
 ...to the working unit Statistics and Psychological Methods at the University of Münster (AE Nestler). The members of our lab are interested in the advancement of statistical methods for the analysis of complex psychological data. Latest research projects cover topics such as combining the social relations model with structural equation models, advancing models to examine intra-individual variability or combining standard statistical approaches such as multilevel or structural equation models with machine learning methods (e.g., trees, boosting, ...). We are also authors or contributors to different R packages. In teaching, we provide a comprehensive B.Sc.- and M.Sc.-program in psychological methods, including lectures and courses on basic and advanced statistics.

If you are interested in writing a thesis in our lab, you can find further information here. We offer supervision of both bachelor and master theses covering both substantive and methodological research questions.

Latest News


New paper in press by S. Humberg, S. Grund, & S. Nestler in Behavior Research Methods: Estimating nonlinear effects of random slopes: A comparison of multilevel structural equation modeling with a 2-step, a single-indicator, and a plausible values approach.


New paper in press by B. Forthmann, W. Lenhard, A. Lenhard, & N. Förster in The Journal of Experimental Education: Flexible item response modeling for timed reading comprehension assessment.


New paper in press by N. Pichot, B. Forthmann, E. Bonetto, T. Arciszewski, N. Bonnardel,  S. Jaubert, & J.-B. Pavani in The Journal of Creative Behavior: Aiming at creativity and ending up with a range from low-hanging fruits to foolishness: A reflective model of creativity.


New paper in press by T. Eckes, M. Salditt, & S. Nestler in Psychological Assessment: Living up to expectations? A simulation study evaluating methods used to detect sudden gains and sudden losses.


New paper in press by B. Goecke, P. V. DiStefano, W. Aschauer, K. Haim, R. E. Beaty, & B. Forthmann in The Journal of Creative Behavior: Automated scoring of scientific creativity in German.