New paper in press by D. Laumann, M. Krause, ..., B. Forthmann, ... & S. Heusler in Education and Information Technologies: Mobile learning in the classroom – Should students bring mobile devices for learning, or should these be provided by schools?
New paper in press by B. Forthmann, M. Beisemann, P. Doebler & R. Mutz in Scientometrics: Reliable individual differences in researcher performance capacity estimates: Evaluating productivity as explanatory variable.
New paper in press by B. Forthmann, P. Doebler & R. Mutz in Scientometrics: Why summing up bibliometric indicators does not justify a composite indicator.
New paper in press by C. Feybesse, B. Forthmann, F. Neto, H. Holling & E. Hatfield in Sexuality & Culture: Measuring Love Around the World: A Cross-Cultural Reliability Generalization.
New paper in press by S. Nestler, A. Robitzsch, & O. Lüdtke in Structural Equations Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal: Fitting single- and multiple-indicator STARTS models as Dynamic Structural Equation Models.
We conducted an exciting retreat in Tecklenburg.
Theresa Eckes successfully defended her dissertation. Congratulations Theresa!
New paper in press by S. Luchini, M. Moosa, ..., B. Forthmann, ... & R. E. Beaty in Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts: Automated assessment of creativity in multilingual narratives.
New paper in press by M. N. Kholid, M. H. Mahmudah, N. Ishartono, F. G. Putra & B. Forthmann in Cogent Education: Classification of students’ creative thinking for non-routine mathematical problems.
New paper in press by S. Humberg, S. Grund, & S. Nestler in Behavior Research Methods: Estimating nonlinear effects of random slopes: A comparison of multilevel structural equation modeling with a 2-step, a single-indicator, and a plausible values approach.
New paper in press by B. Forthmann, W. Lenhard, A. Lenhard, & N. Förster in The Journal of Experimental Education: Flexible item response modeling for timed reading comprehension assessment.
New paper in press by N. Pichot, B. Forthmann, E. Bonetto, T. Arciszewski, N. Bonnardel, S. Jaubert, & J.-B. Pavani in The Journal of Creative Behavior: Aiming at creativity and ending up with a range from low-hanging fruits to foolishness: A reflective model of creativity.
New paper in press by T. Eckes, M. Salditt, & S. Nestler in Psychological Assessment: Living up to expectations? A simulation study evaluating methods used to detect sudden gains and sudden losses.
New paper in press by B. Goecke, P. V. DiStefano, W. Aschauer, K. Haim, R. E. Beaty, & B. Forthmann in The Journal of Creative Behavior: Automated scoring of scientific creativity in German.
New paper in press by M. Mund, Y. Park, & S. Nestler in Journal of Marriage and Family: Disentangling between- and within-person variation in relationship science.
New paper in press by S. Humberg, ... & S. Nestler in Psychological Methods: Investigating the effects of congruence between within-person associations: A comparison of two extensions of response surface analysis.
Marie Salditt successfully defended her dissertation. Congratulations Marie!
Boris Forthmann recieved the Daniel E. Berlyne Award for outstanding research by an early career scholar by APA's Division 10 for Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts.
New paper in press by J. Saretzki, B. Forthmann, & M. Benedek in Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts: A systematic quantitative review of divergent thinking assessments.
New paper in press by S. Nestler & M. Salditt in Behavior Research Methods: Comparing type 1 and type 2 error rates of different tests for heterogeneous treatment effects.
New paper in press by B. Forthmann & S. Nestler in Quantitative Science Studies: Latent variable modeling of scientific impact: Estimation of the Q model parameters with structural equation models.
New paper in press by B. Forthmann in Creativity Research Journal: Disentangling quantity and quality in the assessment of creative productions.
New paper in press by H. Mentel, N. Förster, B. Forthmann, & E. Souvignier in Teaching and Teacher Education: Predictors of teachers’ behavioral intentions in inclusive education and their changes over time: A competitive test of hypotheses.
New paper in press by M. Krause, G. Greefrath, B. Forthmann, ..., & S. Heusler in Frontiers in Education: Effects of student-owned and provided mobile devices on mathematical modeling competence: Investigating interaction effects with problematic smartphone use and fear of missing out.
New paper in press by J. Scharbert, ..., S. Nestler, M. Back, & K. Utesch in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Narcissists’ affective well-being: Associations of grandiose narcissism with state affect level and variability.
New paper in press by E. Ulitzsch, S. Nestler, O. Lüdtke, & G. Nagy in Psychological Methods: A screen-time-based mixture model for identifying and monitoring careless and insufficient effort responding in ecological momentary assessment data.
New paper in press by M. Beisemann, B. Forthmann, & P. Doebler in Multivariate Behavioral Research: Understanding ability and reliability differences measured with count items: The Distributional Regression Test Model and the Count Latent Regression Model.
New paper in press by D. Dumas, B. Forthmann, & P. A. Alexander in Educational Psychologist: Using a Model of Domain Learning to Understand the Development of Creativity.
New paper in press by B. Forthmann & M. Ehlert in Physics of Life Reviews: Creative Metacognition and its Relation to the Conceptualization, Assessment, and Nurture of Creativity: Comment on “A Systematic Framework of Creative Metacognition” by I. Lebuda & M. Benedek.
We conducted an exciting retreat in Brake.
New paper in press by S. Nestler & S. A. Blozis in Statistics in Medicine: A latent variable mixed-effects location scale model that also considers between-person differences in the autocorrelation.
New paper in press by M. Salditt, T. Eckes, & S. Nestler in Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research: A tutorial introduction to heterogeneous treatment effect estimation with meta-learners.
Katrin Jansen successfully defended her dissertation. Congratulations Katrin!
New paper in press by E. Bleckmann, S. Nestler & J. Wagner in Journal of Personality: Routes to momentary self-esteem in adolescence: Links with interpersonal perceptions of liking and personality metaperceptions within social interactions.
New paper in press by B. Forthmann, B. Goecke & R. E. Beaty in Creativity Research Journal: Planning missing data designs for human ratings in creativity research: A practical guide.
New paper in press by K. Jansen & H. Holling in Research Synthesis Methods: Rare events meta-analysis using the Bayesian beta-binomial model.
New paper in press by M. Salditt & S. Nestler in Statistics in Medicine: Parametric and nonparametric propensity score estimation in multilevel observational studies.
The seminar Computer-based data-analysis by Nele Bögemann was evaluated as the best newcomer seminar of the Institute for Psychology in the summer term 2023. Congratulations Nele!
New paper in press by B. Forthmann, K. Kaczykowski, M. Benedek & H. Holling in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: The manic idea creator? A review and meta-analysis of the relationship between bipolar disorder and creative cognitive potential.
Steffen Nestler is supported by a grant of the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the project „Likelihood and bayesian estimation of complex triadic social relations model data”.
New paper in press by J. D. Patterson, H. M. Merseal, ..., B. Forthmann, ... & R. E. Beaty in Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts: Multilingual semantic distance: Automatic verbal creativity assessment in many languages.
New paper in press by E.-K. Brosch, C. Binnewies, C. Groening & B. Forthmann in Applied Psychology: An International Review: The role of general work engagement and well-being for vacation effects and for vacation fade-out.
New paper in press by B. Forthmann in Scientometrics: Researcher capacity estimation based on the Q model: A generalized linear mixed model perspective.
New paper in press by U. Kunzmann, S. Nestler & ... in Emotion: Three facets of emotion regulation in old and very old age: Strategy use, effectiveness, and variability.
New paper in press by S. Nestler & S. Humberg in Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal: Univariate autoregressive structural equation models as mixed-effects models.
New paper in press by S. Nestler in Multivariate Behavioral Research: A mixed-effects model in which the parameters of the autocorrelated error structure can differ between individuals.
New paper in press by L. Romankiewicz, H. Schaare, S. Nestler, A. Villringer, & M. Blöchl in Biological Psychiatry: Global Open Science: Mediation of the association between vascular risk factors and depressive symptoms by C-Reactive Protein.
New paper in press by S. Nestler & E. Erdfelder in Psychometrika: Random effects multinomial processing tree models: A maximum likelihood approach.
New paper in press by M. Blöchl, ..., S. Nestler & A. Villringer in Psychological Medicine: Vascular risk factors, white matter microstructure, and depressive symptoms: A mediation analyses using the UK Biobank.
New paper in press by K. Miroshnik, B. Forthmann, M. Karwowski & M. Benedek in Intelligence: The relationship of divergent thinking with broad retrieval ability and processing speed: A meta-analysis.
New paper in press by T. Eckes & S. Nestler in Clinical Psychological Science: Do I like me now? An analysis of everyday sudden gains and sudden losses in self-esteem and nervousness.
New paper in press by J. Harenbrock, B. Forthmann & H. Holling in Journal of Personnel Psychology: Retest reliability of situational judgment tests: A meta-analysis.
New paper in press by Y. Yu, R. E. Beaty, B. Forthmann, M. Beeman, J. H. Cruz & D. R. Johnson in Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts: A mad method to assess idea novelty: Improving validity of automatic scoring using maximum associative distance (MAD).
New paper in press by B. Forthmann, M. Karwowski & R. E. Beaty in Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts: Don't throw the "bad" ideas away! Multidimensional top-scoring increases reliability of divergent thinking tasks.
New paper in press by T. Eckes, U. Buhlmann, H. Holling & A. Möllmann in BMC Psychiatry: Comprehensive ABA-based interventions in the treatment of children with autism spectrum disorder – A meta-analysis.
Theresa has successfully passed her exam to become a licensed psychotherapist. Congratulations!
New paper in press by B. Forthmann & D. Dumas in Journal of Intelligence: Quantity and quality in scientific productivity: The tilted funnel goes Bayesian.
New paper in press by A. Zielińska, B. Forthmann, I. Lebuda & M. Karwowski in Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts: Self-regulation for creative activity: The same or different across domains?
New paper in press by M. Salditt, S. Humberg & S. Nestler in Multivariate Behavioral Research: Gradient tree boosting for hierarchical data.
We conducted an exciting retreat together with Florian Scharfs research group from the University Kassel.
The whole team joined the DGPs conference in Hildesheim. We gave or were involved in a number of oral and poster presentations and met old and new friends.
New paper in press by K. Jansen & H. Holling in Biometrical Journal: Random-effects meta-analysis models for the odds ratio in the case of rare events under different data generating models: A simulation study.
Marie and Katrin gave two great presentations at the IMPS in Bologna. Katrin received a travel grant sponsored by EdAstrata Tech for her talk. Congratulations!
New paper in press by M. Meuer, S. Nestler, & A. Oeberst in Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied: What determines hindsight bias in written work? One field and three experimental studies in the context of Wikipedia.
New paper in press by T. Schauf, M. Dufner, S. Nestler, & R. Rau in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin: Do agency and communion explain the relationship between perceiver and target effects in interpersonal perception? A meta-analysis on generalized reciprocity.
New paper by S. Humberg, ..., S. Nestler, & M. Back is now in press in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: The true role that suppressor effects play in condition-based regression analysis: None.
New paper by R. Rau, J. Zimmermann, & M. Back is now in press in Personlity Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment: Applying multi-modal social relations analyses in personality pathology research.
New paper by S. Nestler is now in press in Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal: Regularized 2SLS estimation of structural equation model parameters.
New paper by M. Blöchl and S. Nestler is now in press in Neurology: Long-term changes in depressive symptoms before and after stroke.
New paper by I. Thielmann, R. Rau, and K. Locke is now in press in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Trait-specificity versus global positivity: A critical test of alternative sources of assumed similarity in personality judgments.
New paper by A. Höltermann, F. Scharf, G., Romer, & B. Möller-Kallista in press in Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie: Psychische Belastung bei unbegleiteten und begleiteten Flüchtlingen im Kindes- und Jugendalter in Deutschland.
New paper by E. Ulitzsch & S. Nestler in press in Psych: Evaluating Stan's Variational Bayes algorithm for estimating multidimensional IRT models.
New paper by S. Mota, I. Mielke, L. Kroencke, K. Geukes, S. Nestler, & M. Back in press in European Journal of Personality: Daily dynamics of grandiose narcissism: Distribution, stability, and trait relations of admiration and rivalry states and state contingencies.
New paper by F. Scharf, A. Widmann, C. Bonmassar, & N. Wetzel in press in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience: A tutorial on the use of temporal principal component analysis in developmental ERP research - chances and challenges.
Florian Scharf accepted the offer for a chair for Psycholigical Methods at Kassel University. Congratulations! The whole team is proud of Florian!
New paper by T. Dercksen, A. Widmann, F. Scharf, & N. Wetzel in press in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience: Sound omission related brain responses in children.
New paper by S. M. Breil, P. C. Schweppe, ..., S. Nestler, & M. D. Back in press in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: The incremental validity of average states: A replication and extension of Finnigan and Vazire (2018).
New paper by R. Rau, E. Carlson, ..., S. Nestler, & M. D. Back in press in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Positivity in peer perceptions over time: Personality explains variation at zero-acquaintance, popularity explains differential change.
New paper by S. Nestler in press in Statistics in Medicine: An extension of the mixed-effects growth model that considers between-person differences in the within-subject variance and the autocorrelation.
New paper by R. Rau, N. Lawless DesJardins, ..., & S. Nestler in press in Social Psychological and Personality Science: Perceiver effects in first impressions reflect generalized stereotypes: Evidence of consistency across time, groups, and contexts.
New paper by E. Maaßen, R. Rau, C. Montag, and colleagues is now in press in Frontiers in Psychology: Measuring emotional awareness in patients with Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective disorders.
New paper by M. Katzorreck, S. Nestler, C. Wrosch, & U. Kunzmann is now in press in Psychology and Aging: Age differences in sadness reactivity and variability.
New paper by S. Nestler, K. Geukes, T. Zaun, & T. Eckes is now in press in Collabra:Psychology: On the role of response styles in the study of intraindividual variability.
New paper by S. Nestler, O. Luedtke, & A. Robitzsch is now in press in Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics: Analyzing longitudinal social relations model data using the social relations structural equation model.
Our group conducted an exciting retreat in beautiful Bocholt.
New paper by F. D. Schönbrodt, Zygar-Hoffmann, C., S. Nestler, S. Pusch, & B. Hagemeyer is now in press in Behavior Research Methods: Measuring motivational relationship processes in experience sampling: A reliability model for moments, days, and persons nested in couples.
Richard Rau received this year's Award for Digital Diagnostics granted by the Personality Psychology and Psychological Diagnostics (DPPD) Section of the German Psychological Society and sponsored by Schuhfried GmbH for his development of an online procedure to measure perceiver effects in first impressions. Congratulations!
New paper by M. Mund, M. D. Johnson, & S. Nestler is now in press in Frontiers in Psychology: Changes in size and interpretation of parameter estimates in within-person models in the presence of time-invariant and time-varying covariates.
New paper by M. Heynicke, R. Rau, D. Leising, N. Wessels, & A. Wiedenroth is now in press in Social Psychology and Personaliy Science: Perceiver effects in person perception reflect acquiescence, positivity, and trait-specific content: Evidence from a large-scale replication study.
Jana Pförtner, Steffen Nestler, and Florian Scharf received the first prize of the poster award of the 9th European Conference of Methodology (EAM) for their poster "A comparison of exploratory and regularised structuralequation models".
New paper in press by S. Nestler & S. Humberg in Psychometrika: A Lasso and a regression tree mixed-effect model with random effects for the level, the residual variance, and the autocorrelation.
New paper in press by F. Scharf, J., Pförtner, & S. Nestler in Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal: Can ridge and elastic net structural equation modeling be used to stabilize parameter estimates when latent factors are correlated?
New paper in press by J. Stecker, P. C. Bürkner, J. H. Hellmann, S. Nestler, & M. D. Back in Collabra: Psychology: First impressions of refugees are more strongly influenced by target cues and per-ceiver attitudes than by sheer group affiliation.
New paper in press by M. Blöchl, H. L. Schaare, U. Kunzmann, & S. Nestler in Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences: The age-dependent association between vascular risk factors and depressed mood.
New paper in press by C. Exner, B. Doering, N. Conrad, A. Kuenemund, S. Zwick, K. Kühl, S. Nestler, & W. Rief in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: Integrated neuropsychological and cognitive behavioral therapy after acquired brain injury: A pragmatic randomized clinical trial.
New paper in press by S. Nestler, & S. Humberg in Methodology: GIMME's ability to recover group-level path coefficients and individual-level path coefficients.
New paper in press by C. V. Bhowmik, S. Nestler, F.-W. Schrader, A.-K. Praetorius, J. Biesanz, & M. D. Back in Contemporary Educational Psychology: Teacher judgments at zero-acquaintance: A social accuracy analysis.
New paper in press by N. Wetzel, A. Widmann, & F. Scharf in Scientific Reports: Distraction of attention by novel sounds in children declines fast.
New paper in press by M. Meurer, I. von der Beck, S. Nestler, & A. Oeberst in Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied: What drives increases in hindsight impressions after the reception of biased media content?
New paper in press by J. Schulte, F. Dietel, S. Wilhelm, S. Nestler, & U. Buhlmann in Journal of Abnormal Psychology: Temporal dynamics of insight in body dysmorphic disorder.
New paper in press by M. Meurer, S. Nestler, & A. Oeberst in Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition: Debiasing media articles - Reducing hindsight bias in the production of written work.
New paper in press by M. Salazar-Kämpf, S. Nestler, J. Hansmeier, J. Glombiewski, & C. Exner in Psychotherapy Research: Mimicry in psychotherapy - an actor partner model of therapists’ and pa-tients’ non-verbal behavior and its effects on the working alliance.
Our group conducted an exciting retreat (maintaining safe distances) in beautiful Emsbüren.
New paper in press by S. Nestler, O. Luedtke, & A. Robitzsch in Psychometrika: Maximum likelihood estimation of a social relations structural equation model.
New paper in press by M. Bloechl, S. Nestler, & D. Weiss in Psychology and Aging: A limit of the subjective age bias: Feeling younger to a certain degree, but no more, is beneficial for life satisfaction.
New paper in press by S. Humberg, F. Schönbrodt, M. D. Back, & S. Nestler in Psychological Methods: Cubic response surface analysis: Investigating asymmetric and level-dependent congruence effects with third-order polynomial models.
The lecture Statistics II - Inferential Statistics by Florian Scharf was evaluated as the third best lecture of the Institute for Psychology in the summer term 2020 Evaluation
New paper in press by R. Rau, I. Thielmann, S. Breil, K. Geukes, S. Krause, L. Nikoleizig , . . . S. Nestler in Collabra: Psychology: Do Perceiver Effects in Interpersonal Perception Predict Cooperation in Social Dilemmas?
Our research on personality and toilet paper stockpiling during the Covid-19 pandemic was covered in recent national and international media including
Süddeutsche Zeitung and CNN
New paper in press by L. Garbe, R. Rau, & T. Toppe in PloSOne: Influence of perceived threat of Covid-19 and HEXACO personality traits on toilet paper stockpiling.
New paper in press by S. Nestler in Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal: Modeling intraindividual variability in growth with measurement burst designs.
New paper in press by R. Rau, W. Nestler, M. Dufner, & S. Nestler in Assessment. Seeing the best or worst in others: A measure of generalized other-perceptions.
New paper in press by S. Nestler in the British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology: Modeling interindividual differences in latent within-person variation: The confirmatory factor level variability model.
New paper in press by R. Rau, E. N. Carlson, M. D. Back, M. Barranti, J. E. Gebauer, L. J. Human, D. Leising, & S. Nestler in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: What is the structure of perceiver effects? On the importance of global positivity and trait-specificity across personality domains and judgment contexts.
New paper in press by L. Nikoleizig, S. Nestler, & S. Krause in Collabra: Prediction of group performance: The interplay of individual performance, interpersonal attraction, and interpersonal behavior.
Richard Rau successfully defended his dissertation. Congratulations!
New paper in press by F. Scharf, & S. Nestler in Methodology: A comparison of simple structure rotation criteria in temporal exploratory factor analysis for event-related potential data.
New paper in press by M. Rohr, S. Nestler, & U. Kunzmann in Psychology and Aging: A trouble shared is a trouble halved: Age differences in emotional experience and expression during couples’ conversations.
New paper in press by M. Leckelt, K. Geukes, A. C. P. Küfner, L. M. Niemeyer, R. Hutteman, S. Osterholz, B. Egloff, S. Nestler, & M. D. Back in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin: A longitudinal field investigation of narcissism and popularity over time: How agentic and antagonistic aspects of narcissism shape the development of peer rela-tionships.
New paper in press by M. Sander, S. Nestler, & B. Egloff in Frontiers in Psychology: Depression and sequential decision-making revisited.
New paper in press by M. van Zalk, S. Nestler, K. Geukes, R. Hutteman, & M. D. Back in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: The Co-Development of extraversion and friendships: Bonding and behavioral mechanisms in friendship networks.
New paper in press by R. Rau, S. Nestler, K. Geukes, M. D. Back, and M. Dufner in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Can other-derogation be beneficial? Seeing others as low in agency can lead to an agentic reputation in newly formed face-to-face groups.
New paper in press by M. Hannuschke, M. Gollwitzer, K. Geukes, S. Nestler, and M. D. Back in Journal of Personality: Neuroticism and interpersonal perception: Evidence for positive, but not negative, biases.
Per today our lab is located at the University of Münster (Yippie)!! We are happy to (again) join the team of the
psychology department.
Florian Scharf successfully defended his dissertation. Congratulations!
New paper in press by A. Oeberst, I. von der Beck, U. Cress, and S. Nestler in Psychological Research: Wikipedia outperforms individuals when it comes to hindsight bias.
New paper in press by K. Geukes, S. Breil, R. Hutteman, S. Nestler, A.C.P. Küfner, and M. D. Back in PLOS ONE: Explaining the longitudinal interplay of personality and social relationships in the laboratory and in the field: The PILS and the CONNECT study.
New paper in press by M. Blöchl, S. Meissner, and S. Nestler in Journal of Affective Disorders: Does depression after stroke negatively influence physical disability? A systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies.
New paper in press by S. Breil, K. Geukes, R. E. Wilson, S. Nestler, S. Vazire, & M. Back in Collabra: Psychology: Zooming into real life extraversion: How personality and situation shape sociability in social interactions.
New paper in press by F. Scharf and S. Nestler in Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal: Should regularization replace simple structure rotation in Exploratory Factor Analysis?
New paper in press by S. Mota, M. Leckelt, K. Geukes, S. Nestler, S. Humberg, M. Schröder-Abe, S. C. Schmukle, and M. D. Back in Collabra: A comprehensive examination of narcissists’ self-perceived and actual socioemotional cognition ability.
New paper in press by F. Scharf and S. Nestler in Psychopyhsiology: Exploratory structural equation modeling for event-related potential data – an all-in-one approach?
New paper by S. Nestler, S. Humberg, and F. Schönbrodt in press in Psychological Methods: Response surface analysis with multilevel data: Illustration for the case of congruence hypotheses
Richard Rau, Wiebke Nestler, Michael Dufner, and Steffen Nestler received the first prize of the poster award of the 19th European Conference on Personality for their poster "Validation of an Online-Tool to Measure Individual Styles in Snap Personality Judgments".
Florian Scharf received the Best Presentation Prize for his talk "Orthogonal versus Oblique Rotation in Temporal EFA for Event-related Potentials" at this year's European Congress of Methodology in Jena.
New paper by F. Schönbrodt, S. Humberg, and S. Nestler in press in European Journal of Personality: Testing similarity effects with dyadic response surface analysis.
New paper by S. Humberg, M. Dufner, F. Schönbrodt, K. Geukes, R. Hutteman, M. van Zalk, J. Denissen, S. Nestler, S. and M. Back in press in Collabra: Psychology: Why Condition-Based Regression Analysis (CRA) is Indeed a Valid Test of Self-Enhancement Effects: A Response to Krueger et al. (2017).
New paper by S. Nestler, K. Geukes and M. Back in press in Methodology: Modeling intraindividual variability in three-level multilevel models.
New paper by L. Human, E. Carlson, K. Geukes, S. Nestler, and M. D. Back in press in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Do accurate personality impressions benefit early relationship development? The bidirectional associations between accuracy and liking
New paper by N. Wetzel, F. Scharf and A. Widmann is now in press in Child Development: Can't ignore – distraction by task-irrelevant sounds in early and middle childhood.
New paper by Sarah Humberg, Michael Dufner, Felix Schönbrodt, Katharina Geukes, Roos Hutteman, Albrecht Küfner, Maarten van Zalk, Jaap Denissen, Steffen Nestler, and Mitja Back in press in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Is accurate, positive, or inflated self-perception most advantageous for psychological adjustment? A competitive test of key hypotheses.
New paper by F. Scharf and S. Nestler is now in press in International Journal of Psychophysiology: Principles behind variance misallocation in temporal exploratory factor analysis for ERP data: Insights from an inter-factor covariance decomposition.
New paper by S. Humberg, S. Nestler, and M. D. Back is now in press in Social Psychological and Personality Science: Response Surface Analysis in personality and social psychology: Checklist and clarifications for the case of congruence hypotheses.
Steffen Nestler received the first place in the students' teaching award of the Fachschaft Psychologie at the University of Leipzig.
New paper by U. Kunzmann, J. Nowak, S. Thomas, and S. Nestler is now in press in The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences: Value relativism and perspective taking: Two distinct facets of wisdom-related knowledge.
New paper by S. Nestler is now in press in Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics: Likelihood estimation of the multivariate social relations model.
New paper by M. Salazar-Kämpf, H. Lieberman, R. Kerschreiter, S. Krause, S. Nestler, & S. C. Schmukle is now in press in Psychological Science: Disentangling the sources of mimicry: Social relations analyses of the mimicry-liking link.
Steffen Nestler is supported by a grant of the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the project „Reception and production of scientific information in Wikipedia: The case of hindsight bias”. The funded project is a cooperation project with Aileen Oeberst working at the University in Mainz, Germany.
New paper by A. Oeberst, I. von der Beck, U. Cress and S. Nestler is now in press in Applied Cognitive Psychology: Cultural interpretations of global information? Hindsight bias after reading Wikipedia articles across cultures.
New paper by A. Oeberst, I. von der Beck, M. D. Back, U. Cress and S. Nestler is now in press in Psychological Research: Biases in the production and reception of collective knowledge: The case of hindsight bias in Wikipedia.
Richard Rau is supported by a scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for a two-month visiting stay at University of Toronto, Canada as a guest of assistent professor Dr. Erika Carlson.
New paper by J. Hall, M. D. Back, S. Nestler, D. Frauendorfer, M. Schmid Mast, and M. Ruben is now in press in Journal of Personality: "How do different ways of measuring individual differences in zero-acquaintance personality judgment accuracy correlate with each other?"
Steffen Nestler is supported by a grant of the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the project „Estimation of complex social relations model data with maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods”. The funded project is a cooperation project with Oliver Lüdtke working at the IPN in Kiel, Germany.
New paper by Sarah Humberg, Michael Dufner, Felix Schönbrodt, Katharina Geukes, Roos Hutteman, Maarten van Zalk, Jaap Denissen, Steffen Nestler, and Mitja Back in press in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Enhanced versus simply positive: A new condition-based regression analysis to disentangle effects of self-enhancement from effects of positivity of self-view.
New Paper by Steffen Nestler, Katharina Geukes, Roos Hutteman, and Mitja Back is now in press in Psychometrika: "Tackling longitudinal round-robin data: The Social Relations Growth Model."
Doctoral candidate Richard Rau received a three year funding for his research project "Differential Tendencies in Perceiving Others' Agency and Communion: Psychometric Properties and Consequences.". Funds were granted by the graduates committee of the university of Leipzig.
New Paper by Steffen Nestler, Marius Leckelt, Mitja D. Back, Ina von der Beck, Ulrike Cress, and Aileen Oeberst is now in press in Psychologische Rundschau: "Produktion von naturwissenschaftlichen Informationen im Internet am Beispiel von Wikipedia".
On the 18th European Conference on Personality in Timisoara (Romania) Caroline Wahle received the first prize of the Poster award of the European Association of Personality Psychology (Title: Appearing smart, confident and motivated: A lens model approach to teachers’ judgment accuracy co-authors; M. D. Back, S. Nestler, J. Pretsch, F.-W. Schrader, A.-K. Praetorius, and K. Hochdörffer). Congratulations!
New paper by K. Geukes, S. Nestler, R. Hutteman, A. C. P. Küfner, and M. D. Back is now in press in Journal of Research in Personality: "Trait Personality and State Variability: Predicting Individual Differences in Within- and Cross-Context Fluctuations in Affect, Self-Evaluations, and Behavior in Everyday Life".
The new section Psychological Methods started its work at the University of Leipzig. Steffen Nestler is appointed professor for Psychological Method as per April 1st, 2016.