for the 3rd conference of the Southwest Consortium for Innovative Psychology in Education (SCIPIE), Las Vegas, USA.
  • Kienhues, D. (2009, November). Classroom epistemic culture: model building. Featured participant of the breakout session at the 3rd conference of the Southwest Consortium for Innovative Psychology in Education (SCIPIE), Las Vegas, USA.
  • Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2009, November). Epistemological beliefs and general education: Preparing students for life. Presentation within the breakout session on "Informed citizenship and the role of personal epistemology: a working session" at the 3rd conference of the Southwest Consortium for Innovative Psychology in Education (SCIPIE), Las Vegas, USA.
  • Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2009, November). Investigating personal epistemology and personal ability in dealing with medical information on the Internet. Poster presented at the 3rd conference of the Southwest Consortium for Innovative Psychology in Education (SCIPIE), Las Vegas, USA.
  • Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2009, August). Characteristics of the informed and responsible patient: Developing and testing a scale to measure laypeople's medicine-specific epistemic beliefs. Paper presented at the 13th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2009, June). Critical against whom - myself or the source of information? On the role of perceived ability and epistemology in knowledge rich environments. Paper presented at the joint meeting of the scientific network on “Developing critical and flexible thinking” and the "European Network on epistemological beliefs", Marche-en-Famenne, Belgium.
  • Kienhues, D., Bromme, R., & Stadtler, M. (2009, August). The impact of dealing with conflicting versus consistent medical web information on discipline-related epistemic beliefs. Paper presented at the 13th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Amsterdam,  Netherlands.
  • Stahl, E., & Kienhues, D. (2009, November). Media, culture, and epistemological beliefs. Breakout session organized for the 3rd conference of the Southwest Consortium for Innovative Psychology in Education (SCIPIE), Las Vegas, USA.
  • Stahl, E., & Kienhues, D. (2009, August). Interplay between epistemological beliefs, media, and representational formats. Symposium organized for the 13th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Amsterdam, Netherlands.


  • Kienhues, D., Bromme, R. & Stadtler, M. (2008, July). Information search on the web and individual’s epistemological beliefs. Paper presented at the XXIX. International Congress of Psychology, Berlin/Germany.
  • Stahl, E., & Kienhues, D. (2008, July). Interplay between epistemological beliefs and different media during learning processes. Symposium organized for the XXIX. International Congress of Psychology, Berlin/Germany.


  • Bromme, R, Kienhues, D., & Stahl, E. (2007, October). What are sophisticated epistemological beliefs? Some hopefully (more) sophisticated answers. Paper presented at the workshop on Epistemological Beliefs: Conceptual and Methodological Issues, University of Padua, Italy.
  • Kienhues, D. (2007, November). Culture of Science - cognitive and motivational perspectives. Featured participant of the joint session at the 2nd conference of the Southwest Consortium for Innovative Psychology in Education (SCIPIE), Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
  • Kienhues, D., Bromme, R., Stadtler, M. (2007, November). "Is this problem really hard to solve or am I just not able to solve it?" - Exploring (and disentangling?) assumptions about personal epistemology and personal ability in dealing with conflicting evidence during Internet search. Poster presented at the 2nd conference of the Southwest Consortium for Innovative Psychology in Education (SCIPIE), Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
  • Kienhues, D., Stadtler, M. & Bromme, R. (2007, September). "Kann man das gar nicht verstehen oder verstehe nur ich das nicht?" Epistemological reasoning und ability reasoning bei der Recherche nach gesundheitsbezogener Information im Internet. Vortrag auf der 11. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie (PAEPS), Berlin.
  • Kienhues, D., Stadtler, M., & Bromme, R. (2007, August). Dealing with conflicting evidence during Internet search: An investigation of epistemological reasoning and reasoning about ability. Paper presented at 12th Earli conference 2007, Budapest, Hungary.
  • Stahl, E., Bromme, R., & Kienhues, D. (2007, November). CAEB. Possibilities and limits of an instrument to measure epistemological beliefs. Paper presented at the SCIPIE 2nd Biennial Conferences, Phoenix, USA.
  • Stahl, E. & Kienhues, D. (2007, September). Die Relevanz von Überzeugungen zur Natur des Wissens, des Wissenserwerbes und des Lernens in unterschiedlichen Informationsverarbeitungskontexten. Symposium für die 11. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie (PAEPS), Berlin.


  • Kienhues, D. (2006, October). Computer-based improvement of epistemological beliefs. Poster presented at the VGK Autumn School "Improving Computer-mediated Learning and Collaborative Work: Which are the Promising Concepts?", Münster.
  • Kienhues, D., Bromme, R. & Stahl, E. (2006, September). Förderung epistemologischer Überzeugungen: Interventionen auf Grundlage der Forschung zum Conceptual Change. Vortrag auf dem 45. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Nürnberg.
  • Kienhues, D., Bromme, R., & Stahl, E. (2006, June). Changing epistemological beliefs: The surprising impact of a short-term intervention. Paper presented at the 5th Symposium of the EARLI-SIG (Special Interest Group) on Conceptual Change, Stockholm, Sweden.


  • Kienhues, D., Bromme, R. & Stahl, E. (2005, August). CAEB: A semantic differential to measure connotative epistemological beliefs. Paper presented at the 11th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Nicosia/Cyprus.

Invited presentations

  • Kienhues, D. (2021, February). Wissenschaft ist eine Meinung? Gefährdungen und Stärkungen der Epistemischen Autorität von Wissenschaft. Eingeladener Vortrag der Nachwuchskollegs Bildungsqualität und CEREB, Universität Erfurt.
  • Kienhues, D. (2019, May). Kommunikation von und über Wissenschaft. Eingeladener Vortrag bei der Veranstaltung „Wissenschaftskommunikation in DFG-geförderten Projekten“, Geschäftsstelle der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn.
  • Kienhues, D. (2017, October). Wissenschaftsverständnis der Öffentlichkeit und die Rolle von Vertrauen in Wissenschaft(lerInnen). Eingeladener Vortrag bei der Jahrestagung der Geschäftsstelle des Wissenschaftsrates, Bonn.
  • Kienhues, D. (2015, June). Beinflussbarkeit epistemischer Überzeugungen und theoretische Ableitungen zur Stabilität und Kontextualität des Konstrukts. Eingeladener Vortrag beim ZPID-Symposium “Epistemologische Überzeugungen”, Trier.
  • Kienhues, D. (2014, August). Stumbling blocks to a public understanding (and acceptance) of science: A psychological perspective. Invited keynote presentation at the Summer School “Biotransformations 2014”, Bad Herrenalb, Germany.
  • Kienhues, D. & Bromme, R. (2011, October). Rezeption von Wissenschaft - Eine psychologische Perspektive. Vortrag auf Einladung der Deutschen Akademie der Technikwissenschaften beim 2. Workshop "Kommunikation Neuer Technologien - Biotechnologie", Andechs.
  • Kienhues, D. (2007, November). Knowledge and epistemological beliefs - some general suggestions and an introduction of my Ph.D. project. Invited talk within the Research Forum of the Educational Psychology Department, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.


Further information

Ad hoc reviewer for:

  • American Education Research Journal
  • British Journal of Educational Psychology
  • British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science
  • Contemporary Educational Psychology
  • Discourse Processes
  • Educational Research Review
  • Educational Psychology Review
  • European Journal of Psychology of Education
  • Frontiers in Psychology
  • Infanzia y Aprendizaje
  • International Journal of Educational Research
  • International Journal of Psychology
  • Instructional Science
  • Journal of Media Psychology
  • Journal of Science Communication
  • Learning and Instruction
  • Psychologische Rundschau
  • Psychological Science
  • Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht
  • Public Understanding of Science
  • Reading & Writing
  • Science Education
  • Teaching and Learning in Medicine
  • Teaching and Teacher Education
  • The Developmental and Educational Psychologist
  • The Journal of Experimental Education
  • The Journal of Medical Internet Research
  • The Journal of the Learning Sciences
  • Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft