Jan-Niklas Flügel M.A.
© FOR Xenokratie
  • CV

    Since March 2024: Research assistant and doctoral candidate in sub-project 4 "Vertraute Fremde. Xenocratic administration in Swedish Pomerania" with Prof. Dr. Ulrike Ludwig at the University of Münster

    October 2022 - February 2024: Master's degree in history at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main (thesis: "Family security in Hesse-Kassel and the raising of the ranks under Landgrave Carl")

    September 2022: Internship in the city archive of the Hanseatic city of Stralsund

    2022 - 2023: Collaboration on the Scandinavian Studies Institute magazine "From A to Å. (Almost) everything about Frankfurt Scandinavian Studies" issue no. 5 for the winter semester 2022/23 and issue no. 6 for the summer semester 2023

    October 2021 - November 2023: Student assistant at the University Library Johann Christian Senckenberg Frankfurt am Main

    October 2019 - February 2024: Member of the student council at the Institute of Scandinavian Studies at Goethe University

    October 2016 - September 2022: Bachelor's degree in History, Philosophy and Scandinavian Studies at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main (Thesis: "The National-Protestant Gustav Adolf Reception in the Protestant Milieu of the German Empire")

  • Research focus

    • German-Swedish history from around 1600
    • Swedish border- and overseas colonialism
    • Administrative penetration and integration of Swedish Pomerania between 1600-1750
    • Factors of the "foreigner" between the local population and the Swedish administration in perception and administration