Dr. Lara Kroencke

Eva Karch


Postdoctoral Research Associate
Room: P 1b (Pavillon 1)
Consultation-hour: By arrangement via E-Mail
Phone: +49 (2 51) 83 - 3 41 86
E-Mail: lara.kroencke [at] uni-muenster.de

opennessinitiative opennessinitiativeresearchtransparency

  • Curriculum Vitae

    Professional Positions

    Since 10 / 2023
    Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Psychological Assessment and Personality Psychology, University of Münster

    09 / 2019 – 09 / 2023
    Doctoral Research Associate, Department of Psychological Assessment and Personality Psychology, University of Münster

    10 / 2018 – 07 / 2019
    Student tutor, Department of Differential Psychology and Psychological Assessment, University of Hamburg

    10 / 2015 – 01 / 2017
    Student tutor, Department of Differential Psychology and Psychological Assessment, University of Hamburg

    08 / 2015 – 07 / 2017
    Student research assistant, Department of Differential Psychology and Psychological Assessment, University of Hamburg

    10 / 2014 – 07 / 2016
    Student tutor, Department of Psychological Methods and Statistics, University of Hamburg


    10 / 2020 – 09 / 2023
    PhD student promoted by the German National Academic Foundation at the Department of Psychological Assessment and Personality Psychology, University of Münster

    10 / 2016 – 09 / 2019
    M.Sc. Psychology, University of Hamburg
    Master Thesis: The situation is calling: Examining the effects of personality, mode of communication, and type of interaction partner on well-being in everyday social interactions

    10 / 2013 – 10 / 2016
    B.Sc. Psychology, University of Hamburg
    Bachelor Thesis: Openness to experience and frontal asymmetry: The reward value of information

    Practical & International Experience

    06 / 2024 – 07 / 2024
    Research visit in the lab of Prof. Dr. Wiebke Bleidorn, University of Zurich

    07 / 2018 – 09 / 2018
    Research internship with Prof. Dr. Jaap Denissen, Lifespan Lab, Tilburg University

    05 / 2018 – 06 / 2018
    Research internship with Prof. Dr. Gabriella Harari, Media & Personality Lab, Stanford University

    08 / 2017 – 05 / 2018
    Semester abroad at The University of Texas at Austin (Social & Personality Psychology Graduate Program, Prof. Dr. Samuel D. Gosling); supported by a Fulbright Student Scholarship

    07 / 2015 – 10 / 2015
    Clinical internship, Klinik für Affektive Erkrankungen, Asklepios Klinik Nord Ochsenzoll

    07 / 2008 – 06 / 2009
    High school year abroad in New Zealand

  • Research interests

    Interplay between personality, social interaction processes, and well-being

    Personality expression during COVID-19

    Assessment of psychological states in everyday life (e.g., experience sampling, smartphone sensing)

  • Journal articles (peer-reviewed) and book chapters

    in press

    in press



    Harari, G. M., Soh, S., & Kroencke, L. (2024). How to conduct mobile sensing research. In M. R. Mehl, M. Eid, C. Wrzus, G. Harari, & U. W. Ebner-Priemer (Eds.), Mobile sensing in psychology: Methods and Applications (pp. 3-24). The Guilford Press. pdf

    Scharbert, J., Dein, L. M., Kroencke, L., Nestler, S., Back, M. D., & Utesch, K. (2024). Narcissists’ affective well-being: Associations of grandiose narcissism with state affect level and variability. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 127(1), 153-157. https://doi.org/10.1037/pspp0000495 pdf

    Scharbert, J., Humberg, S., Kroencke, L., Reiter, T., Sakel, S., Horst, J. ter, Utesch, K., Gosling, S. D., Harari, G., Matz, S. C., Schoedel, R., Stachl, C., Aguilar, N. M. A., Amante, D., Aquino, S. D., Bastias, F., Bornamanesh, A., Bracegirdle, C., Campos, L. A. M., . . . Back, M. D. (2024). Psychological well-being in Europe after the outbreak of war in Ukraine. Nature Communications, 15(1), 1202. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-44693-6 pdf

    Vaid, S. S., Kroencke, L., Roshanaei, M., Talaifar, S., Hancock, J. T., Back, M. D., Gosling, S. D., Ram, N., & Harari, G. M. (2024). Variation in social media sensitivity across people and contexts. Scientific Reports, 14, 6571. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-55064-y pdf


    Kroencke, L., Harari, G. M., Back, M. D., & Wagner, J. (2023). Well-being in social interactions: Examining personality-situation dynamics in face-to-face and computer-mediated communication. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 124(2), 437–460. https://doi.org/10.1037/pspp0000422 supplemental material preprint pdf

    Kroencke, L., Humberg, S., Breil, S. M., Geukes, K., Zoppolat, G., Balzarini, R. N., Alonso-Ferres, M., Slatcher, R. B., & Back, M. D. (2023). Extraversion, social interactions, and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: Did extraverts really suffer more than introverts? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 125(3), 649–679. https://doi.org/10.1037/pspp0000468 preprint supplemental materials pdf

    Kroencke, L., Kuper, N., Mota, S., Geukes, K., Zeigler-Hill, V., & Back, M. D. (2023). Narcissistic status pursuit in everyday social life: A within-person process approach to the behavioral and emotional dynamics of narcissism. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 125(6),1519–1541. https://doi.org/10.1037/pspp0000467 preprint supplemental materials pdf

    Kuper, N., Kroencke, L., Harari, G. M., & Denissen, J. J. A. (2023). Who benefits from which activity? On the relations between personality traits, leisure activities, and well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 125(1), 141–172. https://doi.org/10.1037/pspp0000438 preprint supplemental materials pdf

    Mota, S., Mielke, I., Kroencke, L., Geukes, K., Nestler, S., & Back, M. D. (2023). Daily dynamics of grandiose narcissism: Distribution, stability, and trait relations of admiration and rivalry states and state contingencies. European Journal of Personality, 37(2), 207–222. https://doi.org/10.1177/08902070221081322 preprint supplemental material pdf

    Ryvkina, E., Kroencke, L., Geukes, K., Scharbert, J., & Back, M. D. (2023). Understanding psychological responses to the COVID-19 pandemic through ESM data: The EMOTIONS project. Journal of Open Psychology Data, 11(1), Article 6. https://doi.org/10.5334/jopd.83 https://osf.io/6kzx3/ pdf

    Scharbert, J., Reiter, T., Sakel, S., ter Horst, J., Geukes, K., Gosling, S. D., Harari, G. M., Kroencke, L., Matz, S., Schoedel, R., Shani, M., Stachl, C., Talaifar, S., Aguilar, N. M. A., Amante, D., Aquino, S. D., Bastias, F., Biesanz, J. C., Bornamanesh, A., . . . Back, M. D. (2023). A global experience-sampling method study of well-being during times of crisis: The CoCo project. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 17(10). https://doi.org/10.1111/spc3.12813 preprint supplemental materials pdf


    Zettler, I., Schild, C., Lilleholt, L., Kroencke, L., Utesch, T., Moshagen, M., Böhm, R., Back, M. D., & Geukes, K. (2022). The role of personality in COVID-19 related perceptions, evaluations, and behaviors: Findings across five samples, nine traits, and 17 criteria. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 13(1), 299-310. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F19485506211001680


    Kroencke, L., Kuper, N., Bleidorn, W., & Denissen, J. (2021). How does substance use affect personality development? Disentangling between-and within-person effects. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12(4), 517-527. https://doi.org/10.1177/1948550620921702 pdf


    Kroencke, L., Geukes, K., Utesch, T., Kuper, N., & Back, M. D. (2020). Neuroticism and emotional risk during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Research in Personality, 89, 104038. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrp.2020.104038 pdf

    Van Halem, S., Van Roekel, E., Kroencke, L., Kuper, N., & Denissen, J. (2020). Moments that matter? On the complexity of using triggers based on skin conductance to sample arousing events within an experience sampling framework. European Journal of Personality, 34(5), 794–807. https://doi.org/10.1002/per.2252 pdf


    Kroencke, L., Harari, G. M., Katana, M., & Gosling, S. D. (2019). Personality trait predictors and mental well-being correlates of exercise frequency across the academic semester. Social Science & Medicine, 236, 112400. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2019.112400


    Käckenmester, W., Kroencke, L., & Wacker, J. (2018). Frontal asymmetry predicts the incentive value of perceptual information. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 134, 22–29. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2018.10.002

  • Presentations

    Kroencke, L., Kuper, N., Breil, S. M., & Back, M. D. (2024). One size fits all? Considering individual differences in reactivities to social behavioral interventions. Talk at the 53rd congress of the German Psychological Society (Vienna, Austria, September 19-19, 2024).

    Kroencke, L., Kuper, N., Zaun, T., & Back, M. D. (2024). Personality, social interaction variety, and well-being in everyday life. Data blitz at the 21st European Conference on Personality (Berlin, Germany, August 6-9, 2024).

    Kroencke, L. (2024). Social interactions and momentary well-being in daily life. Talk at the 4th World Conference on Personality (Willemstad, Curaçao, April 2-5, 2024).

    Hätscher, O., Klinz, J. L., Kuper, N., Scharbert, J., Kroencke, L., Grunenberg, E., & Back, M. D. (2023, November 07). A Machine Learning Approach to the Prediction of Individual Differences in Psychological Reactivities. [Conference presentation]. 2nd TRR 318 Conference Measuring Understanding, Paderborn, Germany. Hätscher, O., Klinz, J.

    Farkhari, F., Schwarzer, C., Scharbert, J., Kroencke, L., Kuper, N., & Back, M. D. (2023, September 27). Affective and attitudinal trajectories during the U.S. presidential elections 2020 - the role of political ideology [Conference presentation]. 17th Meeting of the Section Differential Psychology and Psychological Assessment of the German Psychological Society, Salzburg, Austria.

    Geukes, K., Scharbert, J., Kroencke, L., & Back, M. D. (2023, September 27). Ich mag mich, wenn Ihr mich mögt – Traitselbstwert und Stateselbstwert-Kontingenzen [Conference presentation]. 17th Meeting of the Section Differential Psychology and Psychological Assessment of the German Psychological Society, Salzburg, Austria.

    Kroencke, L., Kuper, N., Zaun, T., & Back, M. D. (2023). Social interaction variability and well-being in daily life. Talk at the 17th meeting of the section Differential Psychology and Psychological Assessment of the German Psychological Society (Salzburg, Austria, September 24-27, 2023).

    Scharbert, J., Kroencke, L., Reiter, T., Sakel, S., ter Horst, J., van Zalk, M., Bühner, M., & Back, M. D. (2023, September 27). Personality and well-being: The role of interpersonal perception processes. [Conference talk]. 17th meeting of the section Differential Psychology and Psychological Assessment of the German Psychological Society (Salzburg, Austria).

    Farkhari, F., Scharbert, J., Kroencke, L., Schlipphak, B., & Back, M. D. (2023, July 22). Right-wing authoritarianism and threat perceptions towards ethnic minorities across countries: The role of religiosity and marginalization [Conference presentation]. 8th Biennial Conference of the Association for Research in Personality, Evanston, USA.

    Kroencke, L., Kuper, N., Zaun, T., & Back, M. D. (2023). Social interaction variety and well-being in everyday life. Poster at the 8th biennial meeting of the Association for Research in Personality (Evanston, IL, July 20-22, 2023).

    Farkhari, F., Scharbert, J., Kroencke, L., Schlipphak, B., & Back, M. D. (2023, July 10). Right-wing authoritarianism and threat perceptions towards ethnic minorities across countries: The role of religiosity and marginalization [Conference presentation]. Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Montréal, Canada.

    Scharbert, J., Humberg, S., Kroencke, L., Reiter, T., Sakel, S., ter Horst, J., Geukes, K., van Zalk, M., Bühner, M., & Back, M. D. (2023, June 05). How the Outbreak of War in Ukraine Impaired Psychological Well-Being Across Nations – Insights from the CoCo Project. [Conference talk]. Conference of the Society for Ambulatory Assessment (Amsterdam, Netherlands).

    Vaid, S., Kroencke, L., Roshanei, M., Talaifar, S., Hancock, J., Back, M., Gosling, S., Ram, N., & Harari, G. M. (2023). Social media sensitivity across people and places. Paper presentation at the 73rd annual conference of the International Communication Association (Toronto, Canada, May 25-29, 2023).

    Kroencke, L., Kuper, N., Mota, S., Geukes, K., & Back, M. D. (2022). Narcissism and social status dynamics. Talk at the 52nd congress of the German Psychological Society (Hildesheim, Germany, September 10-15, 2022).

    Scharbert, J., Kroencke, L., Reiter, T., Sakel, S., ter Horst, J., van Zalk, M., Bühner, M., & Back, M. D. (2022). Personality and well-being: The role of interpersonal perception processes. Talk at the 52nd congress of the German Psychological Society (Hildesheim, Germany, September 10-15, 2022).

    Kroencke, L., Kuper, N., Mota, S., Geukes, K., & Back, M. D. (2022). Social status perceptions and narcissism in everyday life. Talk at the 20th European Conference on Personality (Madrid, Spain, July 12-15, 2022).

    Kroencke, L. (2022). Invited participation in an expert panel on Digital media and well-being: Unpacking the heterogeneity of users, uses, and effects (chairs: Patti Valkenburg, Sumer Vaid; respondents: Nicole Ellison, Lara Kroencke, Amy Orben, Sumer Vaid) for the 72nd annual conference of the International Communication Association (Paris, France, May 26-30, 2022).

    Kroencke, L., Humberg, S., Breil, S. M., & Back, M. D. (2022). Are extraverts really suffering more than introverts? Extraversion and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. Data blitz at the Happiness and Well-Being preconference for the 2022 convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (San Francisco, CA, February 16-19, 2022).

    Kuper, N., Kroencke, L., Harari, G. M., & Denissen, J. J. A. (2022). Who benefits from which activity? Examining the interplay of leisure activities, personality traits, and well-being. Data blitz at the Dynamics in Personality Development preconference for the 2022 convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (San Francisco, CA, February 16-19, 2022).

    Vaid, S., Kroencke, L., Talaifar, S., Gosling, S. D., Back, M. D., & Harari, G. M. (2022). Heterogeneous effects of social media use on momentary affective wellbeing in young adults’ daily lives: A within-person paradigm. Data blitz at the Psychology of Media and Technology preconference for the 2022 convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (San Francisco, CA, February 16-19, 2022).

    Kroencke, L., Humberg, S., Breil, S. M., Geukes, K., & Back, M. D. (2021). Are extraverts really suffering more than introverts? Extraversion and socio-emotional processes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Talk at the 16th meeting of the section Differential Psychology and Psychological Assessment of the German Psychological Society (Ulm, Germany, September 12-15, 2021).

    Kroencke, L., & Back, M. (2020). Social status and emotional dynamics in narcissism. Talk at the 2020 convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (New Orleans, LA, February 27-29, 2020).

    Mota, S., Kroencke, L., Mielke, I., Geukes, K., Nestler, S., & Back, M. (2020). The daily dynamics of narcissism: Distribution, stability, and trait-relations of admiration and rivalry state contingencies. Poster at the 2020 convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (New Orleans, LA, February 27-29, 2020).

    Kroencke, L., Harari, G. M., & Wagner, J. (2019). The situation is calling: Examining personality-situation fit in computer-mediated social interactions. Talk at the 15th meeting of the section Differential Psychology and Psychological Assessment of the German Psychological Society (Dresden, Germany, September 16-18, 2019).

    Kuper, N., Kroencke, L., Bleidorn, W., & Denissen, J. J. A. (2019). Does substance use lead to personality change? Results from a large longitudinal study. Talk at the 15th meeting of the section Differential Psychology and Psychological Assessment of the German Psychological Society (Dresden, Germany, September 16-18, 2019).

    Srinivasan, L., Kroencke, L., & Harari, G. M. (2019). Mapping everyday social behaviors to well-being traits and states. Poster at the Happiness and Well-Being preconference for the 20th annual convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (Portland, OR, February 7-9, 2019).

    Kroencke, L., Harari, G. M., & Gosling, S. D. (2018). Exercise patterns and mental well-being among college students: A longitudinal experience sampling study. Poster at the 30th annual convention of the Association for Psychological Science (San Francisco, CA, May 24-27, 2018).

    Kroencke, L., Harari, G. M., & Gosling, S. D. (2018). Patterns of change in exercising during an academic semester: A longitudinal study of exercise frequency, personality, and mental well-being among college students. Data blitz at the Health preconference for the 19th annual convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (Atlanta, GA, March 1-3, 2018).

    Gaertner, W., Kroencke, L., & Wacker, J. (2017). Openness to uncertainty: The reward value of perceptual information. Poster at the 2017 conference of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (Warsaw, Poland, July 24-28, 2017).

    Ohmann, H., Kuper, N., Kroencke, L., & Wacker, J. (2017). Anodale tDCS Stimulation erhöht die Anstrengungsbereitschaft gesunder Probanden in Abhängigkeit von Gewinnhöhe und Gewinnwahrscheinlichkeit. Poster at the 43rd meeting »Psychologie und Gehirn« (Trier, Germany, June 15-17, 2017).

    Chaired Symposia

    Scharbert, J., & Kroencke, L. (2024). Advancing well-being research with momentary assessments. Symposium at the 4th World Conference on Personality (Willemstad, Curaçao, April 2-5, 2024).

    Wieczorek, L., & Kroencke, L. (2023). Understanding individual differences through variability in daily life. Symposium at the 17th meeting of the section Differential Psychology and Psychological Assessment of the German Psychological Society (Salzburg, Austria, September 24-27, 2023).

    Kroencke, L., & Bleckmann, E. (2022). A matter of perspective: Personality and interpersonal perceptions in social interactions. Symposium at the 20th European Conference on Personality (Madrid, Spain, July 12-15, 2022).

  • Journal Reviewer

    • European Journal of Personality
    • European Journal of Psychological Assessment
    • Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
    • Journal of Personality
    • Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment
    • Personality Science
    • Social Psychological and Personality Science
    • Social Science & Medicine
    • PLOS One
  • Memberships

    • Association of Research in Personality (ARP)
    • German Psychological Association (DGPs; associated member), Section of Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment (DPPD)
    • Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science (SIPS)
    • Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP)
    • European Association of Personality Psychology (EAPP)
    • World Association for Personality Psychology (WAPP)