• CV


    since 4/2021
    Research Assistant (75%) in the project "From the margin to the center: right-wing populist interpretations of (radical) Islam as a social challenge in Europe and beyond (RaMi)".

    2018-2020: Participation in the WWU continuing education program "Women Manage Higher Education" (3rd cohort).

    Research Assistant at the management Board of the Center for Religion and Modernity at WWU Münster

    Staff member at the Non-Profit Organization for the Support of Asylum Seekers (GGUA e.V.)

    Research Assistant at the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" at WWU Münster (Project C2-5: Free church schools as organized agents in the field of tension between the church's own logic, societal discourse on education, and state educational policy)

    Research Assistant at the Institute for Catholic Theology and its Didactics at WWU Münster (Project: Evaluation of a school pastoral project of the diocese of Osnabrück in public schools)

    Research Assistant at the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" at WWU Münster (Project C17: The Role of Christian Churches in the Public Sphere)

    Research Assistant at the research group BEMA at the Institute of Sociology, WWU Münster (Project: Development line of foundation-financed local educational work - Evaluation of the Friedel & Gisela Bohnenkamp Foundation)

    Research Assistant at the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" at the WWU Münster (Project A12: Local elites between confessional civic engagement and party politics)

    Research Assistant at the Clinic and Polyclinic for Skin Diseases at the University Hospital Düsseldorf and Münster



    since 2014
    Doctoral studies in political science at the WWU Münster

    2003/2004 (several months)
    Internship and Participation in the DAAD-funded research project: Identities and localizations in the Mexican transformation process

    Magistra Artium in sociology, political science and educational science at the WWU Münster

  • Project

    Christian Positions in Pre-Parliamentary Public Negotiation Processes in the Media

    In view of regularly occurring normative sociopolitical conflicts, the political legislature is repeatedly confronted with the task of taking into account a variety of ethical positions for the formulation of concrete laws or of adapting and amending existing laws. The occurrence of these conflicts around parliamentary procedures often also brings about an increased sociopolitical participation of Christian mainline churches and Christian-religious organizations in the media public sphere. The participation in public debates about political decisions with normative scope is based on a specific self-understanding of a public Christian responsibility for shaping social coexistence. In this project, the strategic forms of medial mediation of positions, their change and their functionality are investigated on the basis of statements of the two mainstream Christian churches and their numerous spin-offs in Germany, using abortion and immigration as case studies. The aim is to map the mediation of positions both in their historical course and systematically in a typification. It is assumed that specific contextual conditions, more specifically the tension between the specificity of Christian religious claims to co-determination, the conditions and transformations in the media-public space and politics, shape and influence the value-bound religious contribution in the public sphere. In other words, the actors face the challenge of taking note of these social conditions and developing a way of dealing with them in their political mediation practice in order to ensure successful public communication of their own goals. Finally, the empirical results can be discussed both in the context of research on political communication and medial mediation of interests of intermediary value-normatively bound organizations and contribute to the debate on the role and legitimacy of religious communities and religious justifications in the political public sphere.

  • Research Areas

    • Political Sociology
    • Political Communication
    • Religion, Politics and Democracy
    • Migration research
    • New social movements (in Ibero American countries)
    • Qualitative methods of empirical social research
  • Publications


    (with Judith Könemann, Max Schulte, Christiane Frantz), Religiöse Interessenvertretung. Kirchen in der Öffentlichkeit – Christen in der Politik, Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh 2015.
    Articles in Journals and Edited Books

    (with Max Schulte), Identitätskrise trotz Erfolges? Oder vielleicht wegen des Erfolges? Ein Workshopbericht, in: Judith Könemann/Denise Spiekermann (Hg.): Katholische Schulen. Herausgeforderte Identität, Paderborn, Schöningh 2019, 193-206.

    (with Judith Könemann), Religion und Öffentlichkeit. Mediale Interessenvertretung der katholischen und evangelischen Kirchen in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jh. anhand der Debatten Abtreibung und Einwanderung (1970-2004), erscheint im Handbuch der Religionen. Kirchen und andere Glaubensgemeinschaften in Deutschland und im deutschsprachigen Raum, hg. von Michael Klöcker/Udo Tworuschka, 48. Ergänzungslieferung München 2016 (i. E.).

    Das Säkularisierungsparadigma im Lichte einer Mehrebenenanalyse. Plädoyer für eine integrierte Perspektive auf das christliche Feld in den USA und Deutschland, in: Judith Könemann/ Saskia Wendel (Hg.) (unter Mitarbeit von Martin Breul), Religion, Öffentlichkeit, Politik, Bielefeld: Transcript 2016, 43-92.

    (with Miriam friz Trzeciak), Tod@s somos iguales – tod@s somos diferentes – Widerstandsperspektiven von zapatistischen Frauen, in: Peripherie Nr. 129, Münster: Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot 2013, 58-78.

    (with Max Schulte), Zwischen Kirche und Rathaus. Mehrfachengagierte und ihre subjektive Konzeption der Beziehung von Politik und Religion, in: Gert Pickel/ Oliver Hidalgo (Hg.): Politik und Religion im vereinigten Deutschland, Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften 2012, 341-362.

    Research Reports

    (with Judith Könemann, Peter Erdmann, Marko Heyse), Kurzbericht. Evaluation eines Schulpastoralen Projektes des Bistums Osnabrück,2014.

    (with Thomas Dierschke, Katharina Feyrer, Marko Heyse, Julia Koch, Hanns Wienold), Abschlussbericht für eine Evaluation der Friedel & Gisela Bohnenkamp Stiftung, Osnabrück, 2012.