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Your book

Publish monographs, anthologies, commemorative publications and similar documents digitally on miami or digitally in the university's publication series, optionally additionally printed.

ULB offer

  • Publish digitally on the university's publication server miami

    The University and State Library of Münster publishes your work digitally as an open access publication on the university publication server miami and ensures its permanent availability. It is referenced in library catalogs, is citable and can be found via national and international search engines.

    Notes on publishing on the publication server miami

    File format: Certain technical standards must be met for the delivery of books published with miami. The specifications of the University and State Library apply. For more details, see file creation.

    Copyright: As the author, you grant the University and State Library the simple right of use to publicly reproduce the publication in data networks and to transmit it for individual retrieval. This means that you, as the author, are in principle free to publish your work elsewhere in digital form or as a printed work. In the event of subsequent publication, please indicate that you have already granted the University and State Library the simple right of use for digital publication. You can find more details under legal advice.

    To ensure that researchers can be clearly identified, the ULB Münster recommends that authors of scientific works create a personal ORCID iD and include it in their works.

    What do you have to deliver?

    • Your work in PDF/A format (by email to miami@uni-muenster.de).
      • File names in lower case, no umlauts and special characters, no spaces
      • Name files by name, e.g. "book_mustermann.pdf"; uniquely designate and enumerate multi-file documents, e.g. "book_mustermann_01.pdf", "book_mustermann_02.pdf", etc.
      • PDF/A files must not have any security settings (e.g. password protection)
    • Digital publication consent form
    • Meta data form 
  • Publish digitally in the University of Münster's publication series, print copies at your choice

    With the series University of Münster Academic Publications, the University and State Library of Münster offers you the opportunity to publish your book digitally as an open access publication. Publications by scientists and central institutions of the university are accepted. The University and State Library of Münster reserves the right to select the publications.
    You will receive a print-ready file in case you want to order print copies from a publisher or print service provider – for which you are responsible.

    You can get details at the Service Point for Publications.