Jun.-Prof. Dr. Anne Schmiedl
Associate Professorship "Literature and Culture of Modern China"
Room 1
Phone: 0251-83 29901
E-Mail: anne.schmiedl@uni-muenster.de
Research Foci
- Literature and Culture of Late Imperial China
- Chinese Mythical Literature
- Female Figures in Chinese Literature
- Cultural Transfer Processes between China and Japan
- Mantic Practices in China
- Classification and Systematization in China
- Animal Studies
Academic Education
- Research stay at Tokyo University in Tokyo, Japan (funded by Emerging Talents Initiative ETI, FAU)
- Research stay at Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea (funded by DAAD, PAJAKO Program)
- Research stay at Tokyo University in Tokyo, Japan (funded by DAAD, PAJAKO Program)
- PhD (summa cum laude), Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Thesis title: “Realising a Character’s True Meaning: Divination and Script-Contemplation in the Zichu 字觸 by Zhou Lianggong 周亮工 (1612–1672)“
- Research stay in Taipei, Taiwan (funded by Villigst e.V.)
- Research stay at Zhouyi Center, Shandong University, in Jinan, China (funded by Villigst e.V.)
- M.A. in English Cultural Studies, Sinology and Japanese Studies, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg
- Japanese language and culture studies at Yamaguchi University in Yamaguchi, Japan
- Research fellow, Institute of Sinology, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg
- Visiting Fellow / Postdoctoral Fellow, International Consortium for Reearch in the Humanities (IKGF), Erlangen
- Research fellow, Institute of Sinology, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg
- Research assistant, International Consortium for Research in the Humanities (IKGF), Erlangen
Books (Monographs)
- Schmiedl and Anne, K., . Chinese Character Manipulation in Literature and Divination: The Zichu by Zhou Lianggong (1612–1672). Leiden: Brill. doi: 10.1163/9789004422377.
Articles in Scientific Journals, Newspapers or Magazines
Research Articles (Journals)
- Schmiedl and Anne, K., . Enigmatic Concepts: On the History of Riddles in China and the West: Contributions to the History of Concepts, 18(2), pp. 28–48. doi: 10.3167/choc.2023.180203.
- Schmiedl, A., Brusadelli, F. and Grimberg, P., . Of Words, Change, and Transplantations: Reshaping Chinese Concepts between Empire and Modernity: Contributions to the History of Concepts, 18(2), pp. 18–27. doi: 10.3167/choc.2023.180202.
- Schmiedl and Anne, K., . ‚A Living Tradition‘: Tracing Chinese Character Divination from Imperial China to Contemporary Taiwan: Monumenta Serica, 71(2), pp. 303–335. doi: 10.1080/02549948.2023.2263273.
- Schmiedl and Anne, K., . Written in Stone? On Creative Strategies in Chinese Character Divination: International Journal of Divination and Prognostication, 1(1), pp. 75–99. doi: 10.1163/25899201-12340004.
- Schmiedl and Anne, K., . From Religious to Secular to Postsecular? On the Continuity of Divination in Chinese-speaking Countries: Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung, 40/2017, pp. 187–212.
- Schmiedl, A., Brusadelli, F. and Grimberg, P., . Of Words, Change, and Transplantations: Reshaping Chinese Concepts between Empire and Modernity: Contributions to the History of Concepts, 18(2), pp. 18–27. doi: 10.3167/choc.2023.180202.
Review (Journals)
- Schmiedl and Anne, K., . Review: Michael Loewe, Problems of Han Administration: Ancestral Rites, Weights and Measures, and the Means of Protest: Frontiers of History in China, 12(3), pp. 508–510. doi: 10.3868/s020-006-017-0022-2.
Research Article (Book Contributions)
- Schmiedl and Anne, K., . Do Not Teach the Present Generation by Using the Methods of the Ancients: Applying Digital Methods to Enhance Literary Chinese Classes. in: W. Li and R. Kauz eds. OrientierungenTeaching Classical Chinese: Zum Unterricht des Klassischen Chinesischen 文言文教學. Gossenberg: Ostasien-Verlag. pp. 231–250.
Scientific Talks
- Schmiedl, Anne : “Transimperial Knowledge Transfer between Europe, China and Japan, 1850-1920”. Empire Studies: (Post)Colonial Histories and Global Entanglements, Universität Münster, .
- Schmiedl, Anne : „Von Übernatürlichen Figuren und Menschlichen Normen: ‚Ab/Normalität‘ in der mythischen Literatur der chinesischen Kaiserzeit“. Yi/chang 異/常 – Ab-/Normalität in China - XXXIV. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Vereinigung für Chinastudien (DVCS), Lehrstuhl für Sinologie, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, .
- Schmiedl, Anne : “Defining the Undefinable – On the Formation and Definition of the Term and Concept of Myth in Japan, China, and ‚the West‘”. East Asian Academy for New Liberal Arts (EAA), Tokyo University, Tokyo, .
- Schmiedl, Anne : “From Hunted Prey to Symbols of Life: Historical and Mythological Rabbits/Hares in China and Japan”. International Workshop "Transgressive Beasts: Animals Challenging Boundaries in Chinese History", Zoom, .
- Schmiedl, Anne : „Krise der chinesischen Geschichtsschreibung? Die Formierung des Mythos-Begriffs“. "Krise und Risiko. China und der Umgang mit Unwägbarkeit" - XXXI. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Vereinigung für Chinastudien (DVCS), Zoom (Asien-Orient-Institut, Universität Zürich), .
- Schmiedl, Anne : “‚A Living Tradition‘: Tracing Chinese Character Divination from Imperial China to Contemporary Taiwan”. 2019 SEA International Young Scholars Conference, National Chengchi University, Taipei, .
- Schmiedl, Anne : „‚Was haben Schulter und Bein gemeinsam, Kopf und Hand aber nicht?‘: Zur Semantik chinesischer Rätsel“. Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Erlangen, .
- Schmiedl, Anne : “A Puzzling Conundrum: The Concept of Chinese Riddle as Understood in Imperial China and the ‚Modern‘ West”. "Beyond Borders: Conceptualizing Boundaries, Crossings and Disruptions" - 22nd International Conference on the History of Concepts, El Colegio de Mexico, Mexico City, .
- Schmiedl, Anne : “Explaining and Legitimising Chinese Character Manipulation: Contemplating Script and Divination in the Zichu by Zhou Lianggong (1612–1672)”. Präsentation, Internationales Kolloquium des Internationalen Kollegs für Geisteswissenschaftliche Forschung, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, .
- Schmiedl, Anne : “(Re-)Writing Fate: Predicting and Dealing with the Future in Chinese Character Divination”. Internationale Vortragsreihe des Internationalen Kollegs für Geisteswissenschaftliche Forschung, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, .
- Schmiedl, Anne : “Divining the Future during the Cold War: Divinatory Methods as a Tactic of Dealing with Insecurities in East Asia”. International Conference "Hopes and Fears in a Divided World: East and Southeast Asia during the Cold War", City University of Hong Kong, .
- Schmiedl, Anne : “Applying E-Learning Methods to Classical Chinese Classes”. Workshop „Sinology 3.0: Theoretical Framework and Practical Application of E-Learning Methods, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, .
- Schmiedl, Anne : “Teaching the Present Generation by Using the Methods of the Ancients? – On Digital Methods and Didactical Problems in Teaching Classical Chinese Today”. International Symposium on the Teaching of Classical Chinese, Universität Bonn, .
- Schmiedl, Anne : „China im Licht der Medien: Frequenz, Themen und Ton Westlicher Berichterstattung über China“. Workshop, Lehrstuhl für Sinologie, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, .
- Schmiedl, Anne : “The Brush is Mightier than the Sword: Han Apocryphal Writings as a Tool to Popularize Orthodox Knowledge”. Internationaler Workshop „Transcontinental Perspectives on Knowledge Production“, Yonsei University, Seoul, .
- Schmiedl, Anne : “Predictable Patterns: On the Reliability of Fate in Chinese-speaking Countries”. 22nd Biennial Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies, University of Glasgow, .
- Schmiedl, Anne : „Wundersame Schriftzeichen: Die chinesische Technik des Schriftzeichenorakels“. Ausstellung "pfeilschnell ist das Jetzt entflogen" von Dietmar Pfister, Kunst Galerie Fürth, .
- Schmiedl, Anne : „Die Zukunft selbst festschreiben? — Wahrsagung mit dem chinesischen Schriftzeichenorakel“. Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Erlangen, .
- Schmiedl, Anne : „Wundersame Schriftzeichen: Die chinesische Technik des Schriftzeichenorakels“. Stadt(ver)führungen 2017, Konfuzius-Institut Nürnberg-Erlangen, .
- Schmiedl, Anne : “The Fact in Fate in the Postsecular Era: Legitimising Predictions in Chinese Character Divination”. Internationaler Workshop "The Fate of the Fact in the Postsecular Era", Tokyo University, .
- Schmiedl, Anne : “Uncovering the Hidden: Manipulating Written Characters in order to Decode Messages from the Spirit World”. Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, Toronto, .
- Schmiedl, Anne : “‚Word magic‘ or ‚Playing with characters‘? Mantic Techniques and Indigenous Contemplations on Script in the Zichu by Zhou Lianggong (1612-1672)”. Asien-Pazifik-Kolloquium, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, .
- Schmiedl, Anne : “Written in Stone? On Performativity and Creativity in Strategies of Dealing with Written Predictions”. 2nd Young Scholars' Forum, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, .