WS2024/24 SS2024 WS 2023/24 SS 2023 Masterseminar Probability Theory WS 2022/23 Point Processes SS 2022 WS 2021/22 Convex and Stochastic Geometry Publications
- Random polytopes in convex bodies: Bridging the gap between extremal containers (joint work with Florian Besau and Christoph Thäle)
arXiv:2411.19163 - Concentration inequalities for Poisson U-statistics (joint work with Gilles Bonnet)
arXiv:2404.16756 -
Poisson-Laguerre tessellations (joint work with Mathias in Wolde-Lübke)
Sectional Voronoi tessellations: Characterization and high-dimensional limits (joint work with Zakhar Kabluchko and Christoph Thäle)
Bernoulli, volume 30, no. 2 (2024), pp. 1482-1501. -
Spherical convex hull of random points on a wedge (joint work with Florian Besau, Matthias Reitzner, Carsten Schütt, Christoph Thäle and Elisabeth Werner)
Mathematische Annalen (2023). - Variance expansion and Berry-Esseen bound for the number of vertices of a random polygon in a polygon (joint with Matthias Reitzner and Christoph Thäle)
Annales Henri Lebesgue 6 (2023), pp. 875 - 906. - The volume of random simplices from elliptical distributions in high dimension (joint with Johannes Heiny and Christoph Thäle)
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, volume 164 (2023), pp. 357-382. - The β-Delaunay tessellation IV: Mixing properties and central limit theorems (joint work with Zakhar Kabluchko and Christoph Thäle)
Stochastics and Dynamics, volume 23, article 2350021 (2023), 38 pages. - Intrinsic volumes of ellipsoids (joint with Evgeny Spodarev and Dmitry Zaporozhets)
Zap. nauchn. sem. POMI, volume 515 (2022), pp. 121–140. - The β-Delaunay tessellation II: The Gaussian limit tessellation (joint work with Zakhar Kabluchko and Christoph Thäle)
Electronic Journal of Probability, volume 27, article 62 (2022), pp. 1-33. - The β-Delaunay tessellation: Description of the model and geometry of typical cells (joint work with Christoph Thäle and Zakhar Kabluchko)
Advances in Applied Probability, volume 54, no. 4 (2022), pp. 1252 - 1290. - The β-Delaunay tessellation III: Kendall's problem and limit theorems in high dimensions (joint work with Christoph Thäle and Zakhar Kabluchko)
Latin American Journal of Probability and Statistics, volume 19 (2022), pp. 23-50 - Concentration on Poisson spaces via modified Φ-Sobolev inequalities (joint work with Christoph Thäle and Holger Sambale)
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, volume 140 (2021), pp. 216-235 - Sharp inequalities for the mean distance of random points in convex bodies (joint work with Gilles Bonnet, Christoph Thäle and Dmitry Zaporozhets)
Advances in Mathematics, volume 386, article 107813 (2021), 27 pages - On random convex chains, orthogonal polynomials, PF sequences and probabilistic limit theorems (joint work with Christoph Thäle)
Mathematika, volume 67, no. 2 (2021), pp. 434-446 - The volume of simplices in high-dimensional Poisson-Delaunay tessellations (joint work with Christoph Thäle)
Annales Henri Lebesgue, volume 4 (2021) , pp. 121-153 - Concentration inequalities for functionals of Poisson cylinder processes (joint work with Anastas Baci, Carina Betken and Christoph Thäle)
Electronic Journal of Probability, article 128 (2020), 27 pages - On the distribution of Salem numbers (joint work with Friedrich Götze)
Journal of Number Theory, volume 216 (2020), pp. 192-215 - Distribution of complex algebraic numbers on the unit circle (joint work with Friedrich Götze, Zakhar Kabluchko and Dmitry Zaporozhets)
Journal of Mathematical Sciences, volume 251 (2020), pp. 54-66 - Random affine simplexes (joint work with Friedrich Götze and Dmitry Zaporozhets)
Journal of Applied Probability, volume 56, no. 1 (2019), pp. 39-51 - On algebraic integers in short intervals and near smooth curves (joint work with Friedrich Götze)
Acta Arithmetica, volume 179, no. 3 (2017), pp. 251-265 - On distribution of points with conjugate algebraic integer coordinates close to planar curves (joint work with Vasili Bernik and Friedrich Götze)
Anal. Probab. Methods Number Theory (2017), pp. 11-23 - On points with algebraically conjugate coordinates in neighbourhood of smooth curves (joint work with Vasili Bernik and Friedrich Götze)
Zap. Nauchn. Sem. S.-Peterburg. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov. 448 (2016), pp. 14-47
Translation in Journal of Math. Sci., volume 224, no. 2 (2017), pp. 176 - 198 - On points with algebraically conjugate coordinates close to smooth curves (joint work with Vasili Bernik and Friedrich Götze)
Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory, volume 6, no. 2 - 3 (2016), pp. 57 - 100 - Application of Probability Methods in Number Theory and Integral Geometry
Ph.D. thesis (advisor Prof. Dr. Friedrich Götze)
- Random polytopes in convex bodies: Bridging the gap between extremal containers (joint work with Florian Besau and Christoph Thäle)
Mathias in Wolde-Lübke, M. Sc.
Room 130.021
Orléans-Ring 10
T: 0251 83-32760Orléans-Ring 10