
in press
Book chapters
Published Software
Unpublished Preprints

Journal articles (peer-reviewed)

in press

Humberg, S., Grund, S., & Nestler, S. (in press). Estimating nonlinear effects of random slopes: A comparison of multilevel structural equation modeling with a 2-step, a single-indicator, and a plausible values approach. Behavior Research Methods. supplemental materials pdf

Humberg, S., Kuper, N., Rentzsch, K., Gerlach, T. M., Back, M. D., & Nestler, S. (in press). Investigating the effects of congruence between within-person associations: A comparison of two extensions of response surface analysis. Psychological Methods. supplemental materials pdf


Nestler, S. & Humberg, S. (2024). Univariate autoregressive structural equation models as mixed-effects models. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 31(2), 357-366. supplemental materials pdf

Scharbert, J., Humberg, S., Kroencke, L., Reiter, T., Sakel, S., Horst, J. ter, Utesch, K., Gosling, S. D., Harari, G., Matz, S. C., Schoedel, R., Stachl, C., Aguilar, N. M. A., Amante, D., Aquino, S. D., Bastias, F., Bornamanesh, A., Bracegirdle, C., Campos, L. A. M., . . . Back, M. D. (2024). Psychological well-being in Europe after the outbreak of war in Ukraine. Nature Communications, 15(1), 1202. pdf


Humberg, S., Gerlach, T. M., Franke-Prasse, T., Geukes, K., & Back, M. D. (2023). Is (Actual or Perceptual) Personality Similarity Associated With Attraction in Initial Romantic Encounters? A Dyadic Response Surface Analysis. Personality Science4, 1-25. supplemental materials pdf

Kroencke, L., Humberg, S., Breil, S. M., Geukes, K., Zoppolat, G., Balzarini, R. N., Alonso-Ferres, M., Slatcher, R. B., & Back, M. D. (2023). Extraversion, social interactions, and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: Did extraverts really suffer more than introverts? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 125(3), 649–679. preprint supplemental materials pdf

Park, Y., Gordon, A., Humberg, S., Muise, A., & Impett, E. A. (2023). Differing levels of gratitude between romantic partners: Concurrent and longitudinal links with satisfaction and commitment in six dyadic datasets. Personality Science, 4, 1-22. supplemental materials pdf

Salditt, M., Humberg, S., & Nestler, S. (2023). Gradient tree boosting for hierarchical data. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 58(5), 911-937. pdf


Förster, N., Humberg, S., Hebbecker, K., Back, M. D., & Souvignier, E. (2022). Should teachers be accurate or (overly) positive? A competitive test of teacher judgment effects on students’ reading progress. Learning and Instruction, 77, 101519.  supplemental materials pdf

Humberg, S., Dufner, M., Schönbrodt, F. D., Geukes, K., Hutteman, R., van Zalk, M. H. W., Denissen, J. J. A., Nestler, S., & Back, M. D. (2022). The true role that suppressor effects play in condition-based regression analysis: None. A reply to Fiedler (2021). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 123(4), 884–888. preprint supplemental materials pdf

Humberg, S. & Grund, S. (2022). Response surface analysis with missing data. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 57, 581-602. supplemental materials pdf

Humberg, S., Schönbrodt, F. D., Back, M. D., & Nestler, S. (2022). Cubic response surface analysis: Investigating asymmetric and level-dependent congruence effects with third-order polynomial models. Psychological Methods, 27(4), 622–649. preprint supplemental materials pdf

Nestler, S. & Humberg, S. (2022). A lasso and a regression tree mixed-effect model with random effects for the level, the residual variance, and the autocorrelation. Psychometrika, 87, 506–532. supplemental materials pdf


Mielke, I., Humberg, S., Leckelt, M., Geukes, K., & Back, M. D. (2021). Do narcissists self-enhance? Disentangling the associations between narcissism and positive versus enhanced self-views across aspects of narcissism, content domains, and comparison criteria. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12(5), 580–592. supplemental materials pdf

Nestler, S., & Humberg, S. (2021). GIMME’s ability to recover group-level path coefficients and individual-level path coefficients. Methodology, 17(1), 58-91.  supplemental materials pdf

Wieczorek, L.L., Humberg, S., Gerstorf, D., & Wagner, J. (2021). Understanding loneliness in adolescence: A test of competing hypotheses on the interplay of extraversion and neuroticism. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 1-26. supplemental materials open access article pdf


Mota, S., Humberg, S., Krause, S., Fatfouta, R., Geukes, K., Schröder-Abé, M., & Back, M. D. (2020). Unmasking Narcissus: A competitive test of existing hypotheses on (agentic, antagonistic, neurotic, and communal) narcissism and (explicit and implicit) self-esteem across 18 samples. Self and Identity, 19(4), 435–455. pdf


Deventer, J., Humberg, S., Lüdtke, O., Nagy, G., Retelsdorf, J., & Wagner, J. (2019). Testing competing hypotheses on the interplay of importance and support of the basic psychological needs at work and personality development with response surface analysis. Collabra: Psychology, 5(1), 39. DOI:  supplemental materials open access article pdf

Humberg, S., Dufner, M., Schönbrodt, F. D., Geukes, K., Hutteman, R., Küfner, A. C. P., van Zalk, M. H. W., Denissen, J. J. A., Nestler, S., & Back, M. D. (2019). Is accurate, positive, or inflated self-perception most advantageous for psychological adjustment? A competitive test of key hypotheses. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 116(5), 835–859. doi:10.1037/pspp0000204 pdf  preprint  supplemental materials

Humberg, S., Nestler, S., & Back, M. D. (2019). Response surface analysis in personality and social psychology: Checklist and clarifications for the case of congruence hypotheses. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 10(3), 409–419. doi:10.1177/1948550618757600  pdf  preprint supplemental materials

Mota, S., Leckelt, M., Geukes, K., Nestler, S., Humberg, S., Schröder-Abé, M., Schmukle, S. C., Back, M. D. (2019). A comprehensive examination of narcissists’ self-perceived and actual socioemotional cognition ability. Collabra: Psychology, 5(1), 6. DOI:  pdf

Nestler, S., Humberg, S., & Schönbrodt, F. D. (2019). Response surface analysis with multilevel data: Illustration for the case of congruence hypotheses. Psychological Methods, 24(3), 291–308. pdf supplemental materials


Humberg, S., Dufner, M., Schönbrodt, F. D., Geukes, K., Hutteman, R., van Zalk, M. H. W., Denissen, J. J. A., Nestler, S., & Back, M. D. (2018). Enhanced versus simply positive: A new condition-based regression analysis to disentangle effects of self-enhancement from effects of positivity of self-view. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 114(2), 303-322. doi:10.1037/pspp0000134 osf preprint supplemental materials pdf

Humberg, S., Dufner, M., Schönbrodt, F. D., Geukes, K., Hutteman, R., van Zalk, M. H. W., Denissen, J. J. A., Nestler, S., & Back, M. D. (2018). Why Condition-Based Regression Analysis (CRA) is indeed a valid test of self-enhancement effects: A response to Krueger et al. (2017). Collabra: Psychology, 4(1), 26. doi: open access article pdf

Schönbrodt, F. D., Humberg, S., & Nestler, S. (2018). Testing similarity effects with dyadic response surface analysis. European Journal of Personality, 32(6), 627-641. doi:10.1002/per.2169.  pdf  preprint  supplemental materials


Book chapters

Humberg, S., Förster, N., Kaiser, J., Schönbrodt, F.D. (2017). Konsequenzen akkurater Lehrerurteile: Response Surface Analyse als statistisches Verfahren zur Untersuchung von Übereinstimmungshypothesen. In A. Südkamp, A.-K. Praetorius (Hrsg.). Diagnostische Kompetenz von Lehrkräften: Theoretische und methodische Weiterentwicklungen (S. 174-200). Münster: Waxmann. pdf  supplemental materials


Published Software

Schönbrodt, F. D. & Humberg, S. (2020). RSA: An R package for response surface analysis. Retrieved from


Unpublished Preprints

Wurst, S. N., Humberg, S., & Back, M. (2018). Rose-colored glasses in initial romantic encounters? Examining positive partner illusions and their interpersonal consequences in the very early stages of romantic acquaintance. Retrieved from  pdf  preprint

Wurst, S. N., Humberg, S., & Back, M. (2018). The impact of mate value in first and subsequent real-life romantic encounters. Retrieved from  pdf  preprint