Our students

Here you can get some impressions of what the participation in the SãMBio double degree program and the life in São Paulo looks like in reality.

  • 2023/2024

    Normally, the SãMBio participants take a field trip to the Amazon region of Rondônia, in the north of Brazil. As this trip had to be cancelled due to organizational problems at USP, the students took part in the course "Molecular Diagnosis of Malaria and Emerging Viruses in the Amazon". There they went on another field trip within São Paulo and had the opportunity to learn typical fieldwork techniques and methods, as well as how to collect samples in the safest and most efficient way from live animals. The following video gives you an impression of the field trip.


    The following video will give you an idea of the real Brazilian SãMBio experience. In addition to the academic experience at USP, the program also serves as a cultural education and gives space to travel the country.

  • 2022/2023

    more information will follow

  • 2018/2019

    This report gives more detailed insights into the SãMBio double degree program. The students talk about their everyday life in São Paulo and about the Amazon rain forest field trip to Acre.

    "SãMBio has definitely broadened my scientific, cultural and personal horizons. Today's young scientists need to be more flexible than ever and participating in the double degree program is the perfect preparation for that."
    - Veselina Trendafilova

    "SãMBio is a challenge worth taking on! The program has helped me grow both personally and academically and has created so many memories that I never want to forget!"
    - Jennifer Bubenzer

    "If you decide to join the SãMBio program, be prepared for one or two challenges, but you are guaranteed to gain unique experiences and encounters that will shape you as young scientists. In any case, Brazil is a special, beautiful country that offers you unforgettable experiences away from the lab."
    - Nicolas Schröder

  • 2016/2017

    In this blog Steffi and Lisanne tell you about their impressions and experiences in Brazil. It covers a wide range of topics, from visa issues to nearby beaches and bars, the excursion to Acre and the everyday life in the USP labs.

  • 2015/2016

    In this article of the University of Münster you can read about the program and a few experiences of former participants of the exchange program. In addition to their regular studies at USP, two students also went on an excursion to the Amazon rain forest in the federal state Acre. This video gives some impressions of this trip.