Alma Topalli
Alma Topalli

Female Central Figures – Gender Representation in six Newbery Award winning books

Foto von Alma Topalli
© Alma Topalli

The Newbery Award is a prestigious children's book award. It is awarded annually by the Association for the Library Service to Children. Since its inception in 1922, this award has recognized the author of the most distinguished contributions to American literature to children. Widely available in public and school libraries, Newbery Award-winning books hold a special place in the literary landscape, ensuring widespread exposure among young readers. Several studies starting from the 20th century have shed light on the under representation of female protagonists among the honoured work and less studies have exposed the significant gender imbalance noticed in the books that won this award.

This current study builds upon the foundations laid by the early studies of Kinman, Henderson, Powell and other scholars who have emphasized the gender imbalance in Newbery Award winning books since the early '70s. Adding also on the latest research on the Newbery Award Winning books and gender roles by Alex Paige Brower in 2017 and Courage, Charm and Compassion by Meredith Jachowicz in 2010.

Taking in consideration the importance of reading at an early age and the huge role the books we read as children play in who we become and how we imagine ourselves, this study through an in-depth examination of six carefully chosen books embarks on an exploration of prevalent stereotypes conveyed in these books, each featuring a female protagonist. The findings will not only contribute to the field of gender studies but also offer valuable perspectives for educators, authors and readers alike in promoting a more inclusive and equitable literary landscape, shaping a future where all voices are heard and celebrated.

Betreuerinnen: Prof. Dr. Corinna Norrick-Rühl & Prof. Dr. Silvia Schultermandl


  • Forschungsinteressen

    • Buchwissenschaft
    • Amerikastudien
    • Kinderliteratur
    • Gender Studies
  • Akademischer Werdegang

    seit 10/2023 Promotion, Englische Philologie, Graduate School Practices of Literature, Universität Münster
    10/2019 - 07/2021 Master, Englische Sprache und Literatur AAB College, Prishtine, Kosovo
    02/2017 - 07/2017 Austauschsemester, Innenarchitektur und Möbeldesign, Universität für Ökologie und Management, Warschau, Polen
    10/2014 - 02/2019 Bachelor, Innenarchitektur und Möbeldesign, Universität Prishtins, Ferizaj, Kosovo
  • Projekte und berufliche Tätigkeiten


    04/2016 - heute Co-Funder and Project Coordinator Kids for Kosovo NGO, Volunteer work Ferizaj, Kosovo


    10/2023 - heute Englischlehrer in Teilzeit, Helen Doron English, Köln, Deutschland
    2020 - 2022 Englischlehrerin für Kinder verschiedener Altersgruppen, Kosovo

    Sonstige Projekte und Tätigkeiten

    02/2020 – 06/2020 Teil des Kabinetts des stellvertretenden Premierministers, Regierung der Republik Kosovo, Prishtinë, Kosovo
  • Stipendien und Preise


    10/2023 - heute Promotionsstipendium DAAD
    02/2017 - 07/2017 Stipendium für ein Austauschsemester, ERASMUS


    2020 Freiwillige des Jahres 2020 der Gemeinde Ferizaj, Kosovo
    2020 Alumni der Dialog-Akademie, OSZE - Kosovo
    2019 UN-Jugend für den Kosovo als Changemaker - Prishtine, Kosovo
    2017 - 2021 Verschiedene Anerkennungszertifikate für ehrenamtliche Arbeit in Grundschulen - Ferizaj, Kosovo