Forschungsbericht 1995-96   
WWU-Logo Organisch-Chemisches Institut
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[Pfeile grün] Forschungsschwerpunkte 1995 - 1996
Fachbereich 17 - Chemie
The Organisch-Chemisches Institut
Research group Priv. Doz. Dr. J. Lauterwein

Research group Priv. Doz. Dr. J. Lauterwein

LAUTERWEIN, Jürgen (Privatdozent), b. 1941; Dr. rer. nat. 1971 (Univ. Konstanz, P. Hemmerich); Postdoctoral Research 1972-1974 (Univ. Stockholm, A. Ehrenberg), 1974-1976 (Inst. du Radium, Paris, J. M. Lhoste), 1976-1978 (ETH Zürich, K. Wüthrich); Assistant Professor 1979-1985 (Univ. Lausanne); Spectrospin AG 1986 (Zürich); Habilitation 1990 (Univ. Münster). BIOPHYSICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY: NMR spectroscopy of quadrupolar nuclei, e.g. oxygen-17; application to the study of the structure and dynamics of bioorganic molecules. Configurational and conformational analysis of carbohydrates; C,H coupling constants. NMR of animal spermatozoa. Tel.: 0251 - 83 397 76; FAX 0251 - 83 397 72; e-mail: bussek@uni-muenster.d

(Funding: Fonds der Chemischen Industrie, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.)


Kamp, G., J. Lauterwein: "Multinuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Boar Seminal Plasma", Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1995, 1243, 101.

Kamp, G., G. Büsselmann, J. Lauterwein: "Spermatozoa: Models for Studying Regulatory Aspects of Energy Metabolism", Experientia 1996, 52, 487.

Ruchmann, A., J. Lauterwein, T. Bäcker, M. Klessinger: "17O NMR of Ascorbic Acid. New Spectroscopy of an Old Molecule", Magn. Reson. Chem. 1996, 34, 116.

Schulte, J., J. Lauterwein: "Application of 17O Chemical Shift Substitution Parameters to D-Hexopyranoses. Correlation between the 17O and 13C Chemical Shifts at the Anomeric Centre", Magn. Reson. Chem. 1996, 34, 527.

Schulte, J., J. Lauterwein: "2D 17O,¹H-Chemical Shift Correlation Spectroscopy", Magn. Reson. Chem. 1996, 34, 703.

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Hans-Joachim Peter
Informationskennung: FO17BJ01
Datum: 1998-06-16