SS 2022 Seminar: Seminar on Selected Topics in Stochastics WS 2021/22 Exercise classes: Stochastics SS 2021 Exercise classes: Stochastics for teachers WS 2020/21 Practical: Statistical programming with R
Seminar: Bachelor seminar for teachers: The mathematics of politicsSS 2020 Practical: Statistical programming with R
Exercise classes: Stochastics for teachersWS 2019/20 Seminar: Bachelor seminar for teachers Publications
- A Central Limit Theorem for incomplete U-statistics over triangular arrays (2021)
joint work with Matthias Löwe
Braz. J. Probab. Stat. 35 (3) 499 - 522, August 2021.
[Preprint at arXiv] - A Central Limit Theorem for the Mean Starting Hitting Time for a Random Walk on a Random Graph (2022)
joint work with Matthias Löwe
J. Theor. Probab. (2022)
[Preprint at arXiv] - A Central Limit Theorem for the average target hitting time for a random walk on a random graph (2022)
joint work with Matthias Löwe
[Preprint at arXiv]
- A Central Limit Theorem for incomplete U-statistics over triangular arrays (2021)