Daniel Kischko M.A.
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  • CV

    Since 2023: Research assistant and doctoral studies in sub-project 2: Coptology of the FOR "Xenocracy on Site" at the University of Münster.

    2022-2023: Research grant from the Brigitte and Martin Krause Foundation for the project: "Education and training in the Dachla Oasis in Roman times (3rd-4th century)".

    2014-2021: Study of the Master's program "Languages and Cultures of Egypt and Ancient Near East" with a focus on Coptology at the University of Münster.

    2011-2014: Studied the 2-subject bachelor's degree in "Classical and Early Christian Archaeology" and "Ancient Cultures of Egypt and the Near East" at the University of Münster.

  • Research focus

    • Coptic hagiography and iconography of Christian military saints and their significance for the reception of late antiquity.
    • Coptic and Greek textual evidence from the Dachla Oasis and its significance for social and administrative history.