Call for PhD students joining CRC 1348 graduate program

The Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 1348 "Dynamic Cellular Interfaces - Formation and Function" is running an Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG) that provides a structured graduate program for about 50 PhD students. The IRTG offers places to PhD students from non-CRC labs for association with the IRTG.

The doctoral regulations of the Faculty of Biology require that new graduate students enrol in a structured program at the start of their studies. This applies to all PhD students aiming for a PhD degree from the Faculty of Biology, regardless whether the doctorate studies are conducted internally or externally like at UKM, MPI, or elsewhere.

  • Which topics?

    We welcome an application if the PhD project is connected to the topics of the CRC, such as:

    • Membrane and lipid biology and biochemistry
    • Quantitative cell biology
    • Receptor-ligand mediated signaling
    • Endo- and exocytosis, vesicle and organelle trafficking
    • Cell-cell or cell-matrix interactions during development and homeostasis
  • What do we offer?

    We offer a structured PhD programm composed of:

    • An interdisciplinary group of PhD students working on diverse aspects of cellular interfaces
    • A large network of local labs at the Faculty of Biology, Chemistry, Medicine, and the MPI for Molecular Biomedicine
    • Weekly seminar with the IRTG class for scientific exchange and discussion
    • A dedicated lecture series on topics of the CRC
    • A structured programm for scientific training including workshops on good scientific practice, modern microscopy and image analysis, statistics, scientific writing and scientific presentation skills
    • Competetive funds for ambitious collaborative pilot projects to foster local collaboration
    • Annual retreats and international scientific meeting of the CRC
  • Application

    We welcome your application anytime.

    Interested candidates should submit a project proposal (max. 3 pages; contact the CRC office for a template) and a CV as a single PDF file by email to Georg Steffes ( In addition, please ask your PI to send a letter of recommendation directly to the same address.