Contact us

We are happy to answer your questions concerning studies abroad (outgoing psychology students) or studying at the University of Münster as an exchange student (incoming psychology students).

You can contact us any time via Email at Consultation hours are every Tuesday, 2 to 3 pm, via telephone +49 251 83 39 126.

We receive a lot of requests each day: We do our very best to answer all your questions, thanks for your understanding.

For any questions regarding your exchange stay in Münster, from Learning Agreements, or course choice to Transcript of Records: Please, contact us DIRECTLY, not the Dean's office. This would delay your request.

You find us in the Institute of Psychology, Fliednerstraße 21, Room 69a / IV. If you want a consultation in person, please contact us to book an appointment.

M.Sc. Henrik Heinemann
Departmental ERASMUS Coordinator

M.Sc. Franz Mönke
Departmental ERASMUS Coordinator

B.Sc. Hannah Wilms
Student Assistant

Please note: If you are not a confirmed exchange student at the University of Münster, please refer to our International Office.