Dr. Janneke Schoene
Dr. Janneke Schoene

Beuys’ Hat. Analysis of an autofictional artist-subject

© Art Historicum

The German artist Joseph Beuys (1921-1986) is said to be an ‘authentic’ artist; he seems to be indispensable as the ‘subject of his own work’. The exegetic reception of Beuys mirrors this assumption, as well as critiques of his exhibitions. Such assumptions provide the foundation of the dissertation “Beuys’ hat. Analysis of an autofictional artist-subject”; and they shall be regarded as the expression of paradigms of authority and authorship. Based on the popularity of Beuys as a ‘person’ and the legacy and canonization of his biography, the dissertation will analyze how the artist-subject stages – and fictionalizes – himself. The analysis focuses on the artist’s self-representations as well as museum practices that aim to construct and constitute the artist’s identity. The figure Beuys shall be understood as a ‘work of art next to his works of art’ (‘Werk neben dem Werk’). The dissertation project is an interdisciplinary study at the interface of literary and art studies. Especially literary terms and models from theories of authorship, autobiography and autofiction shall be made useful. Ultimately, the project is a contribution to the discussion on the relationship between the artist and work of art.



    University studies

    2016 PhD, Graduate School Practices of Literature, WWU Münster
    2011 M.A., Cultural poetics, WWU Münster
    2009 B.A., Art History und German Studies, WWU Münster

    Professional practice

    currently Coordinator at Art Club Malmö, Sweden
    since 01/2013 Coordinating assistant, Ardey Verlag (publishing house), Münster 
    09/2014-10/2015 Academic assistant, Graduate School Practices of Literature
    WS 2014/2015 Lectureship at Institute for German Studies, WWU Münster
    08-12/2014 Promotion of art, LWL-Museum für Kunst und Kultur, Münster
    12/2012-08/2014 PR & Marketing, Brand Expression, Münster
    since 12/2011

    Editor, kunst raum münster, patterson + schade. Agentur für KommunikationMünster

    SoSe 2013 Lectureship German Studies, WWU Münster
    WS 2013/14 Academic mentoring for a foreign fellow student, WWU Münster
    11/2012 - 01/2013 Promotion of art, Kunstmuseum Picasso, Münster
    01/2012 - 10/2012 Academic assistant, Museum Schloss Moyland, Bedburg-Hau
    09/2011-01/2012 sowie

    Cicerone, LWL-Museum für Kunst und Kultur, Münster


    Academic stays abroad

    09/2015 Academic stay at Guggenheim Museums Archive, New York, NY. Scholarship from SMARTnetwork/DAAD.


    since early 2014 Editorial Department, Textpraxis. Digital journal for philology, online magazine of
    Graduate School Practices of Literature, Münster
    Late 2012 - SoSe 2015 Organizing team Münster Lectures, lecture series of Graduate School Practices of Literature


    04/2011 - 06/2011 Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster
    11/2010 - 12/2010 Literaturkommission für Westfalen, Münster
    03/2010 - 04/2010 Regiehospitanz Städtische Bühnen, Münster
    02/2009-04/2009 European Medial Art Festival, Osnabrück




    Talks and publications


    Beuys’ Hut, Schlingensiefs Family. Zu performativer Kunst und Autofiktion,
    Ringvorlesung des Graduiertenkolleg 1767. Faktuales und Fiktionales Erzählen.

    2019 Within a labyrinth of gazes. Exhibiting Christoph Schlingensief, in Stedelijk Studies:
    Lose Yourself! On Labyrinthine Exhibitions as Curatorial Model, Issue #7, 2018,
    Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.
    2019 The Objectification of the artist’s subject. Christoph Schlingensief’s late stagings,
    in: IKON, #12.2019, Centre of Iconographic Studies of the Faculty of Humanities
    and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka.
    2015 Der Autor – ein anderer. Inszenierung von Autorschaft und Autor bei Ulrich Holbein.
    Aufsatz in Holbein-Sammelband (to be published in 2015).
    SoSe 2015 Musealising Joseph Beuys: Objects, Events and Performativity. Vortrag auf der Konferenz
    "Transformations: Growth, Decay, Remains", Department of German, Scandinavian & Dutch,
    University of Minnesota. Stipendium des SMARTnetworks/DAADs.
    2015 Autor, Figur, Autor-Figuren: Erschriebene Identitäten bei Goetz, Lottmann und Herbst,
    Rezension zu: Innokentij Kreknin: Poetiken des Selbst. Identität, Autorschaft und Autofiktion
    am Beispiel von Rainald Goetz, Joachim Lottmann und Alban Nikolai Herbst. Berlin/Boston:
    de Gruyter, 2014. Erschienen in: KULT_online Nr. 41.
    2015 Rezension zu: Esther Kraus: Faktualität und Fiktionalität in autobiographischen Texten des
    20. Jahrhunderts. Marburg: Tectum 2013. Erschienen in: DIEGESIS 4, H. 1 (2015).
    09/2014 Digital vs. analog. Subjektkonstitution in Blog und Tagebuch von Christoph Schlingensief.
    Vortrag in der Sektion "Das digitalisierte Subjekt: Neue Medien als techniques de soi.
    Grenzbereiche zwischen Fiktion und Alltagsreferentialität", 9. Kongress des
    Franko-Romanisten-Verbandes, Münster (to be published in 2015).
    06/2014 Kunst ist Leben - das Leben als Kunstwerk. Auffassungen einer "ästhetischen Existenz"
    bei Brock, Beuys, Vostell. Vortrag auf dem Symposium Beuys Brock Vostell -
    Frühe Positionen der Performativität, ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie,
    Karlsruhe (to be published in 2015).
    12/2013 „Angst davor, nicht im eigenen Bild sterben zu dürfen“ – Autonomie und Kontrollverlust in
    Christoph Schlingensiefs Inszenierungen des Sterbens. Vortrag auf der Tagung
    "Schlusspunkt. Poetiken des Endes", Universität Duisburg-Essen (to be published in 2015).
    2012 Das Plakat bei Joseph Beuys: Werbung und Kunst, in: Stiftung Museum
    Schloss Moyland (Hg.): Beuys is here. Plakate und Multiples aus dem Museum Schloss
    Moyland [Ausst.-Kat.], Bedburg Hau, 2012, S. 9-13.