Curiculum Vitae

Professional Positions

Since 10 / 2022
Doctoral Research Associate, Department of Psychological Assessment and Personality Psychology, University of Münster
Interdisciplinary collaborative project: “Medical tr.AI.ning – intelligent virtual agents for medical Education”

04 / 2021 – 01 / 2022
Research Assistant, Department of Statistics and Psychological Methods, University of Münster

11 / 2016 – 03 / 2019
Student Research Assistant, German Primate Center, University of Göttingen


10 / 2019 – 09 / 2022
M.Sc. Psychology, University of Münster. Master Thesis: “Machine learning-based classification of depressive symptoms using structural and functional MRI data”

10 / 2015 – 03 / 2019
B.Sc. Psychology, University of Göttingen. Bachelor Thesis: “Objektive Rationalität, subjektive Rationalität und Irrationalität bei eskalierendem Commitment”

Practical & International Experience

06 / 2022 – 09 / 2022
Data Science working student; Westphalia DataLab GmbH, Münster, Germany

03 / 2022 – 05 / 2022
Data Science internship; Westphalia DataLab GmbH, Münster, Germany

09 / 2020 – 02 / 2021
Data Science internship; AXA Data Innovation Lab, Cologne, Germany

05 / 2019 – 09 / 2019
Music and education volunteer; Santa Cruz, Galapagos, Ecuador

03 / 2018 – 05 / 2018
Marketing internship; STU GmbH, Cologne, Germany