Abgschlossene Dissertationen

Jahr Betreuer(in)/Erstprüfer(in) Thema/Titel der Arbeit Autor(in)/Absolventin
2024 Binnewies, Carmen Shaped by Surroundings
The Role of Physical Environments for Employees' Recovery from Work
Hilbert, Micha
2020 Binnewies, Carmen GAME ON OR GAME OVER? The Potential of Gamification and Game Design Elements to facilitate Motivation, Performance, and Behavior Gröning, Christopher
2018 Binnewies, Carmen Counteracting Job Demands for a Better Quality of Life -
The Role of Recovery Processes and the Compatibility of Work and Family Roles
von Dreden, Helen Carina
2014 Binnewies, Carmen “Now, It’s The Organization’s Turn!”
The Role of Organizational Antecedents for 
Employees’ Psychological Health and Flourishing
Koch, Anna Rosa
2013 Binnewies, Carmen The Role of Partners 
for Employees’ Recovery From Job Stress
Hahn, Verena Christine