Development Moved to Open Repository


Since October 2024 Voreen is developed in an open repository on github.
This means that we now also accept contributions from the public, i.e. not only members of the University of Münster.

Older news can be found in the news archive.

About Voreen


Voreenve-2.pngVoreen is an open source rapid application development framework for the interactive visualization and analysis of multi-modal volumetric data sets. It provides GPU-based volume rendering and data analysis techniques and offers high flexibility when developing new analysis workflows in collaboration with domain experts. The Voreen framework consists of a multi-platform C++ library, which can be easily integrated into existing applications, and a Qt-based stand-alone application. It is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

The Voreen project has been initiated and was originally maintained by the Visualization & Computer Graphics Research Group at the University of Münster as part of the collaborative research center SFB 656 MoBil (Project Z1, Project Ö).

Since 2018, Voreen is collaboratively developed by the Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (PRIA) Research Group and the VISualization & graphIX (VISIX) Research Group.

If you use Voreen in your research, please cite it in your publications.

Main Features

  • Visualization
    • Direct volume rendering (DVR), isosurface rendering, maximum intensity projection (MIP)
    • Support of different illumination models (Phong reflection model, Non-photorealistic rendering/toon shading, ambient occlusion)
    • Large (out-of-core) data visualization (using an OpenCL octree raycaster)
    • Streamline-based vector field visualization
    • Multimodal volume rendering
    • Geometry rendering with support for order independent transparency
    • Flexible combination of image processing operators (depth darkening, glow, chromadepth, edge detection)
    • Visualization of time-varying as well as segmented 3D datasets
    • Support for 1D and 2D transfer functions/CLUTs
    • Configurable views for building more complex applications (triple view/quad view/tabbed view/splitter)
    • Plotting
    • Volume Ensemble visualization (similarity plot, ensemble mean/variance, parallel coordinates)
  • Volume Processing
    • Isosurface extraction
    • Efficient basic 3D-image processing for very large (out-of-core) volumes
    • Very large volume analysis (connected components, vessel network analysis)
    • Interactive volume segmentation (random walker-based, vesselness filtering, basic thresholding)
    • Interactive volume registration (manual or landmark-based)
    • Vector field volume processing (Jacobian matrix, Delta/Q/Lambda2 vortex criterion, coreline extraction)
    • Out-of-core processing of spatio-temporal multi-field ensemble datasets (ensemble analysis)
    • OpenLB integration for flow simulation ensemble generation
  • Interaction
    • Configurable application mode for improving usability for domain experts
    • Axis aligned and arbitrarily aligned clipping planes
    • Editors for 1D and 2D transfer functions
    • Inspection of intermediate results
    • Distance measurements
  • Data I/O
    • Support for several volume file formats (e.g. DICOM, TIFF stacks, HDF5, RAW, NetCDF, VTI, NIfTI-1)
    • High-resolution screenshot and camera animation generation with Spatial anti-aliasing
    • FFmpeg-based video export
    • Python scripting for offline image processing and visualization
    • Geometry in/export (e.g. for Additive Manufacturing)